David's LiveJournal
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in David's LiveJournal:

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    Tuesday, February 26th, 2002
    12:21 pm
    Happy Birthday Mom...
    Today would have been my mom's 57th birthday. Happy Birthday, Mom, where ever you are...

    Love David

    Current Mood: thoughtful
    Monday, February 25th, 2002
    9:50 am
    It's over...
    Well, it's finally done... I'm moved... Can I fall over now? Oh, wait, I still have to unpack. Never mind.

    Oh, and right in the middle of the move, I found out my sister tried to commit suicide. (She didn't succede, thank goodness)

    Current Mood: exhausted
    Thursday, February 14th, 2002
    4:24 pm
    Big sigh of relief....
    Well, I just got word that I've been accepted for a townhouse I applied to rent. That means I won't be homeless at the end of the month... Now I just have to finish the packing....

    Current Mood: relieved
    Monday, December 24th, 2001
    11:21 pm
    A Christmas revelation, of sorts...
    I was doing some more thinking about the situation between Becky and I today. About how much she knew that a lie of that kind would hurt me. I've never been comfortable lying, and as a result, I'm not very good at it. But it got me to thinking, specifically about the nature of truth in a BDSM relationship, not that we had one, but that's just how my mind works. :)

    Anyway, it occurred to me that one of the things I enjoy/value most as a top is that, when I'm inflicting pain/pleasure on a sub, their reactions are sort of the ultimate truth. It's easy to fake pleasure, in fact it's fairly common, and though I can see someone faking pain, it's not as likely. I say this because if they don't know what's coming, they don't know how to react in order to fake it.

    So, while there may be dishonesty or any of the other bullshit interpersonal games on the outside of the relationship, at least I can take comfort in the fact that during a session, I'm getting the truth.

    Anyway, that's how I see it. Any other views?

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

    Current Mood: reflecive
    Monday, December 17th, 2001
    1:05 am
    All good things...
    Well, it's over. I've decided to cut B. loose. She lied to me for the last time, and I couldn't take it any more. It just hurts too much. For 17 years I've loved and supported her in whatever she did, and I thought we had an understanding, but I was wrong. Now, there may be some of you who know us, who might think I've done a shitty thing, cutting her loose when she's stuck out in Saskatchewan dealing with her kids, but believe me when I say that this was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do, apart from saying good-bye to and burying my mom.

    So good-bye, Becky. I hope you'll be happy, but I can't do this any more.

    Now I've just got to get through this holiday season...

    Current Mood: depressed
    Wednesday, December 5th, 2001
    3:19 pm
    Friends page problems
    I'm not sure why, but I'm having problems getting to my friends page... I keep getting a "Timeout rendering page" message....

    Current Mood: puzzled
    Wednesday, October 17th, 2001
    1:22 pm
    The scum-sucking, low-life, son of a bitch!
    Well, he did it. B.'s ex (her kids' father) filed for custody today. She got served the papers at the hospital where their son is staying. This is after him saying that he's let the daughter decide where she wanted to stay, and her deciding that she'd stay with him for the rest of the school year. ARGHHH! This is one of the few times I've ever truly wanted to commit GBH on someone.

    Current Mood: furious
    Tuesday, September 25th, 2001
    1:51 am
    Well, today's my 33rd birthday. My dad told me he's got a card for me from my mom, before she died... Don't know if this'll be a happy birthday or not... Would be better if I had someone special in my life to share it with...


    Current Mood: contemplative
    Thursday, September 13th, 2001
    10:44 am
    Shock does funny things to you, doesn't it? After watching the terrible images on the TV all day Tuesday, I woke up yesterday thinking that it had to all have been a bad dream, but it wasn't. I'm still not sure what words to use to describe my feelings, beyond shock, horror, revulsion, and a deep, deep sense of loss. Loss, not only for those who's lives were so unjustly snuffed out, but also for the sense of security in our own personal safety and well being. I know that, personally, the repercussions of these events will be felt for a long time to come.

    One of the DJ's on the radio here in Toronto got a suggestion from a listener to try to end the feelings of helplessness: Pick up the phone, dial 1-212 or 1-917 and any random phone number. If someone answers, tell them that they are in your thoughts, and that your prayers are with them.

    To all the people of America, my thoughts are with you in the days and weeks ahead. The people of Canada stand ready to assist our friends to the south, whatever form that help is required. You are not alone...

    I better stop rambling now... I seem to have developed a case of literary diarrhea... :)


    Current Mood: shocked and grieving
    Tuesday, August 28th, 2001
    12:39 pm
    How to spot a real subbie...
    Here's one for all you Domme's out there, while at the same time something to make every guy wince: I heard on the radio today about a Pickering woman appearing in court today on charges of assault and battery. The charges came about after she apparently ripped her boyfriend's testicles out of his scrotum during a domestic dispute! Talk about your CBT!!

    And to top it all off, the boyfriend doesn't want charges laid, and wants her to come back home. Now that's a sub any Domme could be proud of!!

    More details when I hear more...

    Current Mood: weird
    Monday, August 27th, 2001
    11:05 am
    An update! Finally!
    Just a brief update to say that there hasn't really been that much to say, lately. Hopefully more in the future.
    Monday, August 6th, 2001
    9:05 pm
    We're baaack...
    Well, we survived the trip back from the Caribbean. :) There isn't too much I can add to what B. put in her post. (See Lady Aurora in my friend's page) But it's hot here! Almost as hot as down south, but without an air conditioned ship to come back to! One thing I'll really miss about the cruise was the room stewards.... You leave your room for about fifteen minutes, come back and it's clean!! I'm not kidding! To repeat myself, I'm really gonna miss that... Well, back to work tomorrow, *sigh*

    Gotta go, need to put in some laundry now. :)


    Current Mood: tired and hot
    Tuesday, July 31st, 2001
    9:30 pm
    Twas a dark and stormy night...
    Last night (or this morning), around 2:30-3:00am the ship passed through a big thunderstorm... really impressive... but by the time we hit Grand Cayman, the sky was relativly clear... so we went shopping and got some gifts for B.'s kids and her bf.

    Tomorrow, we're going to go horseback riding through the Mayan ruins - should be very kewl.

    Not too much to report today, definately more tomorrow.


    Current Mood: tired
    Monday, July 30th, 2001
    11:25 pm
    Today on ship
    Well it's our first full day on ship. We spent some time basking (or baking) in the sun on deck, played some blackjack in the casino, and had a great meal at the formal dinner. Lobster tail and prime rib - Yum! The water here is an incredible blue... Living in Toronto, I'm used to green lake water...

    Well, that's all for now. I'll have something more substantial tomorrow - We arrive in Grand Cayman at 7:00 am.

    The one thing I never realized is how tiring doing nothing but relaxing could be. :)


    Current Mood: relaxed
    Sunday, July 29th, 2001
    9:18 pm
    The cruise so far
    Well, we made it to the cruise ship, barely. Our flight was about 15 minutes late leaving Pearson, and then had to circle around before heading to Florida. The end result was that instead of arriving in Tampa at 2:45, we landed at 3:20. The embarcation deadline was supposed to be 3:30!! Fortunately, we weren't the only ones who were late arriving, and made the shuttle bus without a problem.

    Then we got to the ship at about 4:10 or so... The ship was supposed to leave port at 4:00, so I guess I should feel flattered that they held off leaving for us.... :)

    Anyway, update more later, I want to hit the buffet again.


    Current Mood: Tired and a little unsteady
    7:28 am
    Leaving on a jet plane...
    Well, this is it: Vacation day! In a few hours, B. and I will be winging our way to Tampa to meet our cruise ship for a week-long cruise of the West Caribbean! Yay! Well, gotta run. We'll update our journals as time permits...


    Current Mood: Groggy but happy
    Tuesday, July 24th, 2001
    6:57 pm
    And yet another dream goes "flush"
    Well, so much for that idea... B. and I were looking into getting some investers and buying up a former strip club to turn into a combinationall ages club/bdsm venue, with attached bondage hotel. However, I spoke to the real estate agent this afternoon, and he informed me that the place had been gutted. Appearantly there've been a couple of fires since they closed their doors, as well as homeless people living there. So, for the $3 million dollar asking price, basically what you get is a fair size lot in Richmond Hill, and the opportunity to tear down the building.

    That sucks. we were hoping that the interior would be intact, so that with a minimum of renovations, we could be in business. :( Oh well, back to the drawing board...

    Current Mood: disappointed
    Monday, July 23rd, 2001
    2:39 pm
    Wasn't that a party...
    Whew! What a night! Last night I went to Dark Angel's Lair, a play party in London. Kinda weird, because two of the people who were going to go ended up not. But I saw a number of familiar faces, K., Y, F & B, P & E, H & S. There wern't too many venders there, which was kinda disappointing, but I did pick up a couple of things, toy slut that I am. Met a few new people, too. One in particular, Countessa, is a Domme from Guelph and seems very nice. She and Y. did a scene and according to Y, Countessa has a very hard hand. Heheheh...

    I did a scene with L., where she was up on a cross and we played until she dropped. Saw a violet wand being used which woke up the toy slut in me big time! Very kewl!!

    Had to leave before it was all over, around 12:30, since London is a 2 hour drive from home and I had to be up for work today. So, after dropping L. off at her place and getting home and checking my e-mail, I got to bed around 4:00 am. And then I slept through my alarm, and didn't wake up till around noon!! So there was nothing to do but call in sick today.

    Anyway, it looks like it's about to start storming outside, so I need to shut down my computer, jic.


    Addendum: I was talking to L. about a project B. and i had put on the back-burner about a new play venue up in RH. On L's advice, I'm going to take it off the back-burner and do some serious investigating. Who knows, we might actually be able to make this thing work, after all.

    Current Mood: tired
    Friday, July 20th, 2001
    2:23 pm
    Well, B. and C. left for Kentucky today. Hope they get there ok... Y'know, it's not that I dislike C., really. It's more that I don't know him at all. He acts like a ghost whenever I see him when he's up here: Not saying a word, always hiding in the background... B. says that it just takes him a long time to open up to people, although from what she mntioned last night, he didn't have any trouble talking to K. or N. yesterday. maybe it's just me he has a problem with?

    Is it just me who believes that, if you're staying under someone else's roof, it's polite to make conversation with them? Or am I way off base?

    And, yes, I'll admit to some jealousy and annoyance with both of them. It's just that they both seem to have all this free time available to play, and to take trips to and from Kentucky, without, in C.'s case, having any visible means of support, except for temp jobs, and he's up here too often for me to believe that he makes much money from them...

    In B.'s case, I'm her visible means of support. It just pisses me off sometimes that she feels ok about me doing all the work to support us and pay all the bills, while she goes off and enjoys herself on the fruits of my labours.

    Oh, and another problem I have with C. is the state he left my car in last night. The three of us went to a fet night downtown, and I bought some McD's for the ride, since we were running late. I didn't notice until lunch today, but C. had stuck his fries and drink cup in the flap behind the passenger seat! I try to keep my car reasonably neat, and I would appreciate others doing the same. The least he could have done was take the garbage out when we got home later... I mean, he was sitting right in front of it the entire trip back...

    So, let's recap, shall we? He's rude and inconsiderate... yup, he's American, all right... (with appologies to all you considerate, polite Americans out there... I mean, just because you can't name our Prime Minister, doesn't make you rude.)

    Well, that's my rant for the afternoon, gotta get back to work...


    Current Mood: pissed off
    Sunday, July 15th, 2001
    12:51 pm
    Play time...
    Well, after a longer than I care to think about period of time, I finally got some play time in last night at KKBB! Thanks y.! Turns out she got stood up by her intended play partner and asked if I'd like to fill in.... silly question! Just wish I'd seen her ICQ message before we'd left, then I would have brought a few of my own toys and not just B.'s. And I would have brought along a blanket for aftercare... From now on, even if I'm not planning to play, I going to take a blanket along, just in case...


    Current Mood: satisfied
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