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User:shaktiqueen (273301) Paid User shaktiqueen
Forsake thy inhibitions, pursue thy dreams
a touch in time
Location:Van Nuys, California, United States
Given name: Persephone Irene ... I do get asked a lot if Persephone is my given name and yes it is. I have the birth certificate to prove it.

Location: Sherman Oaks Ca. (Los Angeles)

Birthdate 3-12-1970 33+1 and loving it
Partner type persons: [info]giaxcomo: We have been married for three+ years and are still going strong. I love his strenght, his generosity and the fact that he seems to love matter what. We are both comitted to the poly lifestyle and creating an extended tribe for ourselves. [info]ame_chan: My beautiful, sexy glamour bomb princess who I love deeply
[info]i_am_lono: My sweet and sexy clown, knight in shiny armor, strong shoulder to lean on and all around really great guy who sets my pheremones a hoppin.

Children: Rowan aka the pook. currently running headlong into full boyhood . Em-Chan and So-Chan; Ame_chan and Mac's girls who I love as much as my own.

Occupation: Parent, artist, jill of many trades, student of Anthropology and whatever else interests me in the moment, awesome cook. I harbor dreams of creating my own Goddess Workshops and running a hot chocolate shop. I'm just a little distracted right now. Last year I produced, directed and acted in The Vagina Monologues. Who knows what I will accomplish this year.

Hobbies: Collage making, cooking, daydreaming, yoga

Religion: Ecclectic Pagan

Favorite Quote: "I found god in myself & I loved her/I loved her fiercely
--Ntozake Shange

Most of my posts are friends only. If you want to be added to my friends list just drop me a line or add me to your list.

Personal style: I think of myself as an eccentric spiritual kind of person. I like to look good but I'm not a freak about it. I have an appreciation for the finer things in life. I enjoy my comfort but am not beyond the occasional camping in the back country trip.
I'm a little spoiled and well loved and I know how to give thanks for the blessings I have. Yet yearn for more. I'm also slightly oversexed.

give shaktiqueen more *HUGS*

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The WeatherPixie
Memories:26 entries
Interests:149: acting, ancient egypt, ancient history, angel, angels, anthropology, anti-bush, antiwar, arguements, astronomy, basketball, beads, beauty, betty boop, biology, bisexuality, blues, books, boondocks, bush for ex-president, business, california, cards, cary grant, cats, ceramics, chat, co-housing, co-parenting, collage art, color, comfort, communication, compersion, cooking, country life, creativity, dar williams, dating, democrats, diana krall, directing, domestic goddesses, egyptology, einstein, elizabeth peters, enlightenment, feng shui, feng-shui, food, gardening, gardens, geek love, get fuzzy, gin rummy, goddesses, gourmet chocolate, government, hai, hair love, herbs, hip-hop, home decorating, homeowning, horror, horses, hot chocolate, human rights, human rights abuses, intentional community, interior decorating, interior design, involvement, italian food, jacqueline carey, jake the rake, jazz, jewelry, laurell k hamilton, left-wing, lemurs in the rain, liberal, long talks, los angeles, love, marriage, meisner, movies, multi-parent households, music, mystery, mythology, navel gazing, neil gaiman, nigella lawson, nina simone, nora roberts, ocean, old movies, online chats, paganism, painting, parenting, parties, peace, perfume, philosophy, photography, pink, pisces, politics, polyamory, pomegranates, pre-raphealite, producing, purple m&m;'s, quodoshka, r&b;, rain, rock collecting, romance, rose is rose, rubber duckies, san diego, sarcasm, self awareness, sensuality, shakti, smart people, southern culture, spirituality, sun moon stars, sunset, surfgirls, sushi, tantra, television, the dixie chicks, the west wing, toddlers, toes in warm sand, tribe, v-day campaign, vagina monologues, waterhouse, wombabes, wombats, womboinks, world religions. [Modify yours]
People214:_greg, adrienne_elder, aliciar, althaea, ame_chan, amorsalado, amywithani, an_sceal, anisoptera, annaoj, aracknee, astoundingsoul, bafleyanne, bandhiaduit, batesmotel34, bayou_belle, beetlefuck, begraven, blackfyr, bluecayuga, bookofnights, boubabe, boycat, boymaenad, caput_aerus, carnos, casadechaos, cassidyrose, cassiopia, ceph, chibidl, chiefted, cjsmith, computerchix, conflux, control6, crazedwombat, curiouslinda, dcicuto, debmats, deborama, denizsarikaya, dieppe, dissolvedgrrl, doggenius, dryadsidhe, eeyore_grrl, eleanor, elynne, eveningstarr, explodingcat, faeriechilde, faeriemuffin, fairest1ofall, fangorn, filmbuff, fimbrethil, finenewman, fiona_mac, firecat, firecrkr_wmn, foxiecrumz, futabachan, gatcat, gayathri, geekchick, giaxcomo, ginamaebell, gloriajn, goalie1115, gothgems, greendalek, gremlin44, greylen, happypete, herefox, hopeforyou, i_am_lono, iceblink, iceraver, idiva, iwaspersephone, jb98, jessischultz, jmkelly, joedecker, johno, jusdisguy, k4bidyke, kalikanzeros, karensmith, karenthecroccy, kebechet, kenket, kinzokutaka, kismet09, kitminx, klwalton, knighthorse, krasota, lavendargrrl, lcohen, leduck, lilacfairy, lisa_b, livsmama, lordandrei, loveandlight, lyrical1, m00nheart, maatling, mactavish, madpiratebippy, magn0lia, manawolf, manhattan, marea93, maril, martyhaven, mat_t, mbickers, medancer, medusas_secret, merchimerch, michaelnolan, mikz, monkaywrench, moominmuppet, moonstaff, mouseman, msfiend, mykil_4, myowngrrl, mysterix, naesa, neural_girl, noelfigart, odosonata, owlslight, patgreene, pdi, pekoegrrl, peregrin8, pixiecrinkle, pookzilla, porcinea, princeofwands, prizmdonna, puliqueen, purplepaisley, purplespark, quietshell, rachelkb, raddy, rampling, red_frog, renegadelibr, riniishuuma, rivka, rosefox, rowanf, rubylou, sarahparah, sardonicus, satyrix, savvyjack18, scooting, sebab, semperfiona, serenejournal, shadopanther, shaktiqueen, sherluv, shimmeringjemmy, sidhe79, silkything, sillermoon, sinboy, sistercoyote, sluts_r_us, snugs50, sohrshah, soulceress, sqloveslave, stevefava, svava, sylvangoddess, tacit, teal7, teddywolf, textivore, thaisa, the_maenad, thegodofthor, thekumquat, theraevyn, thrennis, tmancuso, tragic_squirrel, tsjafo, undinesprite, usqueba, valkyriechick, wanderingangel, wandra, whereisbeck, wikedlushus1, windsea, wordweaverlynn, wordygrrl, xiane, xriss, xruth, zhade
Communities44:actors, anthropologist, batlady, bipolytolerant, bisexual, bitchqueens, celebysightings, cloudwatchers, compersion, cooking, dot_cattiness, dot_poly_snark, egoboo, fibromyalgia, food_porn, gettingagrip, hip_domestics, kinkybipoly, kith_and_kin, lj_maintenance, lj_nifty, ljover30, los_angeles, metaquotes, onespace, ouchygrumpy, paidmembers, penny_gourmet, poly_la, poly_news, poly_talk, polyamorous, polyamory, polyfamilies, polyparents, really_bad_eggs, roadgrrrls, sacred_home, supportdean, takingiteasy, templeofthebody, tmi_chix, vintage_sex, wombabes
Feeds19:apod, bbcnewsworld, bushliesblog, calnhobbes, comic_getfuzzy, doonesbury, dorktowerfeed, foxtrot_feed, garfield_comic, modrnwrld_blog, noamchomskyblog, nonsquitor_feed, officialgaiman, pearlzb4swine, roseisrose_feed, sinfestfeed, sluggy_feed, someposifeed, tedrall_cartoon
Friend of:205: _greg, aliciar, alienghic, althaea, ame_chan, amorsalado, amywithani, an_sceal, anisoptera, annaoj, aracknee, asim, astoundingsoul, bafleyanne, bandhiaduit, batesmotel34, bayou_belle, beetlefuck, begraven, bimaryg, blackfyr, bluecayuga, bookofnights, boubabe, boycat, boymaenad, caput_aerus, casadechaos, cassidyrose, cassiopia, ceph, chibidl, chiefted, cjsmith, computerchix, conflux, control6, crazedwombat, curiouslinda, dcicuto, debmats, deborama, denizsarikaya, dieppe, dissolvedgrrl, dryadsidhe, eeyore_grrl, eleanor, elynne, eveningstarr, explodingcat, faeriemuffin, fangorn, femmedesjour, filmbuff, fimbrethil, finenewman, fiona_mac, firecat, firecrkr_wmn, foxiecrumz, futabachan, gatcat, gayathri, geekchick, giaxcomo, ginamaebell, gloriajn, goalie1115, gothgems, greendalek, gremlin44, greylen, happypete, herefox, hopeforyou, i_am_lono, iceblink, iceraver, idiva, iwaspersephone, jb98, jessischultz, jmkelly, joedecker, johno, jusdisguy, k4bidyke, kalikanzeros, karensmith, karenthecroccy, kebechet, kinzokutaka, kismet09, kitminx, klwalton, knighthorse, krasota, lavendargrrl, lcohen, leduck, lil_alex, lilacfairy, lisa_b, livsmama, lordandrei, loveandlight, lyrical1, maatling, mactavish, madpiratebippy, magn0lia, manhattan, manzanita, marea93, maril, martyhaven, mbickers, medancer, medusas_secret, merchimerch, mikz, monkaywrench, moominmuppet, moonstaff, mouseman, msfiend, mykil_4, mysterix, naesa, nebris, neural_girl, noelfigart, odosonata, owlslight, patgreene, pdi, pekoegrrl, pixiecrinkle, pookzilla, porcinea, princeofwands, prizmdonna, puliqueen, purplepaisley, purplespark, quietshell, rachelkb, raddy, rampling, ...
Member of:58: actors, anthropologist, antiwar, batlady, bi_people, bi_pride, bipolytolerant, bisexual, bitchqueens, celebysightings, cloudwatchers, compersion, cooking, dot_cattiness, dot_poly_snark, egoboo, feministas, fibromyalgia, food_porn, gettingagrip, hip_domestics, howard_dean, kinkybipoly, kitchenwitchery, kith_and_kin, liberal, lj_nifty, ljgourmet, ljover30, los_angeles, metaquotes, momsofboys, onespace, ouchygrumpy, pagan, paidmembers, penny_gourmet, phenomenalwomen, poly_grrls, poly_la, poly_news, polyamorous, polyamory, polyfamilies, polyparents, really_bad_eggs, reasonablewomen, roadgrrrls, sacred_home, socal_wiccans, something_scary, takingiteasy, templeofthebody, tmi_chix, vaginapagina, vintage_sex, west_wing_fans, wombabes
Account type:Paid Account

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