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Lethann ingen Aeda
User: [info]lethann
Name: Lethann ingen Aeda
~Page Summary~
Back February 2005
~About Me~
You'll find all sorts of things in this journal. Lots of quizes (yea, I can't seem to resits), updates on what's going on in my life, and even my writings. I need to actually write more in this journal.

~Color = Silver, Dark Blue, Black
~Foods = Strawberries, Chocolate, Coke-a-Cola
~Anime = Matantei Loki, Stellvia, Naruto, Hellsing, Angelic Layer, Gun Grave, LOTS more...
~Hobbies = Anime, Writing, Reading, AMVs, SCA (inactive), Video Games and RPG Games
~Music = Enya, Loreena McKennitt, Sarah McLachlan, Mediaeval Baebes, Poe, more...

~Manga = Naruto, FullMetal Alchemist, Hunter X Hunter
~Anime = Naruto, FullMetal Alchemist, Gilgamesh, Gun Grave, GaoGaiGar, Chrno Crusade, Detective Conan, Inu Yasha, Kamikaze Kaitou Jeanne, Peace Maker Kurogane, Read or Die TV, Shadow Skill, Shingetsutan Tsukihime
~TV = Angel
~Games = FF:CC (GC), Black & White (PC), Diablo 2(PC), FF 4(2 in the US), PSO (Xbox), DDR Ultramix (Xbox), Mario Bros. 3 (GBA)
Ramblings of an Aspiring Writer
The Silver Phoenix
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today quu and i have spent the entire day in bed watching BSG on my laptop. it's been great. just what we needed.

this wed is my sisters surgery.

week after that i fly down there.

so the countdown is on...

I'm feeling: calm

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Got my laptop working again... I hate this... anyway... got more stuff to do... off to go work...

I'm feeling: bitchy

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Ok.. so my new ram arrived today... i'm all excited and everything.. Quu says I can "try" to install the new sticks... determined to prove my geekness to my ever loving hubby, i look up in the manual real quick to make sure there isn't anything weird you have to do... it's simple enough... unplug, remove battery, unscrew memory compartment, remove memory cover, move the clips, pop out sticks.

Everything is going great, till i get to the point where i need to put in the new sticks... they don't fit... WTF?! I take a closer look and sure enough the little alignment slot doesn't fit right... Perterbed, I match up a new stick to an old stick and bingo... the slot isn't in the same spot. It's a hair in the wrong direction. UGGG...

Called my King Geek and told him the bad news... he says he'll take a look when he get's home. Don't know what he can do though... unless he plans on making the whole bigger... which i guess is possible since the connections seem to all line up alright... it's just that damn slot.

I'm not happy... I tried putting the old sticks back in and I can't get them to go in. I've always been hesitant with ram, don't want to break it... so I guess my laptop is outta commission till His Highness" get's home.

AH HA! one more try and i got one stick back in.. maybe it's not outta commsiion yet. *sigh*

I'm feeling: pissed off

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You are wilwheaton.net You are a geek.  You like to tell people about your life.  You are a fan of Star Trek and stand up comedy.  You like to write and act.
Which Website are You?

I'm feeling: hungry

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Vamp Clan Quiz
Take the quiz: "Which Vampire Clan Do You Belng To?"

Great job! You are manipulative and simultaneously graceful! Clan quote: 'Shadows? Hah! I wield darkness itself, not mere shadows! Tell me, could a shadow do THIS?'

All of the possible quiz results for this quiz:

* Brujah (You scored 1)
* Gangrel (You scored 0)
* Malkavian (You scored 0)
* Nosferatu (You scored 0)
* Toreador (You scored 1)
* Tremere (You scored 0)
* Ventrue (You scored 0)
* Lasombra (You scored 2)
* Tzimisce (You scored 0)
* Assamite (You scored 1)
* Followers of Set (You scored 1)
* Giovanni (You scored 0)
* Ravnos (You scored 1)

I'm feeling: sleepy

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Frumpy Puppy
River is so like me it's not funny. In the mornings she's excited to go outside and use the potty, but then it's right back in bed and back to sleep. She LOVES to curl under the blankets and sleep all snuggly and warm. Earlier I was laying in bed and she was under the featherbed with me. She wiggled up so just her head was sticking out... laying just like mommy.

 I finally cleaned off my SD card from my camera and found some OLD pictures on there that are great. Some from ACen, but also some from when we first got River. SOO CUTE! She's TINY!! Eventually we'll have the gallery back up and I'll post those pics for everyone to see.

I'm really giong to miss her when I'm gone. *cries*

I'm feeling: awake

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New toy!!
After a quick phone call to my sister, we found out that they do have broadband and it was decided to get me a laptop for while i'm up north. First stop was Moe's for lunch, then we headed over to Costco to see what deals they had. Didn't really like what they had so next stop was Best Buy. Found something there we liked, an Emachine. We would have bought it cept in the end it was found that they only have one memory slot and they didn't have a gig stick to put in it. We left and tried over at Microcenter. There we found two that were better than what we saw at Best Buy. One was a TINY 14-15 inch funky brand and the other was a 17 inch Compact. Guess which one I decided on?

It's a Presario x6050US, an actual desktop replacement. No moble processor for this baby, it's got an actual Pentium 4! Combine that with the ATI X300 and the fact that it has a FULL keyboard and I was sold. Along with the laptop we also picked up some accessories: bag, mouse, usb light (really nifty!) and a lap desk thingy (a folding piece of plastic that has traction points on it as well as ventlation areas, MOUSE ROOM!). Also picked up a new wrist support that has a built in wrist support. I really like it.

We got home, and while [info]quu went outside to play with the puppy I started unwrapping my new toy. *drools* I LOVE it! Quu and River came inside and he took over getting everything sorted out on the puter while I got us some dinner. After he was done I copied over the World of Warcraft directories and was ready to go! (it's just that easy to transfer the stuipd program! Just get the WoW folder and the Bliz Ent folder in the "common files". Sheesh!) I'm still playing with all the settings, but so far it's wonderful. We don't have the new ram yet (only 512MB and everyone was sold out of the needed ram) but Quu promises that before I leave I'll have at LEAST 1gig if not 2 gig of ram for my puter. I LOVE MY HUSBAND!!!

As I type this i'm sitting in bed while Quu snores away. I was playing WOW but the server crashed and kicked me off. Oh well.. used to that.

So now I think I'll go get some more needed things like AdAware and stuff on this computer. At least we got a deal with Norton Antivirus with the laptop and I've got that. Now if only I can figure out how to copy over my fishes from Insainequarium....

I'm feeling: grateful
I'm listening to: Quu snoring

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Northward Bound
I talked to my sister yesterday... Her surgery is on the 9th of Feburary. Since she's got a lot of post-op stuff too, they are going to be staying in Cleveland though the 19th or so. Doctor says that she should be up and moving around like normal.... in four weeks. Considering she has 2 kids, it will probably take longer. x_x

The plan is for me to fly up to Cleveland on the 17th then ride back with them to Indiana. I'll then stay for the next month or so, with Mom and Craig's parents visiting on the weekends to help out. I fly back on the 22nd of March.

Frankly i don't know how i'll survive it. I don't want to leave my home. I don't want to leave my husband.... i just don't want to go. But I have to... and I want to help my sister. I just don't want to leave. *sigh*

I'm all depressed now...

I'm feeling: depressed

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Weird puppy
Ok.. Quu is at Kroger, about to come home... River is right now up at the front door HOWLING her head off because she misses her daddy and she knows he's on his way home. It used to be that she wouldn't start this till after she heard the truck pull in. When he calls from work to tell me he's on his way home, she starts getting ansy and excited. But the actually howling and such usually is reserved for when he actually pulls in the driveway. It's kinda funny and yet painful at the same time. *sihg*

I love my puppy....

I'm feeling: amused

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[info]internetbrain just posted this in her blog and I had to share it. I won't share her little sidecomment for it though... *glower*

WoW is for Children

I'm feeling: amused