It Seemed Like A Good Idea At the Time
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Below are the 20 most recent journal entries recorded in
Erin, Prismatic Queen of Randomness' LiveJournal:
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Monday, January 17th, 2005 | 12:58 pm |
Vertigo by U2 |
"The night is full of holes Those bullets rip the sky Of ink with gold They twinkle as the boys play rock and roll"
In 2004 you partied so hard... you forgot how to count.
| (make me smile) | Sunday, January 9th, 2005 | 12:34 pm |
why they should not cut music programs from schools I was listening to the radio on the way home the other night, and I remembered how much I love acoustic guitar. Really really really love anything acoustic. I need to start playing my guitar again. It makes me feel like maybe someday I CAN be Alan Doyle. Because I *really* want to be Alan Doyle when I grow up. (Is that weird?) And I let myself get sidetracked from that. If I can't be Alan Doyle, maybe I can be Ani or Jess Klein... but I'm not so much angry anymore so I'd end up mellow Ani who isn't nearly as cool as the Ani who wrote Gravel. But acoustic guitar is a dying art. I think I like John Mayer so much because he became huge on acoustic, he did SO much with it. (I mean come on, No Such Thing and then Comfortable... ) He reminded people that to be successful in the 21st century music industry, you don't have to resort to three chords and screaming. Real music, with its melodies and harmonies, still has a place in the world. It has become too easy. Pre recorded instruments are blended together with a digitally enhanced voice coming from a pretty face and packed onto a piece of plastic that one can buy for only $17.99 And this, we tell our kids, is music. No way. Music is people in a room with instruments, music is people who sound good without the help of a filter. Britney Spears should NOT have a career as a singer. I saw her on tv try to do a song live and it sounded AWFUL. She should be someone's backup dancer, just like her husband. Christina Aguilera can have a career, she can sing. I would take her more seriously if she picked up a guitar or sat down at a piano, though. Real vocals are also a dying art. Along with the three chords come about a one octave vocal range. And people singing the same friggin melody just at different volumes or tempos. Again, another reason I want to be Alan Doyle... the cross harmonies on Feel It Turn are spine tingling. Which means I wouldn't mind being Sean McCann either... then I'd be hot. But back to the point. I love computers for the most part, but they're killing the music industry. Shaq had a music career, as did Hulk Hogan. Face it people, not everyone is musically talented. Take away the digital musicians and pre recorded vocals and what would most modern day pop stars have left? Give me the people who bring nothing to a performance but voices and instruments. It's more than enough. Current Mood: hungry (9 smiles | make me smile) | Saturday, January 8th, 2005 | 11:39 am |
I thought it would be fun to post the first sentence from the first entry of every month from 2004. Thanks for the idea mencc1701January: Man oh man. It being the new year and all, this being the first time I've had to myself in it, I can't help but think about the year I have just left behind. February: Oh man, I need to read my friends page more than every five days. Back 200 entries before I reached the point at which I had already read... yipes. March: I am so damn cheerful, I give you guys the right to smack me upside the head in disgust. I would almost do it myself, but, well, that would be stupid... ;) April: Reality has kicked in. May: ok, so since my last update: cookies and juice for LPC was fun. Events used to be so much cooler. And the show was freakin awesome, great job guys! June: I haven't dropped off the face of the planet, Jon's been holding me hostage... July: Since you've last heard from me: I'm getting my own room! August: "Hello. My name is Erin and I hate my job..." September: I must look like a killer/ Someone's bleeding and he's pointing at me/ He is saying, "evil fills her"/ And I am crying/ But why should I feel guilty? October: Well, I've kinda fallen off the face of the planet and no one has really noticed... someday my phone will be turned back on... but if it were that big a deal, people know how to reach me otherwise November: "You are a liberal for life" December: I just spent $65 at Target... on FOUR things. Major Christmas presents for major people, but still... $65 for FOUR things... Well, that killed some time... Current Mood: bored(make me smile) | Monday, January 3rd, 2005 | 1:35 pm |
it's gonne be a a happy new year Thank you, thank you, thank you all for the wonderful things everyone has said to me, even though what happened was largely because I am stupid. I think the strangest thing to come out of all of this is that Jon and I are still together. We sat down and talked about it, and neither one of us was actually mad at the other... and moving out is actually what's best financially for both of us. We can now actually take a little vacation next month (one year at the end of next month... *gasp*) And we will be ok. I was feeling a little like a kicked puppy that comes crawling back, but I got over it. And spending more time apart isn't bad for our relationship. Ummmmmmmm... so, I'm moving into my parents' basement... and I never even finished the comp sci program... so you can reach me at home for now. By the end of the week, I will have a new cell phone. Yay extra money. And I'm going out to lunch with Jenn (yay!) so that's that for now:) Current Mood: content (9 smiles | make me smile) | Sunday, December 12th, 2004 | 11:12 pm |
I like stream of consciousness I just spent $65 at Target... on FOUR things. Major Christmas presents for major people, but still... $65 for FOUR things... Speaking of Christmas presents, I was watching Love Actually tonight and I was thinking about how kick ass it would be to own that DVD. And I always bawl during certain parts of that movie... And then I started thinking about how much Norah Jones rocks and how cute she was in concert (and how stupid I was on that day, but that's another story (and I'm still sorry about that, guys)) and how "Come Away With Me" would be the best wedding song ever (way better than that Ozzy song that Jon obviously hasn't listened to the words of - like when Shelly said "Again" by Lenny Kravitz was a good wedding song - dude, they're breakup songs) I wanna wake up with the rain falling up a tin roof while I'm safely in your arms, so all I ask is for you to come away with meAnd, yes, I think Target is corporate scum for banning the bell ringers... but I went to Wal*Mart and couldn't find ANY of the things I set out to find. They don't carry Timex kids watches, for starters. Ya know what? I don't think that's a very appropriate "optimistic" sun icon. It would be more appropriate for "hopeful"... I think I'm still awake because I'm waiting for Jon to get home from work... Have I mentioned that between the two of us we work 5 jobs and hardly ever see each other anymore... even living in the same house. Is it possible to miss someone you lay down next to every night? We still need a roomie... anyone interested? I just realized I spent most of this space conplaining... but for anyone who's wondering, things are ok... could be far worse. Mom's in the hospital, but she'll be ok, definitely out by Christmas, maybe even her birthday. I have to work in 8 hours... BLEAH... anyone want my job? And, Jenn, I can probably come to your party on the 20th... I tend to be off Monday nights :) Lalalalalala, featherduster! Current Mood: optimisticCurrent Music: Norah Jones (13 smiles | make me smile) | Sunday, November 7th, 2004 | 8:50 pm |
You Are a Liberal for Life |
You've got a bleeding heart - and you're proud of it.
For you, liberal means being compassionate, pro-government, and anti-business.
You believe in equality for every person, and you consider yourself universally empathetic.
Helping others is not just political for you ... it's very personal too.
| (3 smiles | make me smile) | Thursday, October 21st, 2004 | 5:05 pm |
another disjointed update from yours truly Dude, how much do the Red Sox freakin RULE! Totally want the "Damon is my homeboy" shirt we saw in the crowd shot last night. I kept saying his .050 average as of game 5 would be made up for somehow... and HOW. So yeah, good times watching baseball the last few days. I have decided that Bronson Arroyo will outgrow the cornrows. I mean, how old is he, he looks younger than me. And you could fly away on the ears of the Irish Tenor who sings "God Bless America" in New York. (Not to be insensitive, but it's been three years, I think we can go back to simply singing "Take Me Out To the Ballgame" without the ghosts of the 9-11 dead getting pissed off) And Jay, there are 6 umps for a reason... Hahahaha... the Pirates that don't do anything... great song... I just realized how inanely boring my life is. So, I was just thinking Bush is like the Yankees... a lot of fans, but not as great as everyone thinks. Since the Yankees lost, will Bush lose? Is evil taking a kick in the ass this year all around? Or since the Yankees lost will Bush win to make up for it? Dude, how low IS my bloodsugar right now? My cousin got married about 11 days ago. Good times. We went through four bottles of champagne and a case of beer on the bus from the church to the reception... two of my cousins passed out before dinner. And apparently Jon was my Dad's date instead of mine... and I got a nasty bruise on my elbow slding across the dance floor with the little kids. Asnd I got a whole weekend off from work because I went to see Metallica the next night with Justin. I need to call Justin more often. I need to call everyone more often... And the most important question of them all... What am I going to be for Halloween this year? Current Mood: hungryCurrent Music: the pirates who don't do anything (3 smiles | make me smile) | Sunday, September 12th, 2004 | 9:14 pm |
I must look like a killer Someone's bleeding and he's pointing at me He is saying, "evil fills her" And I am crying But why should I feel guilty? Cos I really want what's best for you Why won't you ever think that's true? Goodbye my favorite shade of blue... (make me smile) | Wednesday, August 25th, 2004 | 9:37 pm |
happy birthday Justin and Annaliese (6 smiles | make me smile) | Monday, August 23rd, 2004 | 10:16 pm |
Yay, I can still ramble with the best of them I work 14 hour days some days. Right now all the money I have is in a check that needs be cashed before going to Rochester with Jenn and Annaliese tomorrow. There is something wrong with this. I think I am officially quitting Tops. They pissed me off for the final time. The USCANS are faulty. They DO short people. Squik was standing right there and would have noticed if the guy pocketed money. We figured out a plausible reason for the guy getting what he did; what he received made no sense without our rationale. I give the guy his sixteen missing dollars, and try to figure out what went wrong. I get a phone call telling me I'm being demoted because I didn't check with a CSM before giving this guy SIXTEEN freakin dollars. A multi billion dollar corporation is pissed at me for $16. Another cashier gave a woman fifty dollars a few weeks ago, and they're PROMOTING that person. So screw that. If the sixteen dollars is that important, take it out of my check. Don't tell me how important I am and then punish me for keeping the customer happy. My room is finally done being painted. In an effort to make it ready to be lived in, I am doing ALL of the laundry, mine and Jon's. With two bedrooms, I'm not sure we can store all of our clothing. It's never all been clean before. So, I'm listening to Something Beautiful*, and it just hit me how different everything is from the day Steve and I went to Toronto to buy this album. We were both supposed to be Canadians by now. Last night I was suddenly very upset about NOT going to Newfoundland... but I made my choice, I'm standing by it, and it's not so bad :) Steve, I hope you're also alright with life not being what we thought it would be right now. Speaking of Something Beautiful*, it's an alright album, but it doesn't really ass up to the previous GBS albums. It has songs I love ( When I Am King, Helmethead, Beat the Drum, Lucky Me), but this is the only album that has songs I skip over. Maybe I just need to listen to them more. Sea of No Cares has a few I used to skip and now I love ( French Perfume and Yarmouth Town most notably). Maybe I just need to give the album more of a chance. Speaking of Great Big Sea, they're playing in Hamilton on Oct 21 and Guelph on Oct 23. Anyone want to go to either of these? The 21st would probably work better for me. And the Pushstars are back at the Continental Sept 18. Jon and I are going, anyone else in? Last time was quality. The handpuppets are getting dusty, time to bring them out again! Labor day is at our house. Festivities should be interesting. Speaking of festivities, I present you with quotes from our party: "what do you want from me, my feet don't touch the ground!" - Me "I'm fucking hot!" - Pat, wearing my bra Beyond that, all I will say about the party is that despite video evidence to the contrary, there was NO sex in the pool. I have two leads on new jobs... anyone else have any ideas? I think that's about it. Didn't you miss me? :) Current Mood: busyCurrent Music: Great Big Sea (9 smiles | make me smile) | Thursday, August 5th, 2004 | 10:41 pm |
"Hello. My name is Erin and I hate my job..." Seriously, I know I'm not the only one. We should start a support group and then start a revolution... this week I hate my stupid, demeaning, menial job because no matter how good I am at this retarded shit, no one notices. Or cares. Julie shows up an HOUR late and I get to solve scheduling problems at 7 am... NOT MY FUCKING JOB I have a college degree, and I make $6.50 an hour. I make $6.50 an hour to get yelled at by people because they're too stupid to figure out how to keep their bags ON THE SCALE; to have no free time or energy and yet no money either; to become a computer technician and trouble shoot machines that break down almost every day; to wake up at 6:30 in the morning to stand there bored and do nothing, because heaven forbid I read a magazine when there are no customers; to answer every stupid question people come up with because I'm not standing behind a register (most of the time it's "where's the bathroom?"); to bend to the whims of my "superiors"; to bend over and take it like a nice little corporate bitch. Time for a new job. Wow, I don't know where that anger came from, but that felt good :) Current Mood: annoyed(10 smiles | make me smile) | Saturday, July 24th, 2004 | 1:24 am |
just in case you were wondering what I do with myself these days It's 1:30 am, I have to work 7 - 3, 5 - 9. Am I sleeping? No. I'm looking for the snoop dogg Girls Gone Wild That's right. I am downloading porn instead of sleeping :) Current Mood: amused (6 smiles | make me smile) | Saturday, July 17th, 2004 | 11:05 am |
An update for Pat Pat says my updates are too infrequent and lacking information... but I say my life is boring... to me, at least But I guess I'll give it a try. For Pat :) Um... I work at the buttcrack of dawn every day. Apparently they schedule me at 7 because I'm "dependable" and they know I'll show up. So I drag my butt out of bed every day somewhere between 6 and 6:30 and walk into a store that is darker than the morning sky and sit in the dark for an hour while people don't use the USCAN because the morning customers are old people who are afraid of technology. And I want to say it was Monday that all the registers went down... repeatedly, all day. And I was all alone on USCAN, 6 registers to run by myself, countless customers to placate. And no manager to back me up... pissed off customers don't always want to listen to a cashier who looks like she's about 18. I'm picking up more days at the restaurant! :) Happiness is less Tops and more money. *mush alert* Remember Jon's last post where he calls me "sleeping beauty"? Anyone who has ever shared a sleeping space with me knows I talk, I snore, I probably make faces... I am NOT a peaceful sleeper. This hit me the other day. And I remembered why fighting with him is retarded... he thinks I'm beautiful when I'm sleeping. :) That strikes me as profound... of course, I don't sleep much anymore ;) I got a pretty new (albeit cheap) phone... it has colors I realized this morning that it's almost August. And as of Friday Jon and I will be together five months... yeah, when's the last time I hit five months with anyone? Brett had a party Wednesday night. But I did not partake of the trampolining. I went to work at 9 the next morning not really overly hung over. Tonight Jenn and Steve are going to try and cram FIFTY people into their apartment... I shall be spending much time on the porch, I am just a tad bit claustrophobic. And I get to open USCAN again tomorrow... HUZZAH! The only day I'm not opening is the day I would have preferred to work early. Now I have to beg someone to switch nights at Milano's with me. I agreed to take on Tuesdays not realizing the next THREE Tuesdays are bad for me. Hopefully I can get the Wednesday girl to switch with me. And we have a lot of laundry, because I don't think we've done any in a long long time... Oh, and Pat, if you're looking for your keys, they're in the bathroom. Happy now? Current Mood: contentCurrent Music: Jason Mraz - the Remedy (3 smiles | make me smile) | Thursday, July 8th, 2004 | 1:08 pm |
Since you've last heard from me:
*I'm getting my own room! *another picnic was rained out! But we had sparklers! *Jon is officially an old man *But we had a great trip! :) *The Pirates somehow won 11 out the last 12... why do I care? *and I have found another sign of the apocalypse - low carb DOG FOOD
Oh, and Steve, you think Captain Wedderburn is dirty? Have you ever paid attention to the lyrics to Yarmouth Town (on SONC):
In Yarmouth town there lived a man He had a little tavern by the Strand And the landlord had a daughter fair Pretty little thing with golden hair
Won't you come down Won't you come down Won't you come down to Yarmouth town
One night there came a sailor man He asked the daughter for her hand "Well, I won't marry you" she said "I have all I want without being wed But if with me you'd like to linger I'll tie some string all around my finger As you walk by, pull on my string And I'll come down and let you right in
Well, the very next day at closing time The sailor man goes off to the Strand And as he walks by pulls on that string And she came down and let him right in Well, he's never such a sight before A string around her finger was all she wore
So all you men who to Yarmouth go If you see those girls with their hair hung low All you got to do is pull their strings And they'll come down and let you right in
in one of the newsletters, the band calls it a blatant ode to promiscuity... and how!
Ok, it may be another month before I post again, so I refuse to apologize for not cutting the song lyrics. Cos Newfoundland traditional songs are amazing! (2 smiles | make me smile) | Monday, June 14th, 2004 | 6:44 pm |
Well, apparently I have managed to piss off everyone... except the few people who actually matter *rolls eyes* I didn't realize I was being bitchy when I asked if we could maybe just tip the poor girl. I paid $30 for soup and two drinks; somehow that's fairer than me asking a whole bunch of people who make more money than I do to maybe throw in a dollar. I didn't accuse anyone of anything, and I'm sorry if anyone took it that way I never thought people I don't even LIKE being mad at me could upset me this much ('cept Squik, Squik I enjoy...) That being said... Oh wait, I have nothing more to say at this point. To anyone. Current Mood: apathetic(7 smiles | make me smile) | Wednesday, June 9th, 2004 | 1:35 pm |
Pat's right, I haven't posted in a while :) I haven't dropped off the face of the planet, Jon's been holding me hostage... still trying to find a new job (HELP!) Parents have given me the "you have an $80,000 degree, why are you still cashing at Tops?" lecture. Oh gee, I forgot the Buffalo economy was brimming over with jobs for the ENGLISH MAJOR. *shrug* Memorial day was a good time. We fit lots of people in my garage and had cheddarwurst and beer. I got a car. Does anyone know how to get a tape unjammed from a tape deck? And now we are off to Eat N Park with Jamie... because there's nothing better to do with my day off than cross state lines for zucchini strips! WOOT! (I hope they try to call me in to work so I can tell them I'm not in the state... that would be fun) Current Mood: happyCurrent Music: Aleks Syntek - de noche in la cuidad (1 smile | make me smile) | Tuesday, May 25th, 2004 | 12:48 pm |
since not everyone reads Brett's journal Come to the 6th annual Memorial Day Picnic on Beaver Island. Festivities will start at 1 pm, next monday May 31st. Bring food, cups, plates, etc, but please bring at least one thing to share. If it rains, we will meet at someone's house and go from there, that will be TBA. An e-mail was sent out with this info, so this is for the benefit of those who didn't get the e-mail. Please respond here and let me know if you can make it, or e-mail Brett at Everyone is welcome, and bring as many people as you like. Let him or me know what you want to bring ASAP so we don't have doubles of stuff. Please RSVP and let us know if you're coming. Car pooling is encouraged because parking costs money. To get to Beaver Island, get on I-190 toward Niagara Falls, and get off at the second exit on Grand Island. The sign will say Beaver Island. Follow the road for a few minutes and you will arrive at the parking lot. Questions, comments, concerns? Leave them here, e-mail me or Brett, or call one of us Current Mood: blahCurrent Music: You're A Good Man, Charlie Brown :) (2 smiles | make me smile) | Friday, May 21st, 2004 | 5:58 pm |
Ok I have in the past found used underwear, dirty socks, cattle prods, rubber chickens, and Benjamin Gay memorabilia on Ebay. But those all made sense compared to what I found today... who would buy coupons and recipes on Ebay? *shakes head* Current Mood: amused (2 smiles | make me smile) | Sunday, May 16th, 2004 | 10:48 am |
In the style of Brett My Top 10 moments from my 5 years of College (in no particular order, just as they come to me) 1.) Orientation - meeting Jenn, Caitlyn, James and lots of other people, karaoke, forgoing assigned roomies and scratching the floor of the suite in Frisch 2.) Alcohol Awareness Day Party, sophomore year - Amanda boke the toilet, Jenn said the word "cock", I yelled "I'm naked and I don't know how I got this way" from the bedroom, all in all good times 3.) the trip to Medieval Times junior year - Annaliese, Joel, Hiram and I trekked up to Toronto, took interesting pictures, Joel hit on the wench, our knight won, and we told Brent that we went to the moon 4.) You're A Good Man Charlie Brown - hands down one of the (maybe THE) best theatrical experiences EVER! I did a happy dance around the apartment when I was cast, "your MOM!", "come on my face, make it sloppy" 5.) October 7, 2002 - I'm not even sure the person with whom this has to do will remember, but it was a good day 6.) St Patrick's Day, freshman year - Caitlyn, Jenn, Rob and I cross the border for green beer, get flat tire on the bridge (which EVERY passing motorist is nice enough to tell us about until we want to make a sign saying "we know we have a flat tire, thanks for your concern"), the very nice border guard who helped us, Shufelt changes the tire!, "it's freezing out here, do you think they'll let us come inside if I tell them we have oranges in the trunk?", driving to St Catherine's on a donut (i.e. doing 50 on the QEW = not happy Canadians) and then ending up back in Niagara Falls anyway 7.) April 5, 2003 - I got my tattoo, and after Jeau's Harry Potter party everyone came to Griffin and drank the leftover liquor from my birthday, it's all on video, we went on the roof and watched the sunrise, our first experience with 241 Pizza 8.) the pancake and mudslide party (May 2003) - bacon pancake, the Jew brought the bacon, "Jesus is in the bacon", kindergarten liquor courtesy of Peter, scattergories, and homemade brownies from Gruber 9.) senior year semi formal - the best of all four years narrowly beating out freshman year, we all got our one drink "because we can, but they're expensive", Jenn and Amanda sang the Kelly Clarkson song to their cell phones, and most importantly everyone was happy for once 10.) The night we went to the International Beer House in Canada, sophomore year - Steve kept Joel from molesting the bikini clad women, those guys tried to get me to go into the bathroom and find their friend, Joel puked on the curb, Jenn very triumpantly proclaimed she was right when Joel puked in Amy's car and told the border guard "he's sleeeeeeeping" Current Mood: nostalgic (4 smiles | make me smile) | Thursday, May 13th, 2004 | 6:35 pm |
*throat clearing* attention! I finished my last exam at 8:55 this morning, and then registered for graduation. I am DONE being an undergrad, FOREVER! :) Just wanted you all to know that Current Mood: ecstatic (4 smiles | make me smile) |
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