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[03 Feb 2005|05:51pm]
[ mood | sick, but not unhappy ]
[ music | When the levy breaks - Led Zep ]

I'm still sick(tm). Enough so that I did not go to work today.I couldn't sleep much either though so I got to talk to a few people I never get to see anymore.

[info]wineandravens it was good to see you. I am so unbelievably happy for you, I just wish I could come see you all.

[info]myconfusedworld Good to see you too, I'm glad eveythings ok, if hectic and I miss you. We have got to get some RP in sometime and SOON.

[info]tbrents I still smile when I see you unidle.

I found a pretty picture for a user icon, yay.

The rabbits have said that I may go be ill over there at the warren, so I am going to get my stinky ass into the shower like I told [info]uncledark I would do an hour ago and go be mothered, I need it.

[info]lorange called me when he got home from work to see how I am, I feel all loved *big smile*.

I'm gonna go be sick not in front of the computer now.

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[03 Feb 2005|10:44am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | Santana ]


The Maia is sick, very much so. I have a nasty cough, a nasty sinus thing, and I just feel like shit. I don't think I'm running a fever, if I am it's a low grade one. Just looks like the one winter cold that turns into the evil every year. Regardless, I feel like shit.

I don't want to go to work today, but I NEVER call in sick, and I can't sleep anymore anyways it seems. Blah.

I get the feeling that I am going to be spending the entire weekend alone in front of my computer, which is not what I wanted to do. [info]lorange has been sick all week and says he's staying home this weekend. Also, I don't want to make anyone else sick.

More blah.

If anyone wants to do anything this Friday or Saturday that isn't too strenuous, movies or some such, lemme know.

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when the going gets tough, the tough go shopping [22 Jan 2005|12:20pm]
[ mood | sadangrydepressed ]

It's official, the Maia is in a Bad Mood(tm).

I'm probably going to hunt down [info]uncledark in an hour or three, but right now, it's home remedies. I'm going clothe shopping. I need to do it anyways, and sometimes it cheers me up.

Maybe I'll find a cool new lunchbox.

I was planning og getting some ink done today, but I sorta wanted [info]lorange to go with me and he has people to see and things to do this weekend, so maybe next week.

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[18 Jan 2005|12:05pm]
Hey! You, yes you, sitting there reading my journal.

If you don't know Nan ([info]emeraldpunk) then you should. She's my sister, one of my best friends, and an all around incredible lady. She's also very new to Asatru and could use some support being down there in Lancaster with no other heathens but DJ in hollering distance :P (I love you, D).

I woke up today and read this story she wrote and I'm still laughing about it. Go read it, and friend my friend if you have time for an irreverant heathen woman with HUGE ti a wonderful sense of humor on your reading lists.
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[18 Jan 2005|01:21am]
You scored as Earth. Earth is the predominating element in your life. Earth rules the signs of Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn.











Which of the Five Elements are you?
created with

This is a surprise to anyone?
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[10 Jan 2005|12:45pm]
Happy Birthday, M!
Here's to one of the strongest, most beautiful, most loving women I know.

Everyone wish wineandravens a wonderful birthday.
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lemminglemminglemming [10 Jan 2005|01:30am]
1.) Copy and paste this into your journal:
<*font color="yourusername"> <*b>yourusername<*/b> <*/font>
2.) Eliminate the asterisks.
2 1/2.) Replace "yourusername" with your user name.
3.) See what color you are.

Here's mine:
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Viked from [info]mrmoe [09 Jan 2005|11:54pm]
1. Go to
2. Click on Get Directions.
3. Enter your current address and the address of your childhood home.
4. Put the time and distance in a post like this one.
5. Don't forget to include these instructions -- not the driving directions

Total Est. Time: 1 hour, 49 minutes
Total Est. Distance: 107.06 miles
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[04 Jan 2005|11:25pm]
I have GMail invites, anyone want one?
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lemminglemminglemming [04 Jan 2005|01:50am]
[ mood | snarky ]

In the year 2005 I resolve to:

Become one with my inner sociopath.

Get your resolution here

Ah yes, the inner sociopath. So, what shall I bring to work for lunch on Wednesday? A sandwich, a bag of old wet marshmallows and a slingshot, or an automatic rifle...hmm....

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[03 Jan 2005|01:29pm]
You scored as True Neutral. A True Neutral person has two faces- either these people are merely apathetic, preferring to focus their minds on more important things, or these people truly believe in a balance of all things. To these people, there can be no light without some darkness. These people also have no dedication to, or intrinsic distrust of, laws.

True Neutral


Chaotic Good


Neutral Good


Lawful Good


Lawful Evil


Neutral Evil


Chaotic Neutral


Chaotic Evil


Lawful Neutral


What is your Alignment?
created with
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Happy New Year's Post - a little late [02 Jan 2005|11:33pm]
It's been a hell of a year. I moved from SoCal to the Bay Area, definitely an improvement but I probbaly will move somewhere a bit greener eventually...and cheaper.

I'm working retail now, yay petco. I once mentioned that I had liked my job a SuperPetz better than teaching, and in lots of ways, that's true. What I don't like better is the fact that I now bring home half of what I did teaching and I live in a more expensive area, never can manage to catch up.

Hope everyone had a good holiday season, I went to several great holiday celebrations, including the GreyHaven NYE party where I (as predicted) got way too drunk and made an ass of myself. Yay Maia.

Overall, life is objectively not bad. To discuss my subjective view of it however, would rapidly get depressing and I'm not doing it here.

A few special wishes:
angels_breath: I wish for you health and happiness and love in the new year.

bunnyears11: I wish you peace, discovery of the strength I know you have, and better grades.

emeraldpunk: Sis, I love you. I wish you'd get laid. ;)

evergrey: I wish you health, wealth, happiness and a soldier boy with a big red bow on.

evilgrayson: Angel, you are my friend and my sister. I love you. I wish you and Mercius love and laughter, strength and determination, wisdom and peace.

gypsynoni: I wish you filthy foot sex and lots of paper napkin love.

hauk: I love you, bro. I wish you good music and big bootied groupies.

lorange: Lots of Led Zeppelin everything, of course. After all, Led Zeppelin is love and I love you more than you know.

lydiashton: You are one awesome lady. I wish for you to discover the strength and love we all see, and never lose sight of it again.

mrmoe: I wish for you to be happy and loved, and you know that for you I would move heaven and earth to see that.

starfire6910: *hugs* I wish for you to be whole.

tbrents: I wish for you the devotion and love you so very richly deserve.

thorrfin: I wish you abundance, laughter, and good luck in the Games (yeah so, so I root for at least 2 or 3 of what)

uncledark: I wish you peace, serenity, healing, and love.

vampire_scion: Titties, lots and lots of titties.

wineandravens: I wish you love, because love really does conquer all, eventually.

xcountrypanther: I wish you strength, determination, patience, and the certain unfailing knowledge that you are loved.

To each and every one of you on my friends list:
My very best wishes for a wonderful year filled with love, light, and laughter.
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a real update, sorta [29 Dec 2004|01:33am]
Those of you who know me well will note that my previous two entries have been attempts to cheer myself up, and you'll have expected this if you've known me for over a year.

I have had several absolutely wonderful holiday celebrations this year. I have spent time with people I truly enjoy and there has been no drama. For those of you with whom I spent holiday time, I very much enjoyed each and every celebration and the people who were there. Nothing that follows changes that in the slightest.

I have not had the opportunity to go and visit with my family, but I'm not entirely sure that I'm not way too fragile to withstand seeing the parental units so very close to Xmas and then go back to work the next day.

I had hoped that having only happy, positive holiday things going on would make me a little less likely to break this year. Yes, there was the stress incumbent on working retail in a store running on 2/3 staff during the Xmas rush, but it's more than that. Between the winter blahs and the emotional baggage I personally carry surrounding this time of the year, I'm losing it. I am stressed, depressed, feeling rather fragile, and likely to cry at the drop of a hat.

I'm not even sure what the point of this post is, just a heads up I guess.

I hope you all have had wonderful holidays, whichever of them you celebrate.
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And another resurrected lemming... [29 Dec 2004|01:24am]
It's time for 10 Good Things(tm), and I'd love to see everyone else do one too.

For those of you who are new to my LJ, a year or two ago I created the 10 Good Things(tm) meme. What you do is list 10 things that are good, or that at least don't suck out loud. If clean chones or Ed Graham's famous 'still breathing' are what you can think of, go for it my friends. It's one of those positive thought thingies.

10. Those friends who help me keep a grasp on my sanity, whether they know it or not.
9. I have a job that doesn't generally suck.
8. Clean chones.
7. I get to spend time with friends tomorrow night.
6. My laundry is done and my room is almost clean.
5. I have time to get enough sleep tonight.
4. mmm coffee
3. rain
2. I'm reading a really good book
1. My sweeties
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I am an affection WHORE! [29 Dec 2004|01:13am]
Hey all, most of you already know how to do this. That's right, it's time for a little Paper Napkin Love(tm).

My friend Noni ([info]gypsynoni) has this game we all play. It's good for a laugh and always lifts our spirits. It's called Paper Napkin Love. It should be played at an all-night diner, so imagine the formica counters and the black and white linoleum (or just your local Denny's). What you do is take a paper napkin, the kind with the diner's name on is the best, and a pen. You write what you love about someone sitting at the table with you and then pass the napkin around and everyone does the same. Big groups are best and we have been known to have as many napkins (or once at my place, paper plates) as there are people going around.

Noni wants to play here on LJ, and I second the motion. Click here for Noni's original paper napkin love post.

What you do is leave a comment here that looks like this:

I love Maia because _____________________________________ and then post Paper Napkin Love to your own LJ. Have Fun!
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[23 Dec 2004|12:38am]
Stolen from [info]uncledark

If there is someone on your friends list you would like to take, strip naked, tie them to a bed post, eat them until they scream, then fuck them until both of you are senseless and unable to fuck anymore, then wait about 5 minutes, and do it all over again, then post this exact sentence in YOUR journal.
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oh my [20 Dec 2004|12:58pm]
[ mood | silly ]

[info]uncledark put a link to Ursula K. LeGuin's reply about the Earthsea travesty on TV in his blog a while back. In the same vein, but MUCH expanded, Earthsea in Clorox by Ursula K. Leguin for The Agony Column in which she pays particular attention to the whitewashing of her rainbow of characters into white middle-class acceptability.

I am one of those who never thought much about the colors of the characters when I read the books in Jr. High School, but as Ms. Leguin notes, Whites of course have the privilege of not caring, of being "colorblind." Nobody else does. Just brilliant, and I believe I'll read the books again just as soon as I get through chasing down the Illuminati.

Off to a Yule party with me.

Here comes the sun, doodoodoodoo....

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[13 Dec 2004|12:38am]
Leave a comment, but post it anonymously. Tell your honest feelings about me and then paste this into your own journal and see what your friends (and maybe other people you didn't know read your LJ) say about you.
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a real update [08 Dec 2004|12:42am]
Oy. Ok, so I'm out of grooming and being promoted to a team lead at work. This sucks out loud for scheduling (I expect to be closing 4 nights a week), but it's a step up.

Other than being busy, things are not bad. I really wish I lived closer to work, but I'm not even going to think about moving before taxes.

I got the notice today that I had a speeding ticket fine due yesterday so I'm hoping they'll give me an extension.

Enh, overall life is good, I work, I sleep, I hang out with friends. I also finally got a local phone number, for those of you whov'e been complaining on that.

If you're on my friends list, the new cell phone # is posted in my next entry.
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hehehe [07 Dec 2004|11:51am]
My LiveJournal 12 Days
My True Love gave to me...
12 mrmoes a-raving.
11 thorrfins a-skating.
10 tbrentss a-calling.
9 gypsynonis a-posting.
8 evilgraysons a-chewing.
7 starfire6910s a-wailing.
6 loranges a-tickling.
5 dark blue emeraldpunks.
4 commenting uncledarks.
3 Lichtenstinian exoteriss.
2 salamander wineandravenss.
And a hauk in a papaya tree.
Get gifts! Username:
Another fun meme brought to you by rfreebern.
Gee, [info]lorange TICKLING??? Nah, never, not him. *washes off the sarcasm with a firehose*
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