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Little One

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quote found by [info]teediggy [Dec. 23rd, 2004|08:43 am]
[Current Mood | tired]

God I needed this.

It's so true.

Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't
matter and those who matter don't mind.

-Dr. Seuss

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@!$^#& LJ! [Dec. 20th, 2004|09:51 am]
why is LJ eating a part of my post!
there's a begining and the end but it's cutting out a aprt in the middle!
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Bootblacks Unite! [Nov. 30th, 2004|01:54 pm]
[Current Mood | curious]

So whose going to the Bootblack Roundtable here in NYC?
It's Dec 4!

huh huh?

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Free Will Astrology [Sep. 15th, 2004|03:50 pm]
Young rock bands often do cover tunes, copies of songs originally performed by well-known musicians they admire. Art teachers sometimes give their students the assignment of reproducing the great paintings of the old masters. To take maximum advantage of the current astrological influences, I suggest you use this strategy in your own unique way, Cancerian. Pick a hero, either dead or alive, either famous or unsung, whose approach to life you admire. Find out as much as you can about that person, and then engage in a flurry of imitation. Dress, talk, think, and dream like your hero. In every situation you're in, ask yourself what he or she would do. Have imaginary conversations, fantasize abundantly, and move through your days and nights as if you are that person.

*hmmm....who should I be?*
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Thank You Boymeat [Aug. 5th, 2004|02:46 pm]
[Current Mood | amused]

Have to share with the rest of the class....

"Our enemies are innovative and resourceful, and so are we. They never stop thinking about new ways to harm our country and our people, and neither do we."
-- President George W. Bush, August 5, 2004

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[Jul. 28th, 2004|06:31 pm]
The Musketeer
Category IV - The

You have a small, highly edited social group, and
you like it that way.

What Type of Social Entity are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
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hee hee [Jul. 9th, 2004|08:06 pm]
[Current Mood | amused]

Your love is... by ChibiMarronchan
Your name is...
Your kiss is...breath taking
Your hugs are...gentle
Your eyes...sparkle like the stars
Your touch is...awakening my heart
Your smell is...exotic
Your smile is...hypnotising
Your love of a kind
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!
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[Jul. 9th, 2004|11:29 am]

Which Sex and the City Player Are You? Find out @ She's Crafty
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This was interesting.... [Jul. 8th, 2004|02:43 pm]
[Current Mood |hmmmm]

IMDB's Top 100 Best Movies of All Time
generate this HTML for your own page at

The Results )

Which movies have you seen?

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[Jul. 8th, 2004|08:51 am]
[Current Mood | awake]

In a much better mood this morning.

Orgasms will do that to you....
So will new basket hilts for swords.


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This is about how I feel right now...... [Jul. 7th, 2004|01:55 pm]
[Current Mood | blah]

I am an imaginary number
I don't really exist


what number are you?

this quiz by orsa
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*gigglefit* [Jul. 7th, 2004|08:46 am]
[Current Mood | giggly]

Take the quiz: "Which Random Irish Gaelic Phrase Are You? "

Teastaioinn cineal uaim
Teastaioinn cineal uaim - 'I want sex.'Horny little bugger, aren't you? You enjoy porn and being naked. Hell, you're probably naked right now. Both hands on the keyboard, you pervert!

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*gigglefit* [Jul. 6th, 2004|12:56 pm]
[Current Mood | amused]

[info]boymeat has embezzled over $9,000,000 from work, and spent it all on their paramour, [info]luna_littleone!
[info]kkkkkkkkat and [info]irishlass5383 took twenty minutes to decide what to tell the paramedics and the RSPCA.
[info]sol3 runs a secret pornography ring. [info]dragonvpm and [info]chrisv are regular models.
[info]heatherbfp has no TV licence!
[info]00sweets found bondage equipment under [info]petemosq's bed!
[info]sol3 would push [info]margoeve out of the airlock, if it came to it.

Enter your username to dish the dirt on your friends!

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I am very amused. [Jul. 6th, 2004|09:47 am]
[Current Mood | giggly]

Your LJ Friends Orgy
LJ Username
Your gender
Your age
You'll meet up with boy1der
They'll hook you up with haptotrope
And this person will join in 00sweets
How many other people are involved? 96
The orgy will last this many hours 36
This cool quiz by fortryll - Taken 211 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

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[Jul. 6th, 2004|09:21 am]
Complete sincerity: You believe in being
straightforward with others, and you expect the
same from them. People would consider you a
good listener, and one who is calm and mostly

Which Characteristic From the Samurai Code Matches You Best? (You may find out your best trait)
brought to you by Quizilla
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GAH! [Jun. 30th, 2004|11:21 am]
[Current Mood | busy]

So it's offical....

I can count on my two hands when I leave for Europe...
and when my birthday is. *giggle*

Am I close to ready?
Hells no!

Need to remedy this sistuation in the next couple of days. Need to work on getting a few pieces of clothing and some semblence of idea on packing.

I really don't think it will be too hard to pack.
I mean it's not a scene event. I don't have to pack 4 pairs of boots, toys and all that stuff.

It's just clothes, camera, tolietries, ipod.
Piece of cake!

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Birthday in 12 days ( July 10th) [Jun. 28th, 2004|12:16 pm]
[Current Mood | giddy]

Birthday Wish List


Boot stuff for my new boot boxes

Leather Cap (those that know my "boy" side know what I mean)

Uniform pants with Purple Stripe ( NYU Security Guards have them....Damnit I want a pair too!)

Basic Armor stuff for SCA. Especially a Helm.

Purple and Black Whiskers. ( You Leather folk might know what I mean. Part singletail part Cat O nine.)

Froggie Stuff

Day at a Spa

Time with friends


This is a wish list.
Alot of it is unobtainable but you know what?
Last year I let my birthday slide by with nothing done.
I'm celebrating when I get back from Europe. Shooting for July 31st.

I just want to celebrate for a change

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Something I've been chewing on....... [Jun. 17th, 2004|08:51 am]
[Current Mood | rejuvenated]

*For Public Consumption*

I'm antsy and hyper today.
Not afraid to let the whole world know it.
I got about 7 hours of sleep today.
Record high for the week.
Boss is out of the office.
Free for the day at work.
Maybe that's why I'm feeling it more.

Everybody who gave me there support yesterday....thank you.

I've always hated boxes. Maybe that's why I really don't want to move again any time soon.
Before I moved to NYC I had a box that I thought was me.
Labeled "this is who luna is"
little girl

While here certain people in my life have broken down the box.
A former NY friend turned CA native once preached to me the dangers of boxes and the need to break out of the box.

I have been using my box to hide alot.
This weekend coming up has reminded me how much I am grateful for all of the people who showed me what was outside of my box and that I still have so much more to go.
That I can stretch out and see where I can go.

This weekend is my 2nd Anniversary of making the big move to NYC.
It still sometimes feels like yesterday.
The day I pulled my huge suitcase up the stairs from the 42nd St station. A complete stranger helped me pull it up. I took that as a good sign.

A shout out to all of those who helped me then and through everything that has changed in all of our lives and have stood by me. I call you all true friends.

A shout out to all of my new friends who have become so key in my life in keeping me sane and seeing the world outside of my blinders be you NYers or not.

I know I've been hiding.
I don't plan on it anymore.
Once Europe is done things will change.
For the better.
I will make it so. :)

Isn't it great that NY decided to throw a huge party to mark the occasion?!
What you didn't think LPN meant LEATHER Pride Night....


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Update. [Jun. 16th, 2004|05:10 pm]
[Current Mood | content]

All fixed...

Back out of the box.

For now. :)

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HEADS UP! [Jun. 12th, 2004|03:42 pm]
supposedly the sausage is a sppam password stealer recommend you delete and change your password people.
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