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User:darkscar (101119) Paid User darkscar
DarkScar's Journal
One last kiss before I fade away...
Location:Zürich, Switzerland
Bio:(ICQ: Vorhanden. Anfrage für ICQ-UIN bitte per E-Mail schicken.)

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- Wer mich adden will, möge mir dies bitte mitteilen (am besten per Comment).

Interests:146: ..., 3222, 96, [gcu], alcohol, alice im wunderland, alice in wonderland, alkohol, american mcgee's alice, androgynie, androgyny, angst, apathie, apathy, black, blood, blut, boehse onkelz, books, borderline, böhse onkelz, bücher, candles, chocolate, computer, computers, concerts, counter strike, counter-strike, counterstrike, dark wave, darkness, darkwave, death, depersonalisation, depression, depressionen, depressions, derealisation, dissociation, dissoziation, dunkelheit, dying, ebm, eisheilig, electro, elis, engel, erben der schöpfung, ethics, ethik, fade away, fear, fotografieren, freitod, gammel clan united, gammeln, goethes erben, goth, gothic, gothic metal, gothic rock, individualism, individualismus, industrial, internet, kerzen, konzerte, lacrimosa, lange haare, lange schlafen, leere, lesen, mantus, megaherz, melancholie, melancholy, metal, middle ages, misanthropie, misanthropy, music, musik, narben, nebel, neue deutsche todeskunst, nichts tun, nieten, nightwish, obsession, pain, panic, panik, paranoia, personality disorders, philosophie, philosophy, photografieren, photography, php, psychologie, psychology, punk, rain, rasierklingen, razor blades, reading, regen, rivets, ruhe, samsas traum, scars, schlafen, schmerz, schmerzen, schokolade, schreiben, schwarz, sehlation, selbstmord, selbstverletzung, selbstverwirklichung, self-expression, sex, sexuality, sexualität, sleeping, sociology, soziologie, sterben, stille, subway to sally, suicide, suizid, svv, sylvia plath, tears, tetrinet, the_addicts, tod, trauer, traurigkeit, tränen, will self, writing, zillo. [Modify yours]
People80:_lyn, _morgue, _suicide_, _varg_, asidie, becoming, beissmich, blackbat, blutelfe, blutvergiftung, brainmassacre, cobainsbaby, coldwater, darklady, darkscar, daylight_dancer, der_hofnarr, deutschsprachig, downward, dustonthefloor, ex_tukki246, fateangel, feylamia, flaschenkind, frau_im_mond, geknebelt, glaskasten, glitzerstern, guckmal, hikage, innocent_manic, interitus, isi, joscha, joschagrafie, kaputtbar, kleinehexe, la_fille_morgue, loki2002, lyreec, mayahg, mentality, mrs_puppet, my_sickness, nadyna, nebuleuse, needz, nocturne20, ophelia100, ophelia__, ourania, panzerglas, phaseout, pneumokokkus, prinzessin_lily, psychotante, rabenmaedchen, ravens_xxx, sakura11, shock_therapy_, sonnenwende, spieglein, sportfreundin, sportsfreundin, stacheldraht, stahldepression, status, sys, taeuschung, tausend_disteln, theminx, throughtheglass, tupaya, unchainedmemory, unicat, valonkantaja, wasser_schlampe, windofviolence, wordsoflove, xxsinnlosxx
Communities31:_andcuriouser, angst_panik, artensterben, bloodsports, comm_news, de_nakedparts, deep_words, duden_schlampen, edv, featureannounce, flimmern, german_cutter, german_goths, haarscharf, la_vie_est_neu, lichtblicke, lj_backend, lj_biz, lj_dev, lj_maintenance, news, nichts_nichts, not_normal, onkelz_fans, open_24hours, paidmembers, regentrude, sexoholics, stolzes_herz, vegetarisch, zynismus
Feeds3:de_nichtlustig, w3c, wurzeltod
Friend of:65: _suicide_, becoming, beissmich, blackbat, blutelfe, blutvergiftung, brainmassacre, coldwater, darklady, darkscar, der_hofnarr, deutschsprachig, dildobucket1, downward, dustonthefloor, fateangel, frau_im_mond, geknebelt, glitzerstern, guckmal, hikage, innocent_manic, interitus, isi, joscha, kleinehexe, la_fille_morgue, loki2002, lyreec, m_s, mayahg, mentality, mrs_puppet, my_sickness, nadyna, nocturne20, ophelia100, ophelia__, ourania, panzerglas, phaseout, pneumokokkus, psychotante, rabenmaedchen, ravens_xxx, sakura11, sonnenwende, spieglein, sportfreundin, stacheldraht, sys, taeuschung, theminx, throughtheglass, tupaya, turgi, unchainedmemory, unicat, valonkantaja, wasser_schlampe, windofviolence, wordsoflove, xcursedchoirx, xxsinnlosxx, yasno
Member of:32: _andcuriouser, _oceansoul, alt_models, altporn, artensterben, bloodsports, de_nakedparts, deep_words, duden_schlampen, edv, eroticgothic, flimmern, german_cutter, german_goths, gothic_babes, gothic_beauty, gothic_fetish, haarscharf, icon_button_bar, la_vie_est_neu, lichtblicke, nichts_nichts, not_normal, onkelz_fans, open_24hours, paidmembers, regentrude, selfportraits, sexoholics, stolzes_herz, vegetarisch, zynismus
Account type:Paid Account

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