I finished reading a book for work called, The Goal.
It's about the theory of constraints, using the example of a factory.
So now parts of my consciuous and subconscious mind are trying to figure out how that applies the the broader spectrum of my life. Where are the bottle necks constraining me from producing the most vibrant and beautiful life possible?
Nothing's clicked along those lines quite yet. But it does have me thinking about what I want to do when I grow up... agian. I was thinking it's be neat to get a masters in art, with maybe a teching certificate. But then I was thinking that it might be a better path to just DO art until I had that level of accomplishment. I wouldn't have a neat little piece of paper from an officail institution, but I won't owe them a cubic butload of money either. I could spend just a fraction of the cost on materials and tools and probably be better off.
I'd like to travel just a bit too. I'd like to see the Smithsonian museiums, the temple at the NYMet, and probably some stone circles in Ireland and England. I might like to go do some sort of botanical eco-tourisim... but I don't know if that qualifies as travel or puruit of learning about permaculture, or perhaps even "good works"/"volunterisim".
I'm conflicted in that I don't want to commute far to visit interesting people, but there are a lot of people I'd like to be more connected with that live in the bay area. Friends I only see a couple times a year that I'd like to see once or twice a month or more. Yet I'm happy to be tied to this area for the time being.
Living with my mother is constraining my lifestyle. However, it's my best option for the time being... and there's not a lot I can do about it at the moment.
My income is a major constraint, but I know that's a cop-out. Just a meatter of being more focused and more creative.
A basketball that looks really good in a corset.
So a little while back, after I got my hair cut, Psy said that without the long hair I couldn't say the L. stood for Fabio anymore. It's a silly thing that I feel justified in ignoring, but every once in a while something like that makes sense. But last night I found a new answer to the inevitable question of, " What does the 'L.' stand for?" The new answer is "50". I don't know of any particulare implications, metaphysical or historic, of that answer. I know the math and history geeks will get it, but .... most people will be even more dumbfounded than with the "Fabio" answer.
Notes for the slow:
1. In real life I use my first inital (L) and my middle name.
2. "Fabio" doesn't start with the letter L, that's the point.
3. L, when used as a Roman numberal stands for the number fifty
I skipped minis last night. I just didn't feel much like goin'
There are some things that I need to get done in my life and last night I was able to check off two of them.
I applied to Sierra College (again) and registered for the environmental horticulture class that I've wanted to take for a while. I borrowed my moms credit card, yes she knows about it, and I'm all paid up. It's a three unit corse and with student health fee and misc bs it's costing me nearly $100 for one class! Damn. Damn. Damn, damn, damn damn damn. Did I mention damn? The other thing I got checked off is I've mailed my registration for the mask class. That promises to be fun.
I also got some laundry cleaned and some other laundry put away. And I got to bed early
time for work and time for coffee.
I'm in the middle of enjoying some truely enlightening quotes from one of the greatest minds in the modern world. My two favorites so far:
I've cut a few people from my friends list. Nothing hatefull intended, just journals that I've found myself just skipping past, and people that only remind me of my soon to be ex-wife. Probably a few more cuts comming up... but I'll see how i feel next week.
over about the last week I've been doing a little yoga. After my second session I was able to touch my toes. It's teaching me to be a little patient with myself. I hope I'm able to stick with it, sometimes doing yoga feels really good. (thanx)
I went with my mother, her friend, and her mother, to a movie and lunch today. Been a strange christmass in general. Family ended up do the gift thing on thursday evening, the eave of christmass eave. My brother's family was headed away for a weekend camping trip in their recently perchased 5th wheel trailer. Last night, christmass eave I did some yard work, had some friends over for coffee, dinner with my mom, and then went and hung out and did yoga.
I was doing pretty good but reading my friends list journals reminded me too much of what I've lost. And though I am in many ways glad to be free of the burden I am still a little sad.
For the immeadiate future...
I've got some reading to do for work. Tomorrow I get my geek on playing in the worlds largest dungeon. I'll probably read a bit in some D&D; books tonight too. I got some money for christmass (from my father even!) that I plan to buy the new race book with... probably tomorrow. I also want one of those pillows with the arms for watching movies. Depending what time the game starts tomorrow and when I wake up I might take a moment to buy another dress shirt.
Further out...
I got some debt to pay off and I need to apply some dicipline in my spending habits. That includes buy things and preping lunches instead of eating out. I have some other shopping to do, basic things like a new toothbrush and maybe shapoo... I need to get a haircut before thursday, so I can look neat for Ausi & JNL's handfasting. I'm really looking forward to that.
Maybe I'll go smoke my pipe out in the cold. Sometimes that helps me think.
I've stayed after here at work...
...playing Trade Wars.
Now it's time for soup.
It's been a strange week, with lots of new things.
I played Santa
There's now a metaphysical store in Lincoln
Last night I did some yoga.
Psy and I modified the TollHouse cookie recp.: whole wheat flower, sub extra brown sugar for the granulated sugar, and sub cocoa nibs for nuts. Very Yummie.
Duane also saved me a bit of Tofurkey to try. It was alright.
Won the D&D; miniatures tourney (200pt warbands)
I don't actually remember mutch about monday and tuesday.
And I really need to do some laundry tomorrow.
So over the weekend I trimmed a hybiscuss tree, taking a staff and two walking sticks. They're really cool. I took some cuttings and I'm hoping they will sprout roots. I also picked through some birds of paradise and came out with half a dozen seeds which I'm trying to sprout as well. Lastly while I was at the nursery I picked up some acornes I'm hoping will sprout as well.
So I've been told that I'm hard to get a gift for. I find this difficult to believe because I can always spend even the slightest excess of funds. So, because it was requested, here is a list of gifts that I would like to recieve.
Well, it's started.
angst, depression, anger.
I started to write a new song:
I thought I was a man,
but her, once more, I am
It's good to be home again,
but if feels just like a prison.
My roots drink deeply
the marrow meat of the dead
ancestors banquet
moved this weekend. Thanx Jake, Thanx James!!!
I'm at my mom's house, with a nest in a pile of boxes with a good view of the new TV.
forthcomming: more details and by request, a christmass list.
I spent a goodly portion of this weekend cleaning out the room at my mom's house. Friday I'll see if I can rent a truck and get a few stout fellows together.
This morning is tough. I'm tiered. I can smell the coffee brewing and I am pulled to it as a zombie to brains. I'm having pleasant, but rather selfish, nayghty thoughts about certain women this morning. I'm also wondering how to get a ticket or two, and the price of such, to the golden rivers aniversery banquet. However, a search yesterday makes me believe that I might actually know the feast-o-crat, eh?
Psy ended up giving me a ride to the concert. It was good. It lacked a little of the energy that I expect from a tempest concert, but that might have to do with the notable age of the crowd. I really liked the Basist, talented and cute! Generally the mix was a little edgyer than I remember, a little more distortion, more liberal use of electronic effectcs. I liked it, a bunch.
I talked with my mom and I'll be moving back in with her. Good point is that I'll get to pay my debt down at an excellerated rate, but I'll be living with my mom. emasculation journal forthcomming. I'll be getting a cell phone, if anyone LIKES their cell plan let me know aobut it. I'll start packing tonight, need to get some bank boxes on the way home.
Hung out with good people on sunday, it was good for me. Thanx y'all!
I should come back from lunch now.
Xot's Battle Imp is | ||||
![]() Ouurd | ||||
Backstabbing: 21 Dodgin': 30 Guts: 42 Magic Mojo: 13 Smackdown: 400 | ||||
Work is exhausting in a mostly good kinda way.
I need to take it a little easy, my body's trying to get sick.
Really there's no time for that right now. Vitamins, eccanacia, more water, and not pushing myself my stave this off. A little congestion in my head and chest.
Had a good dinner tonight, thought I should eat some fresh veggies soon.
What else? Did I mention I'm tiered. I think I'm early to bed tongiht. I pray the election settles out well. I'm a little done with the hype, though I'm glad so many people voted this time around. Every time we have an election I think about getting involved in local politics, something where I can make a difference. But the fact that I don't think about it much between elections means that I'm not really ready for that yet.
Lots to do tomorrow at work... but I'm doing good about not driving myself nuts by thinking too much about work when I'm at home. My minds just running in circles as a slump twords slumber... reviewing things of the day, starting to think about tomorrow... blah blah blah. Good night alles.
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