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User:skripka (996962) Paid User skripka
what kind of paradise am i looking for?
out to sea
Name:overtone's ringing
Website:along the rim
Bio:This journal is 99% friends-locked for an indefinite period. Sorry. Look for fic posts to be unlocked.

Way too old for a fangirl. Move way too often. Hate packing.

Terribly introverted. But occasionally silly. Bitter and strange. Cynical and sarcastic. Not that pessimistic. Most of the time. Maybe today. Who knows?

Mondo music geek extrodinaire and Alexander Pope's worst nightmare.

I love mankind. It's people I can't stand. —Linus

This Journal is rated NC-17. Definitely, postively yes. Don't read if you're not old enough to handle it. Don't read if you're not mature enough to handle explicit homoerotic content, either. Keep us all happy, kthnx.

Marriage is love.

Naughty Space Pirate (ruled by [info]sparky77) and member of Still_Flying.

And just a quick note... Firefly will ALWAYS live, damnit. We're just too damn pretty to die.

Curious about my user name?

The WeatherPixie

For the exhibitionist in me:

I scored
on the classic 400 Point Purity Test!
Take the test here!

Firefly mood theme, v. 2 by [info]selluinlaer.

I write fanfic. Slowly. And mostly slash, because I find the concept of two guys getting it on really, really hot.

Now that I know how to use Photoshop, I make icons. I use other people's brushes, as well as the dorky ones I make. Some are by [info]quebelly, [info]dtissagirl, [info]saava, [info]isabellecs, [info]oxoniensis, [info]crumblingwalls, [info]lil_lj jennithepirate, misprintedtype, and misguidedbuddha & gradients by [info]crumblingwalls. I usually get Firefly caps from this site, and Buffyverse ones from here and here.

I use a Mac for pretty much all of the above.

icon from Serenity: The Official Movie Website: credit to "blinker"

My communities: [info]realfireflyfic and [info]nathanfillion. I co-mod [info]firefly_caps with [info]inalasahl and [info]wickedgoddess_ and [info]still_chatting with [info]sffan

give skripka more *HUGS*

Get hugs of your own
Memories:95 entries
Pictures:28 public
Interests:104: adam baldwin, alan tudyk, all music, alternative rock, anime, archeology, architecture, art, asian culture, avoiding css, avoiding html, baroque music, bdsm, beauty, bisexuality, blade of the immortal, cats, chocolate, classic rock, classical music, comic books, cooking, cowboy bebop, crack!, david mccallum, dc comics, design, diet, eric szmanda, fanon/canon, fantasy, farscape, fashion, feminism, firefly, fischerspooner, folk music, gina torres, graphic design, hiking, history, humperugen, icon making, icon whore, icons, instasmut, jazz, jewel staite, joss whedon, kink, kinsey, latin music, llaras, lost, mac, macintosh computers, manga, mark harmon, medieval music, men in uniform, michael weatherly, morena baccarin, movies, nathan fillion, naughty space pirates, ncis, origami, pauley perrette, photoshop, poetry, popular music, power play, pretty boys kissing, pretty girls kissing, psychology, reading, renaissance music, romantic music, ron glass, russian culture, sabriel, sasha alexander, science fiction, sean maher, sean murray, serenity, sex, sexual politics, six feet under, slash, smut, sports night, summer glau, talent development, television without pity, this modern world, tom tomorrow, twentieth century music, twop, viola, violin, watching movies, wonderfalls, writing. [Modify yours]
People153:_bloodrose_, agentotter, alisonmdobell, amandajane5, amchau, aotearoagal, aricadavidson, aryas_zehral, ashdee1970, ask_illyria, audreyness, aw_lemongirl, azuredflame, baba_kibbins, blueraccoon, boundbyspells, browncoat, budclare, byob_kenobi, cajoje, canadiian, carolinecrane, cassieclaire, cassiee, central_cortex, clawboy, cleolinda, copernica3, cummings_chal, damake, darlong, debxena, dirty_diana, dkellergrl, drtamsdiary, dubhartach, dumbphilomel, eacread, emelerin, emeraldsedai, emmelinesparrow, emungere, estrella30, evilwillowgirl, fabrisse, fairmer, finitejester37, foundserenity, frahulettaes, gabrita, gatezilla, gi_jules, glowing_peach, goldatamera, grey_bard, gypsyjr, hacker_cat, hawkmoth, hcwoodward, hey_lena, honoria, igeria, inalasahl, isabeau, isilrandir, ixchelmala, jaekayelle, janeeyre17, k_crow_fiction, kalinet, katherine_15, kelly_girl, kenovay, kernelm, kirbycrow, kisbundas, kres, kylielee1000, lanning, leowke, liquidize, llaras, makesmewannadie, mark356, maryavatar, matociquala, maystone, misspamela, mona1347, moonanstars, moonlight_spike, nanet, nerill, neroli66, nonoluna, npetrenko, odalisques, paladin42, peach1250, petranef, polgaramalfoy, puffgirl_two, rawles, raynedanser, redbeardjim, roseveare, rosheen12, rueful_anarchy, rushlight75, scriptmistress, selluinlaer, seraphina_pyra, sevenspeed, sffan, shanna_s, shrift, shyday, simon_tam, slashbluegreen, slashy_me, sparky77, sphinx81, starri1, stellans, sullensiren, tafkar, tafkarfanfic, taraljc, tassc, temaris, thanks_joss, the_tenth_muse, thebratqueen, thefourthvine, thing_wielder, timian, tonan, topaz08, trollprincess, tteere, tubiao_jinyu, tynantblue0162, ukgirl614, unovis_lj, vampirefan, vchrusch, virtualinsomnia, virtualpersonal, wearejustducky, wickedgoddess_, writingpathways, ysrith, zuleikhajami
Communities85:adamaniacs, alantudyk, angel_us, anthropomor_fic, baaaaabyanimals, badficsupport, ball_failure, beckett_mckay, bluesuncorp, boondocks_comic, claim_a_filtrum, claim_slashpair, con_crit, contrelamontre, crack_van, f_s_i_t, fan_prov, fandom_addict, fandom_awards, farscapefriday, femslash100, ff_fanfic, ff_ficathon, ff_friday, ff_icons, ff_stillness, ff_survivor, ffslashrecs, fireflicons, firefly100, firefly_2by2, firefly_caps, firefly_chorus, firefly_cons, fireflyfans, fireflyseatac, fireflyslash, firstlines1000, fischerspooner, flowerkittens, foto_decadent, hardcore_bt, historic_slash, hush_hush_mag, icon_spark, icon_tutorial, jossverse, learn_russian, lj_nifty, m15m, men_who_slash, metaquotes, nathanfillion, ncis_contest, nikkinewsnet, realfireflyfic, rightclickchick, rightclicklick, ruttingtownhall, savewonderfalls, seanmaher, serenity_santa, serenityicons, ship_manifesto, shostakovich, slash100, slash_debate, sn100, stargategasm, still_chatting, sumerianwotd, suzukimethod, tagalog, the_pretty_fits, the_rec_room, violinists, violinnovation, violists, virgule, vmars_challenge, voteworks, whedonosity, wonderchallenge, writercon, yuletide
Feeds23:alton_brown, apod, ca_getfuzzy, choblog, daily_show, damake_smutfeed, doonesbury, fandomwank, foxtrot_feed, friday_five, irregular_comic, is_taurus, macosxhints, modrnwrld_comic, mollyivins, nonsquitor_feed, officialgaiman, savagelove, serenitymovie, slagoon_comic, utne_magazine, whedonesque, wilwheaton
Friend of:138: _bloodrose_, a_gal_icons, agentotter, amandajane5, aotearoagal, aricadavidson, aryas_zehral, ashdee1970, audreyness, aw_lemongirl, azuredflame, baba_kibbins, blueraccoon, boundbyspells, browncoat, budclare, byob_kenobi, cajoje, canadiian, carolinecrane, cassiee, central_cortex, clawboy, copernica3, damake, darlong, debxena, drtamsdiary, dubhartach, dumbphilomel, eacread, emelerin, emeraldsedai, emmelinesparrow, emungere, evilwillowgirl, fabrisse, fairmer, fffansseatac, finitejester37, foundserenity, frahulettaes, gabrita, gatezilla, gi_jules, glowing_peach, goldatamera, gypsyjr, hacker_cat, hawkmoth, hcwoodward, hey_lena, honoria, igeria, inalasahl, isabeau, isilrandir, ixchelmala, janeeyre17, jynk, k_crow_fiction, kalinet, katherine_15, kelly_girl, kernelm, kirbycrow, kisbundas, kres, kylielee1000, leowke, liquidize, llaras, makesmewannadie, mark356, matociquala, maystone, misspamela, mona1347, moonanstars, moonlight_spike, morgaine_nicely, nanet, nerill, neroli66, nonoluna, npetrenko, odalisques, paladin42, petranef, polgaramalfoy, puffgirl_two, rawles, raynedanser, redbeardjim, roseveare, rosheen12, rueful_anarchy, scriptmistress, selluinlaer, seraphina_pyra, sevenspeed, sffan, shanna_s, shrift, shyday, simon_tam, slashbluegreen, slashy_me, sparky77, sphinx81, starri1, stellans, sullensiren, tafkar, tafkarfanfic, taraljc, tassc, temaris, the_tenth_muse, thing_wielder, timian, tlacook, tonan, topaz08, trollprincess, tteere, twisted_vergule, tynantblue0162, ukgirl614, unovis_lj, vampirefan, vchrusch, virtualinsomnia, virtualpersonal, wearejustducky, wickedgoddess_, writingpathways, ysrith
Member of:65: adamaniacs, alantudyk, angel_us, anthropomor_fic, baaaaabyanimals, badficsupport, ball_failure, beckett_mckay, bluesuncorp, boondocks_comic, claim_a_filtrum, claim_slashpair, con_crit, contrelamontre, crack_van, fan_the_vote, fandom_addict, fandom_awards, farscapefriday, femslash100, ff_fanfic, ff_ficathon, ff_icons, ff_stillness, fireflicons, firefly100, firefly_caps, firefly_chorus, fireflyfans, fireflyseatac, fireflyslash, firstlines1000, flowerkittens, hardcore_bt, hush_hush_mag, icon_spark, icon_tutorial, jossverse, learn_russian, metaquotes, nathanfillion, ncis_contest, paidmembers, realfireflyfic, rightclickchick, rightclicklick, ruttingtownhall, seanmaher, serenity_santa, serenityicons, ship_manifesto, slash100, slash_debate, stargategasm, still_chatting, suzukimethod, swords_n_laces, the_pretty_fits, the_rec_room, violinnovation, vmars_challenge, voteworks, whedonosity, wonderchallenge, yuletide
Account type:Paid Account

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