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Below is information about the "Ocean's 11 Fanfiction" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:oceanfic (4395076) oceanfic
The thing... with the guy... in the place...
Name:Ocean's 11 Fanfiction
About:This is a fanfiction community centering around the film Ocean's 11. It is moderated by: [info]ponderosa121.

All genres of fiction are welcome: gen, het, slash, or real person fic


Keep OT posts to a minimum and centered around fanworks or character discussion. For general chatter please visit [info]oceans11 instead.

Do not flame or offer unsolicited harsh criticism.

All fics must be placed behind a lj cut with appropriate headers and content warnings.


Title: My Title
Pairing: Pairing(s) if applicable.
Warnings: Warnings if applicable. It should be obvious, but this is especially important for things like Character Death and NCS/Rape.
Interests:12: danny ocean, fanfic, fanfiction, gen, het, linus caldwell, o11, ocean's 11, poly, rusty ryan, slash, tess ocean. [Modify yours]
Members:50: 9tails, ___destijl, akussa, amatia, anisejolie, aworldinside, blythely, cherryice, comnena39, destina, dna_anubis, dreamiflame, ealgylden, foggynite, gemmin66, girlchild, goovie, guede_mazaka, hackthis, hokuto, human_contact, i_smile, idees_fixes, illama, iphignia939, irrion, j_crew_guy, joanne_c, kbfan, ladysorka, lalejandra, lassiterfics, lattara, lite_bright, longsunday, micha2070, moonfruituk, musesfool, pinkdormouse, pinn2480, ponderosa121, queenofalostart, rositamia, seanarenay, seereth, starfishchick, tangletoy, tir, twinkledru, windsorblue
Watched by:89: 9tails, ___destijl, _tips_, akussa, alethialia, amatia, anisejolie, atrata, aworldinside, blythely, callmecayce, cherryice, chicklet_girl, comnena39, cybermathwitch, destina, docmichelle, dreamiflame, dzurlady, ealgylden, elrond50, elynross, foggynite, gemmin66, girlchild, goovie, guede_mazaka, hackthis, hafital, hokuto, human_contact, i_smile, ic4000, idees_fixes, illama, iphignia939, irrion, j_crew_guy, joanne_c, juniper200, kbfan, kissmeagain, ladybug218, ladydey, ladysorka, lalabebe, lalejandra, lassiterfics, lattara, leld, lite_bright, longsunday, lovekeller, lux__aeterna, makesmewannadie, marinwood, mboyd, micha2070, monkey_pie, moonfruituk, mori307, musesfool, mylenn, pinkdormouse, pinn2480, plum_evil, ponderosa121, psychoticspy, ragtime_to_time, rositamia, seanarenay, seereth, shoshannagold, shrift, shyday, simonesa, starfishchick, tangletoy, the_grynne, thebratqueen, thefourthvine, theshakedown, tir, tom_recs, twinkledru, vic_ramsey, windsorblue, xkatjafx, zing_och
Account type:Free Account

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