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User:littlesailor (274879) Paid User littlesailor
LittleSailor's Journey Through The Seas
Just trying to get where I need to be
Website:My Own Creation
Location:Jewett City, Connecticut, United States
AOL IM:AIM status LittleSailorGal (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 147934569 (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status sweetmilcpl (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Words to live by: "Be who you are and say what you mean, for those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind."


Although I feel I have been sleeping enough lately
I seem to lack my normal energy
My muscles lack the strength I have come to take for granted
My head feels heavy on my shoulders
When an eye waters unexpectedly I wonder
Is it allergies, some irritant, a cold?
Or is some hidden part of me weeping over some long forgotten loss
Seeking bitterly to remind me with this single hot tear

~ Written for me by [info]ironraven


I adopted a cute lil' dragon fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!

Memories:31 entries
Interests:148: accepting yourself, acoustic music, aim, animals, art, baking, band, beach, beautiful personalities, being comfortable with yourself, being curvy, birds, bisexual, boyfriends, boys, brunette, brunettes, butterflys, california, camping, cartoons, cats, change, chatting, cheese, cheesecake, choices, cities, clarinet, cleaning, collecting, comics, compersion, computers, concerts, cooking, crafting, crafts, crocheting, cuddling, dating, depression, dogs, dreams, dvds, emotions, eyes, faith, family, flirting, food, freedom, friends, friendship, girlfriends, girls, hiking, hope, inner beauty, inside beauty, jazz, joking, joy, justice, kissing, knitting, ladies, laughing, laughter, life, lips, livejournal, love, making friends, marriage, military, movies, music, nature, navy, non-conformity, non-monogamy, ocean, ok cupid, opened minds, orchestras, origami, originality, outdoors, partners, passion, peace, personality, philosophy, photography, piano, pictures, poetry, polyamory, porn, purple, rain, randomness, reading, red, relationships, ren and stimpy, running, scrapbooking, sewing, sex, sexy people, shopping, sign language, silence, simpsons, singing, sleep, sleeping, smiles, smiling, soul, spirituality, spontaneity, star trek, stargazing, strawberries, summer, sun, sunsets, sunshine, swimming, symphonies, talking, tarot, technology, thinking, travel, traveling, truth, understanding, unpredictability, vegetarian cooking, walking, water, web design, wisdom, writing. [Modify yours]
People40:aislincalum, boblee_27, brigid23, callmeloki, chiefted, clunknj, cute_but_crazy, cypheroverload, degreescelcius, follower_pc, ironraven, katahlia, keebler23, kiarapanther, kittykat1978, ladyzeppelin, lovepink, lyinglover, maeve8489, martini, msoboe, myindigodreams, navywonder, oboe_mchornreed, ormolu, ourpinkyswear, rikandade, riptides10, sambear, silenttears722, sisterblonde, sororbabylon, spookeriffic, sweetlittlechef, takealookaround, thegame2158, twalden4, youngnyckil, zebraartist, zzbottom
Communities40:askpoly, bakery, bicamp, cake_decorating, compersion, connecticut, cooking, cooking_club, cooking_is_art, cool_cooks, culinarydelight, dining_out, dining_room, dot_poly_snark, food_porn, gay_polls, icon_goddess, krafty_kitchen, lj_nifty, ljers4eternity, look_what_i_got, mono_poly, news, nomeatrecipes, paidmembers, pierced_lovelys, poetic, poly_news, polyamory, polypeople, polyrelations, positivepoly, seatown, seattle, seattle_ho, seattlevegans, shagfrenzy, slow_poke_poly, thriftscore, washingtonstate
Friend of:41: aislincalum, boblee_27, brigid23, callmeloki, chiefted, clunknj, cute_but_crazy, cypheroverload, degreescelcius, follower_pc, hot20us, ironraven, katahlia, keebler23, kiarapanther, kittykat1978, ladyzeppelin, lovepink, lyinglover, maeve8489, martini, msoboe, myindigodreams, navywonder, oboe_mchornreed, ormolu, ourpinkyswear, rikandade, riptides10, sambear, silenttears722, sisterblonde, sororbabylon, spookeriffic, sweetlittlechef, takealookaround, thegame2158, twalden4, youngnyckil, zebraartist, zzbottom
Member of:34: askpoly, bakery, bicamp, cake_decorating, compersion, connecticut, cooking, cooking_club, cooking_is_art, cool_cooks, culinarydelight, dining_out, dining_room, dot_poly_snark, food_porn, gay_polls, icon_goddess, krafty_kitchen, lj_nifty, ljers4eternity, look_what_i_got, mono_poly, nomeatrecipes, paidmembers, pierced_lovelys, poetic, poly_news, polyamory, polypeople, polyrelations, positivepoly, shagfrenzy, slow_poke_poly, thriftscore
Account type:Paid Account

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