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User:davidcook (977473) Paid User davidcook
He's just this guy, you know.
Name:David Cook
Location:Glasgow, Scotland
Bio:I am a person who will, one day, write a better bio than this.

The story so far :
I was born. I lived in various places in South Australia - Thevenard for 2 years, Whyalla for 4 years, Port Pirie for 2 years, and then Adelaide for 19 years.
I moved to Melbourne, Victoria, to live with [info]rwrylsin in 1997, then in 2003 [info]rwrylsin and I got married. In May 2004 we left Australia and moved to Scotland - we spent a few weeks in Edinburgh, and now we're settled in Glasgow, with castles, scenery, fencing, and much more awaiting us.

On LiveJournal, I seem to have friended a few different groups of people - there are people I who were friends of mine when I lived in Adelaide (some of whom have, themselves, moved to places near and far), random fannish people from Melbourne (MSFC, FAS2, and others), some people in the UK (mostly seem to be involved in fandom in some way), and lastly, random people that I have friended because they write interesting things, or I saw them on Usenet first, or just because.
Memories:59 entries
Interests:143: a very peculiar practice, alien worlds, alt.sysadmin.recovery, alternate realities, alternate universes, angel, anime, ansible, arcana, ausgather, aussie gather, australia, australian science fiction, babylon 5, baldur's gate 2, beats, bicycling, blackadder, blakes 7, board games, books, borknagar, buffy, card games, carpentry, castles, cats, celtic music, china, chinese, chinese characters, chocolate, classical music, comics, computer games, computers, contemporary fantasy, cricket, cycling, dance music, dartmud, dave sim, dead can dance, discworld, douglas adams, dragons, edinburgh, elend, epee, exploring, fandom, fantasy, farscape, fencing, films, flute playing, freefall, futurama, gadgets, games, geeks, general strangeness, glasgow, go, gothic architecture, graveland, greg egan, harry potter, hayao miyazaki, hong kong cinema, iain m. banks, ikea, intelligence, internet, invader zim, jackie chan, joel shepherd, juggling, kate forsyth, kevin and kell, lego, libraries, linux, lisa gerrard, live journal, long hair, melbourne, metal, monty python, morrowind, msfc, mu, mudding, munchkin, music, neil gaiman, nusrat fateh ali khan, opeth, photography, playing go, potatoes, pratchett, quake iii arena, queen of wands, reading, red dwarf, robert heinlein, role-playing, roleplaying, sci-fi, science, science fiction, science fiction fandom, science fiction fanzines, scotland, sean mcmullen, settlers of catan, sf, sf cons, shayara, sisters of mercy, slashdot, sluggy freelance, something positive, sopor aeturnus, space opera, spiral dance, taiwan, techno, technology, terry pratchett, the goodies, the princess bride, tolkien, total annihilation, trudi canavan, unix, walking, webcomics, world music, zhongwen, 中国, 中文. [Modify yours]
People126:aelindel, alexwinolj, andpuff, andrewducker, angua, arcturax, athenais, aurellia, baralier, benpeek, bohemiancoast, bradhicks, brandnewgun, brisingamen, bungo, ciciaye, coalescent, correspondguy, cumbernotathome, dalekboy, dalmeny, davidcook, delirieuse, dewhitton, diasis, dmw, drjon, dsobdntfuzzball, ejde, elesia, elvanna, fasangel, fivemack, flyingsauce, futuregirl, gaijin_haijin, gmh, green_amber, greengolux, halfflat, haloumi, hespa, hnpcc, hobnobs, howardtayler, hybrid_beast, icefalcon, impostinator, indri, ixandra, joee_girl, justadecoy, juzbunny, kabukivice, kbpenguin, kefalotiri, kimhuett, klig, kreggan, kremmen, kriste, kwoll, lindym, linkfrenzy, lofwyr, lyphr, mireille21, mistresscarlett, morniendil, morsla, msagara, mstakenidentity, musosian, natural20, ngarewyrd, numbat, oscarhocklee, owlrigh, papersky, parakleta, peake, pearl, pheline, pickwick, pickwickpapers, princesslaurene, psmorrison, ptery, raki, reverancepavane, robont3, rwrylsin, saikogrrl, sambushell, saraphale, seawasp, serendipoz, shadesong, shebang_zine, siblingcreature, sinsense, smofbabe, sneerpout, sols_light, starrsong, susitna, swisstone, tam3, tea_cantata, the_ladylark, theferrett, tigerrrcat, tikiwanderer, tirinar, toley_elf, tzup, ursulav, vassilissa, warragul, waywind, wicked_wish, womble2, yonmei, yuki_onna, zarabee, zoethe
Communities38:2ndfloorkorner, _dead_can_dance, astro_imaging, astronomy, behind_the_lens, beijing_lj, blakes7, callahanians, cityscapes, cornerstones, discworld, discworld_2004, discworld_2006, edinburgers, featureannounce, glasweigans, instant_fanzine, inter_action, legos, live_jnl_north, lj_backend, lj_dev, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, macro_pics, munchkin_sjgame, news, ozfencing, redemption_con, shortform, spacexploration, surlydinos, texture, uk_fencing, uncommon_tongue, unixadmin, w00t_comic, zhongwen
Feeds10:andyduckerlinks, apod, dilbert_feed, dorktowerfeed, epod_feed, irregular_comic, kevinkell, sailingtheclyde, sluggy_feed, userf_feed
Mutual Friends:81: alexwinolj, andrewducker, angua, arcturax, baralier, benpeek, brisingamen, bungo, ciciaye, coalescent, correspondguy, cumbernotathome, dalekboy, dalmeny, davidcook, dewhitton, diasis, dmw, drjon, dsobdntfuzzball, ejde, elesia, fasangel, flyingsauce, gmh, greengolux, halfflat, haloumi, hespa, hnpcc, hobnobs, icefalcon, impostinator, indri, ixandra, joee_girl, justadecoy, juzbunny, kbpenguin, kefalotiri, klig, kreggan, kremmen, kriste, kwoll, lindym, mireille21, morniendil, mstakenidentity, musosian, ngarewyrd, numbat, parakleta, peake, pickwick, princesslaurene, psmorrison, raki, reverancepavane, robont3, rwrylsin, saikogrrl, sambushell, saraphale, seawasp, serendipoz, shebang_zine, sneerpout, sols_light, starrsong, swisstone, tam3, tea_cantata, the_ladylark, tigerrrcat, tikiwanderer, tzup, warragul, waywind, yonmei, yuki_onna
Also Friend of:4: burt_rito, sebkha, todesbonden, undef
Member of:16: 2ndfloorkorner, cityscapes, cornerstones, discworld, discworld_2004, discworld_2006, edinburgers, glasweigans, inter_action, legos, live_jnl_north, lj_nifty, ozfencing, paidmembers, texture, uncommon_tongue
Account type:Paid Account

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