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User:theraevyn (341145) Paid User theraevyn
Once upon a midnight dreary... I pondered weak and weary
Name:The Raevyn
Website:Sweet Creeping Zombie Jesus
Location:Los Angeles, California, United States

Current Terror Level:
Terror Alert Level

The WeatherPixie
Memories:56 entries
Interests:128: 13, 69 camaros, 80s music, abandoned buildings, acceptance, affection, alternative lovestyles, arterial spray, bdsm, better burgers, big trucks, big words, bloodletting, blot, body art, boingo, bondage, bonfires, buffy, bullet holes, candles, cats, cheese, chicks, childfree by choice, classical piano, clothes pins, clubbing, clubs, clue, compersion, concerts, convertibles, criminalistics, dancing, dark comedy, dave gahan, death, depeche mode, dictionaries, disneyana, dna, dogs, dr. seuss, dungeon, eminem, erasure, erotica, ethical slut, evidence, fetish, forensic photography, forensic science, fuckbuddies, g33ks, glamis, good head, goth, gothic, grammar, hair-pulling, happy meals, hello cthulu, hollywood, horror fiction, industrial music, intentional community, kissing, led zeppelin, lightning, live music, llamas, macabre, macaws, massage, mind the gap, mmm, monty python, mp3s, multipartner relationships, muscle cars, new wave, nightmare before christmas, nyc, ocd, old factories, open relationships, performance art, perversion, phaneromania, photography, piercings, pinot noir, pirates, poe, polyamory, pterodactyls, puzzles, rain, responsible nonmonogamy, seattle, sensory deprivation, singing, stab wounds, stephen king, stompy goodness, stoppit, submission, sunsets, tangents, tattoos, temptation, thunderstorms, tim burton, trains, traveling, tribe, trichotillomania, truth, turning off the television, unix, vampires, velvet, vinyl, voyeurism, wackiness, willy wonka, witticisms. [Modify yours]
People84:adrienne_elder, akuma13, ame_chan, axo, bandhiaduit, beetlefuck, betterthanblood, bloodqueen, boycat, burningblue, chaossmurf, cheezmo, christafa, cock_star, crushed_violet, cry_pretty, cuntrol, curiouslinda, darklefthand, darkviolet9, dcicuto, deviantsaint, dieppe, dryadsidhe, duetemmo, faeriechilde, firecrkr_wmn, gearkrieg, giaxcomo, goalie1115, gothcomic, gymnopedie, i_am_lono, kenshi, kitminx, knoxvelour, ldy, lordandrei, makabriel, malacat, monkaywrench, msmarlamae, mykil_4, nickeletta, nnaerie, nunboi, penetracia2000, porngrrl, prizmdonna, purplespark, renegadelibr, riniishuuma, rivetmadness, roughsex, sallystardust, sapience, satyrix, sextanika, shaktiqueen, sinasster, sinfulphotos, skathic, slashandburn, slut0rama, snowjedi, snugs50, sohrshah, somaticdreamer, sonder, soulceress, sugarfuel, tarateleri, tattooedmonk, thaisa, thegodofthor, theraevyn, thighhighboots, thisamericanlie, tnklb, usqueba, violateme, vivaciousrivet, wrazorwristgrrl, xaemyl
Communities14:acidkizz, bigothgirls_la, bitchqueens, chemistryhelp, compersion, depeche_mode, kinkybipoly, lagoth, lithium_picnic, los_angeles, math_help, poly_la, polyamory, stompinggrounds
Feeds2:calnhobbes, nonsquitor_feed
Account type:Paid Account

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