Thursday, January 20th, 2005
7:32 pm - 478 miles
Thursday, January 13th, 2005
8:02 am - *cue theme music*
OK, so I have the following equipment things to do in the next 18 days. And I will get them done, leaving a bloody trail of severed coax and ATM interfaces behind me, if need be:
install new Cisco 7507 router in Portland move 7200 router from Portland to Bangor peer with two other ASNs in Bangor install new Cisco 7500 router in Waterville move Shasta and OC-3 interfaces from Bangor to Waterville install Cisco 6400 in Waterville turn up new DS3 with ATT in Portland turn down old DS3 with ATT turn up new DS3 with Oxford
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Tuesday, January 4th, 2005
7:40 am - real dedication
Friday, December 24th, 2004
4:13 am - holiday busy time
Saturday, December 18th, 2004
2:04 pm - the aliens in my chest
gack! I am really getting the feeling that I should not have had breakfast at Big G's with poetgeek this morning. Not that it was not good to catch up with him (it was), but rather the feeling I am having now of murderous alien creatures trying to break out of my stomach. Or so it seems.
As the The Cat on Red Dwarf once said in a similar situation -- "I gotta go do something private!".
How women can live through morning sickness, I will never know.
current mood: sick
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Friday, December 17th, 2004
3:00 am - more silly tests
Sunday, December 12th, 2004
12:01 am - Empathy Test meme
Wednesday, December 8th, 2004
11:07 pm - URL meme
Sunday, December 5th, 2004
1:35 pm - i'm a good sheep
Umberto Eco: The Name of the Rose. You are a mystery novel dealing with theology, especially with catholic vs liberal issues. You search wisdom and knowledge endlessly, feeling that learning is essential in life.
Which literature classic are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, November 24th, 2004
10:04 pm - 'Twas the night before avian protein gorging....
...when all through the house, the only creature that is stirring is myself. The dishes have been washed and hung in the dish rack with care, in the hopes that Nicholas will soon be asleep under my wife's care.
( Read more... )
current mood: content
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9:20 pm - baaaaaaaaahhh!
I'm a good little sheep....
You Are Mashed Potatoes |
Oridnary, comforting, and more than a little predictable You're the glue that holds everyone together.
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Saturday, November 13th, 2004
10:11 pm - more meme
Friday, November 12th, 2004
7:07 pm - memage.
I have been so busy, hard to find time to write here, either public or private.
So have a cookie meme instead: "What D&D Character am I?" ( Read more... )
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Monday, November 1st, 2004
9:15 pm - why isn't this the real discussion?
Wow. Just wow. Read this:
Why isn't this tape getting more discussion and coverage? Too close the election? It is interesting that OSB is actually correct -- the Bush administration has given them a victory far greater than they had imagined. They made us react and do exactly what they dreamed and wanted, and we have spend many orders of magnitude more money and resources than they did to start this 'war'. This quote is very interesting:
"All that we have to do is to send two mujahedeen to the furthest point east to raise a piece of cloth on which is written al Qaeda, in order to make generals race there to cause America to suffer human, economic and political losses without their achieving anything of note other than some benefits for their private corporations," bin Laden said."
It would be nice if he wasn't right, but he is. It is a pretty sad state of affairs when public enemy #1, a terrorist mastermind, is being more honest than any of the political canidates.
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Saturday, October 30th, 2004
9:11 pm - personality types
Friday, October 22nd, 2004
9:30 am - poptech
Yes, once again it is pop!tech time again. I can hardly believe it, this is the 8th year that I will be in attendance, and helping out.
A lot of really smart people here. I hope to post some pictures tomorrow.
So far I enjoyed the offical UN demographer the best.
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Thursday, October 14th, 2004
6:01 pm - the things you don't discover until later
So, get this...... I found out last night that a certain broadband device that was purchased for $STUPID_AMOUNTS by a certain former $ISP-EH? that has since been Borg'ed never actually was outfitted with enough processing power to handle the customer base attached to it. In fact, it appears that it was limited to a total number of connections of about half of what it really should have been, at a minimum. And when one of the $REALLY_EXPENSIVE modules in the device died (which, incidentially, made it fall over and die in the middle of the day, because this is a known bug in the version running on said device, which no one bothered to upgrade for the 3 years it was under maintainence support, and the price of support now could be used as a downpayment on a house....), it cut the maximum session capacity of this device to to about 1/4th of what it actually needed. Enough so that a LOT of customers started going splat. And the phones rang. A lot.
I had, of course, ASS-U-MEed that the cards that could take up to 4 of the sub-processor thingees had actually been outfitted with all 4 sub-processor thingees, and that they didn't take the cheap ass route and only put in one of them. But I should have known better. They spent a lot of money to buy the biggest, baddest, most expensive and well decorated and enticing cardboard boxes around, but there was never anything inside them.
This is so stupid, and wrong, and makes me just scream (I did, really -- I let out a good primal scream last night, scaring folks in the office). The stupid thing was licensed for close to 10 times the total number of subscribers that it could physically support. Where can I get people to give me this kind of money so I can use it to do something like buy a dozen 23" LCD display and try to hook them up to my laptop? Or maybe I could just hang up rolls of 50 dollar bills in the bathroom...... it would be about the same as what they did.
It is a damn lucky one can find spare routers laying around the office. There is one good thing about the equipment from the Church of the Teal Colored Packet Slingers -- you can do just about anything with them, if you know what you are doing. And I do, even if I say so myself.
current mood: pissed off
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Tuesday, October 12th, 2004
8:43 pm - blah
cold receeding, a bit... but not entirely. Just not trying to cough up lungs on a 5 minute interval.
Now I have a headache, which is odd -- I'm blessed not to get them very often.
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Tuesday, October 5th, 2004
5:53 pm - *cough* *gag*
I hate being sick. I need to step up to the next larger size of dayquil packets. IV drip, here I come.....
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Sunday, September 26th, 2004
1:07 pm - sleeping ground