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Art Contest #3 Voting

Hey Everyone!
The art contest is completed, and I got a whole bunch of awesome entries! Voting started on Tuesday with the weekly update of my site, but I figured that I would remind everyone on here, too. I'd love as many opinions as possible! the more the better!

The artists are obligated to vote on the 3 best entries (in order from 1st, to 3rd!), and viewers are strongly encouraged, I'd greatly appreciate an outsider's opinion! here are the entries. If you could e-mail me who you think should be 1st place, 2nd place, and then 3rd, to artcontest @ kina-ink.com with subject 'contest vote'


You can place your votes by commenting right here in my journal if you're lazy! Or you can e-mail me like I explained above. I'd love as many votes as possible!

THank you all very muchly! <3<3<3 And good luck to the entrants!

*edit* IF YOU ARE VOTING: Please state which ORDER you wish the winners to be. If you name 3 people, please specify who you wish to be in 1st place, who you think should be in 2nd, and then in 3rd. So, place them in order pleeeease <3
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Well this weekend was really good, as far as weekends go. Friday night, got here nice and early at 6:30, and dima picked me up. Went home, had supper, and we watched a bunch of Fraser episodes from DVD with my parents.

Saturday was busy, I had band practice at 10am, though I had thought that it was at 9, so I got up super early. It was only at 10. But anyway, practice went really well and we polished up a new song ready for the next show! What else... ah yes, went snowboarding with dima, nino, michael, my dad and dima's dad. That was really fun. The weather was perfect, and there wasn't TOO much ice. But some random kid ran into me from outta nowhere, and now my bum is bruised :(

Sunday! church, then we went to games workshop for my brothers, and then to Costco, where we got all of our digital prints made. Mine came out so beautifully! Although they didn't have standard 8x10, they had 8x12 and they cropped all of my iamges :( which sucks. but they don't look THAT bad. THey'll be great for the show tomorrow!

HUZZAH! ANyway. Today was alright. Met Lin downtown, had a coffee and then caught the 4, caught the voyageur, checkd for my pedastal in the storage room after one of the security guards game me a hard time.. checked it, but there was no paint, just the pedastals. So I'll pick it up tomorrow for the setup for the show. After that, went to class, it was pretty interesting. got our essay topics, interesting lecture, then some guy came and showed us his art, I wasn't crazy about it, but he did do some flash which was remotely interesting.

Came home, and then ate a bit.. watched the 3rd and last episode of Read or Die, the OVA. I should get the other episodes, too. Eventually. ANyhoo, that's all for now, I think. I should probably do something productive before my grandparents get home! ;_;
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ATPA love
Well, Ryan is the king at finding press about us, and I guess he's the one to go to about this stuff. But here we have our album that has been reviewed in Exclaim, apparently viewed by all of Canada. But I don't really like the latter half of the review.. CRAP OUT? on one of my favorite songs?! Anyway. Take a look for yourself:

And then we also made it quite high in the Top 50 Charts! I think this is for all of Canada, but I'm not 100% sure. Anyhoo. Check it out! ((We're all excited that we beat Arcade Fire, since Nate the drummer's brother is in that band, and they have been allll over the world and we're just a puny Ottawa band, mwahahaha))
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Quiz Dump

I am nerdier than 79% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

THATS RIGHT! or something.

evangelion is love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

... sure <3
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*edit : i posted this so I could save it.. paul sent it to me to listen and critique, and I couldnt save it unless i made an html file for it. so yeah. listen if you like, i'll pass any crits along. i meant to delete this when it was done saving, but i already got a comment on it, so i decided to leave it*
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reading room
Just because I can! I'm updating at school. But some guy is waiting for the computer so I better not be long.. ANyhoo. I got up super early today, at like 6:15 because I had to do tons of stuff before I left for the entire day. I even made my bed! Did the laundry, cleaned the kitchen, did the dishes, cleaned the bathroom, cleaned my room, and made a sidekicks for lunch, and some tomato soup with noodles for my second lunch for after painting class. then i got my canvas ready, all my paints and stuff.. oh many I just barely caught the 7:40 express bus. People would look at me funny with my backpack, my handbag full of food, and my hugeass canvas. At bonaventure, i had to push the painting through a revolving door again, but then i found a wheelchair door later on, so that was nice.

Drawing class was neat, we had 2 models. they were girls around my age, that were dancers. they were clothed, and they did neat poses and danced in between. i got some pretty decent drawings out of that. after drawing, ate a bit, and then the computers were busy. so i went to painting class early, and started working on mine.

painting was boring, as always. i finished my second/third painting, and then i pretty much playted around with colour combos for my next painting, but I didnt start it. bringing that canvas to school for nothing! well at least i wont have to bring it in next week. now almost all of them are there, i so dont have to worry about it. and now that the grandparents are back, they can drive me next time. okay so this guy is getting impatient. after painting, i left half an hour early, and then came here. huzzah! thats my day so far. ill be home at like midnight after ceramics.. i hate wednesdays :(

Current Music: NOTHING! :(

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Wasted Day

Latest sketches! Yay! And I updated my site, just click on the image to see the updates. There were a lot of new contest entries, which was a nice surprise. There'S still one week until the art contest ends, so enter if you haven't! :p These poses from the sketches were taken from a site that safesolvent showed me, Parkour, or pk514.com.. they like.. fly through the air. Something like a mix between skateboarding, breakdancing, acrobatics and stunt devil stuff. It's pretty cool, and the poses were really inspiring, so I just had to sketch them.

I also updated Bricolage for the first time in a million years. Well, since last.. August or something. Anyway, Just click the picture. I included all my Dominican photos, although I didn't take TOO many, just mostly artsy shots. My dad took care of the memory-photo taking, like the family album stuff. If you wanna see them, just ask. But for now, all I have are those! And I have some rave pictures, New years, downtown stuff, and progress on my painting for the new band album, etc etc. Fun stuff all round!

Now for the boring stuff.
Today, up at 8. Barely caught the 9am bus to get to the ceramics lab. Got there right on time, though. I grabbed one wheel to work on, but then some girl took it to trim a pot, when I clearly had all my shit setup there. I took another one and avoided a conflict. She seemed to think that she had a right to be there or something. Anyway, so I threw 4 bowls in the end. ((throwing on the wheel = making stuff out of clay, just incase you thought I was literally throwing dishes)) Anyway, i think I'm getting better. I put those away, and found the other cylinders I made earlier, although I'm not sure if they were mine. People's pieces are disappearing all over the place, mostly because of the lack of space, since all the classes are on the wheel at the same time. I got my apples back, and I saw the comments that the Jury had made. They wanted me to get rid of the text on the box, and get glossy mounted enlargements of the prints I did?! As if. maybe if THEY were funding it. Anyway, Lucy and Max were also accepted for the show, so we're gonna all install our stuff in a week. I dunno what I'll do for mine.. we have to put in 'time' to watch the gallery during the show.. yeesh. Just sitting around doing nothing, if anyone actually even comes to look at the show. Beh.. Anyway, after the lab, went home and updated my site and worked some on my painting, and noted that there was no more food in the house. Well nothing fresh anyway. I've taken to starting eating all the preserved foods here. After wasting away the entire afternoon chatting and being in forums, I started getting ready for my 6:30 tutorial for FFAR that's every second thursday, downtown at st catherines. I got all ready, and saw some kids at the bus stop, and it was only 5:35 so I knew I hadn't missed the bus yet. I went and waited outside. SOme kids who had had some kind of sport thing at the high school in front of my house were talking about something, swearing a lot and hitting the shelter with hockey sticks. Other kids were waiting too. We waited, and waited. 5:42 came and went. 5:50 came and went. it was 6 when I decided that even if I caught my bus, I would be half an hour late and interrupt presentations. Last week we didn't even DO anything in class, since the kids with their presentations didn't even show, cept for one. Anyway. I decided that I could use the time to completely finish my painting, and rest up for tomorrow's long day. So I did just that. I phoned lindsay, just got off the phone with her. I touched up the painting while we talked. Now I'm writing in here before I work on it again. I had some tomato soup with noodles cooked in them. Penne noodles.. they didnt cook completely, but it was still tasty. Need to go shopping..

back to work.

Current Music: Modest Mouse - Dramamine

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You Are 12 Years Old


Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Ain't it the truth.

"Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe." .. or stupidity XD


Funny fact: I actually spent the last little while reading really old journal entries, and found out that on June 5th, 2002, I took a similar test, and well, here were the results: http://www.livejournal.com/users/kina/2002/06/05/
seemsI'm growing backwards.
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freezing in a small room
This is funny:

Account type: Paid Account, expiring 2005-03-11
Date created: 2001-05-04 16:23:06
Date updated: 2005-01-18 23:14:09, 7 minutes ago
Journal entries: 888
Comments: Posted: 2,233 - Received: 3,825

888 entries. I wonder what day I hit 666! I could look into it, but my fingers hurt.


-show on friday, at babylon was okay, the other bands weren't to my liking, but there was an okay turnout for us. We got interviewed by Zygote magazine afterwards, and will be int he February Issue. ((distributed in ottawa))

-went to toronto over the weekend. played a show with one so-so young band, and another disgrace to humankind. But we revived the show and brought back a few more visitors with our near flawless set. Stayed at a friend's dorm, and then went out for breakfast, and somehow survived the 5 hour rides to and from the big TO.


-didn't get to see either lin or dima on my way out of the city, unfortunately.
-at least i didnt have much to carry
-bought a nifty new hat from Top of the World
-found my old mini disk player for music on the way home
-went to class, it was interesting, got my mark back. C+ on my final essay, A on my exam, B as a Term Grade.
-came home to a suspiciously clean house, though grandparents were gone..

Today was.. not a great day. Woke up at 7, got up at 7:10. showered, made a lunch, had some breakfast, caught the bus to school. it was -25˚C this morning, outside. the house was 54˚F, the heating system in the house doesn't work. Went to school, the metro kept stopping. Some people got off, only to watch it start back up again 3 seconds later.

In my ceramics lab, I threw 3 cylinders on the potter's wheel. a real accomplishment, by my terms! It was fun. That was the highlight of my day. Ate the lunch I made on the metro/bus ride home. Came home to the 54˚F house. Went on the computer, updated my site and then froze to death on the computer, so I went to make some lunch and some tea. I also found out that baba's new dishes are not microwaveable, thanks to those pretty sparks in the microwave! Yeesh. Made the leftovers from last night's dinner that I cooked up and ate. alone.

After eating, I fetched the space heater from upstairs, and plugged that in. warmth radiated from it, but only into a very small space. I had to sit right in front of it to get anything out of it. I flipped through a middle aged woman oriented magazine "something housekeeper" . I leafed through it then all out read a lot of it out of procrastination. i learned all about how to prevent heart attacks att he age of 50+. then I made some tea, and finally did some reading for Art THeory class. On the last reading, I got really bored, something about the theory and psychiatric something or psychologial who-samawhats-its about Feminism and Post Modernism in society. I soon grew weary of this reading.

I lay own on the floor curled up in a ball and fell asleep in front of the heater, praying that my hair didn't catch fire.

and.. then i got up because I had too much tea to drink. after sitting on the coldest toilet seat in my lifetime, i came onto my computer to re-freeze and carpal-tunnelize my fingers, and recount my pathetic daytime stories. i have developed a hoarse cough. my hands are cracking from the dryness of the air, also causing random shocks when i touch doorknobs. stupid weather.

I set the thermostat to 70 but that did nothing. thanks to the space heater, it now reads 58.
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Hah.. the guy that set us up with this is ALL about it. So much, that he gave us our own URL.


He'S nuts. But if you really wanted to buy the mp3's THAT badly, now you can. and tell your friends, etc etc.
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Name: kina
Website: kina-ink
Back February 2005