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Below is user information for Greg Connor. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:gconnor (348537) Paid User View public key gconnor
Greg Connor's Ramblings and Other Interesting Stuff
Name:Greg Connor
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Location:Santa Clara, California, United States
Bio:I am an Operations Sysadmin guy and I work for a search engine company. In my spare time I also operate even more servers at home for mailing lists and other community-interest services. I enjoy role playing games and anime/manga.

Usually I post like once a week to say what I did over the weekend, but sometimes I post something insightful or even clever. If you find my writing interesting, great, otherwise if you decide to wander off I shall not take it personally. I am writing primarily for me, and entertaining you the readers is not the #1 priority, but I do try to be thought-provoking when the mood strikes.

Friends: Here's a polite request... if you're posting stuff with pictures, such as quizzes, please use an lj-cut tag! Thanks.
Memories:44 entries
Interests:82: 80s music, active listening, ad&d;, algorithms, anime, belief systems, beliefs, bisexuality, bofh, books, brak, british comedy, cats, cheapass games, comic books, comics, communication, compersion, computers, conversation, critical thinking, cryptography, cuddling, d&d;, dirty minds, emotions, empathy, erotica, fantasy, flicking, food, friends, friendship, games, gaming, good eats, hugging, hugs, indian food, intelligence, interpersonal communication, iron chef, japan, law and order, linux, logic, manga, megatokyo, monty python, mushing, perl, peter gabriel, pgp, piers anthony, poetry, polyamory, ranma, ranma 1/2, robert heinlein, role playing, role playing games, rpgs, sci-fi, science, science fiction, semantics, sensuality, sex, sexuality, smart people, snuggling, solving puzzles, space ghost, ssh, strong bad, system administration, technology, thinking, thursdayfolks, tivo, unix, writing. [Modify yours]
People63:1200seconds, 9thmoon, aelfsciene, agrimony, alinsa, althaea, ambar, amcnh, anaserene, arian1, arkady, bhanfhlaith, bhoneydew, bradhicks, bryant, buckeyealum, callicrates, colubra, corrii, cos, creentmerveille, cyranocyrano, da_zhuang, esmerel, ezray, firecat, freyafire, gconnor, gregbo, helenschappell, himynameismark, jakeaidan, kerrylily, kethry, kidarrian, klwalton, ku_she, liane, mactavish, mconnor, merlinofchaos, mister_sunshine, mistwolf, misty_shadows, mysticmoose, nineme, railmeat, rmjwell, rogue_pixel, running_dog, senatorhatty, shadowhwk, space_parasite, stonebender, thistle_chaser, torquemada, traveller_blues, tyee, wildpaletz, willowisp, wirake, wschappell, ysabel
Communities24:bofhen, compersion, d20reviews, dnd3e, dungeon_masters, featureannounce, foolscap_circle, gconnor_private, gconnor_writing, gm_hints_ideas, good_eats, lj_backend, lj_maintenance, ljwin32_sema, nanowrimo, news, paidmembers, polyamory, polyrelations, roleplayers, sfpoly, thursdayfolks, tivolovers, village_people
Feeds10:agrimony_mt, althaea_salon, alton_brown, cert, eldrikmt, hayesc_feed, homestar_rss, sinfestfeed, slashdot, wilwheaton
Mutual Friends:55: 1200seconds, aelfsciene, agrimony, alinsa, althaea, ambar, amcnh, anaserene, arian1, arkady, bhanfhlaith, bhoneydew, bryant, buckeyealum, colubra, corrii, cos, creentmerveille, cyranocyrano, da_zhuang, esmerel, ezray, firecat, freyafire, gconnor, gregbo, helenschappell, himynameismark, jakeaidan, kerrylily, kethry, kidarrian, klwalton, ku_she, mconnor, merlinofchaos, mistwolf, misty_shadows, mysticmoose, nineme, railmeat, rogue_pixel, running_dog, senatorhatty, shadowhwk, space_parasite, stonebender, thistle_chaser, torquemada, traveller_blues, tyee, wildpaletz, willowisp, wschappell, ysabel
Also Friend of:3: a4, somebodies, superdan
Member of:16: bofhen, compersion, d20reviews, foolscap_circle, gconnor_private, gconnor_writing, gm_hints_ideas, good_eats, nanowrimo, paidmembers, polyamory, roleplayers, sfpoly, thursdayfolks, tivolovers, village_people
Account type:Permanent Account

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