Manzanita's LiveJournal Entries [entries|friends|calendar]

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(Your Words Get Mine)

Random Masturbation Synonym Generator [09 Apr 2002|08:10pm]
This is way too funny...

(1 Bons Mots | Your Words Get Mine)

Cat Lap Dance [16 Mar 2002|07:40pm]
For all cat lovers and cat haters...

(Your Words Get Mine)

Just an FYI [09 Jan 2002|10:37am]
From now on, just about all of my posts will be friends-only, and I've also changed the viewing permissions on most of my previous posts to make them friends-only. See my post of yesterday (about friends-only posts and privacy) to understand why I am doing this; I am hoping that this will help me to get over my "poster's block", and is not directed at anyone in particular. So, if you want to read my journal, respond to that post and ask to be on my friends list.

(5 Bons Mots | Your Words Get Mine)

Friends-only posts and privacy [08 Jan 2002|10:34pm]
[ mood | frustrated ]
[ music | T-Bone Burnett - Driving Wheel ]

There is a reason I post so infrequently, and I'm feeling the need lately to talk about it and ask for some feedback to assuage my paranoia...

A few months back, I was mortified to witness some behavior that I felt was totally unethical--an LJer was openly discussing something they read in another's person's friends-only post at a social gathering. (Both people were previously unknown to me.) It made me wonder whether I could safely make friends-only posts and feel secure that my comments would remain confidential...

So I ask you--how do you handle this issue? Do you consider the friends-only posts of other LJers totally confidential, and refrain from discussing them with others not on the person's friends list? If not, with whom do you feel it is OK to discuss friends-only posts--partners, friends, family--and what level of detail do you disclose?

Please respond to this post and let me know your thoughts--and please don't take offense. Understand that this is not directed at anyone in particular. So far, only people who I know, like, and trust in real life are on my friends list. (That doesn't mean I wouldn't add people who I only know from online interaction, however.) I just need some support to help me get past this "poster's block".

(Your Words Get Mine)

Long time coming [09 Sep 2001|08:19pm]
[ mood | thoughtful ]
[ music | Kind of Blue - Miles Davis ]

I've been contemplating starting a LiveJournal for months fact, I've been reading the posts and comments on the polyamory community for quite a while and have been impressed with the quality of the dialogue time and again. At Burning Man, I camped with Poly Paradise and spent some time hanging with the LJ crowd (who, it so happened, were our neighbors across the street), and wrote in the camp's paper journals as well. That seems to have finally sparked me into action, so here I am.

I intend to participate in the polyamory community at the very least, and possibly in some others as well. I'm open to suggestions from anyone who cares to offer them. I don't know how many entries I'll make here...even though I know that LJ provides posting options that allow me to keep my posts private or visible to friends only, I am still having a little trouble getting my mind wrapped around a different sort of journaling paradigm. To my mind, a journal is something that one keeps private and does not open to others. However, that doesn't change the fact that I have quite a passion for the published journals of well-known writers and creative folk. And given that I don't keep secrets and perceive myself as an "open book", well...doing this indeed makes some kind of sense.

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