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User:witlesslackey (782345) witlesslackey
Deep Thoughts From a Shallow Mind
Thank You, Drive Thru
Location:Paducah, Kentucky, United States
AOL IM:AIM status WitlessLackey (Add Buddy, Send Message)
The rampant ramblings and bitching of a deadend romantic and cynic...

All this and more lies contained within the pages of this Journal...

You have been warned.

I love to debate. I tend to believe I have an open mind. I have my beliefs, but I don't mind hearing other points of view. I like to be challenged... it keeps me on my toes. I can't stand others turning a decent debate into a personal war of words. (shrug) That's just me. Take it or leave it.

"I don't want the world, I just want your half" - TMBG

Also... as an aside...

For further details see LJ: vogelmeg
Interests:64: #1 my son arol, acidic wit, art, atmosphere, audrey hepburn, bad poetry, black and white film, black and white photography, blockbuster nights, camel wide filters, camping, cary grant, cheesecake, cinema, classical composition, clinton jokes, coffee, comic art, conservative democrats, danny elfman, david bowie, debate, deeper meanings, dvds, escher, existentialism, goth girls, happily ever after, inner peace, intellectual conversation, invader zim, jews, johnny the homicidal maniac, kevin smith films, kevin spacey, kmfdm, kurt vonnegut, larp, megan's designs, movies, mp3s, music, new york, nin, nirvana, nostalgia, office space, passion, people watching, pizza hut pan pizza, politics, reading, religion, scathing sarcasm, self-realization, song writing, soul searching, they might be giants, thinking, tim burton, vampire, washington dc, wicked: the musical, writing. [Modify yours]
People135:adderyn, agirltoremember, ahadiel, aingealfael, ajpursell, alexsala, ancellius, ancient_owbner, angeljester, anua, anvilchorus, aryaluna, atllantia, auralite, autumnsfire, avariael, bakerstacy, battlehampster, benchilada, bitterbert, bleukat, blindlyinnocent, blishlock, bootkitten, caelestis25, cheesy_beef, chestervhe, chin4do11, daibheid, dark_sprite, darkdancer17, desertdrgn, desertroses, deviltouched, dhampir, dizzierizzie, djohns92102, doc_rorshack, docando, dominaamara, drimodeous, dybbuk67, elfmagic15, famularo, farawaypoints, frinkiac76, fuilleverte, gallows_brother, glaurung2, gothicparadise, greghacke, grumpysmurf, gypsymystery, heart_of_flames, icharus1, idlesatire, idxfossil, internofdoom, jakira, jenalways, jenova_x, jenstarr13, jwpierceall, karrita, kattsune, kaytilake, kevinharper, lesterguini2004, lexypher, limericksofme, local_echo, lokilyesmith, lonedragon, lystra, matrixmouse, merkury, meyesme_brownme, mindofevil, monarch2053, moonandserpent, mossneko, nate_the_nos, nauraki, nephadia, niaha, ninkakitty, oldman72, ominoussilence, onomojaku, paganpr1ncess, plastictao, playing_emotion, plsurkity, q_bomb79, q_montanto_esq, qontinuum, qranky, ralpiper, rcrosby2, revspookydoom, rolnickr, saighin, samurailuci, scarywhitegirl, secretfuel, shadow_prophesy, shelooks12, sheniver, sidhedevil, sigrune, silvertongue1, silverwind, sirenknight, starlarose, starryeyedsaint, swee_t_pi, sylentbv, taesian, tetsuo82, thatactorguy, thebigradu, thefrog, timeofreply, toast3r, torena, unagodd, vellanya, verlos, vogelmeg, waiicrystalrose, witlesslackey, wolven77, xanthvamp, zaribanith, zergarific
Communities4:forhirex, malarp, midwest_larpers, oneworldbynight
Friend of:136: adderyn, agirltoremember, ahadiel, aingealfael, ajpursell, alexsala, ancellius, ancient_owbner, angeljester, angelsorrow313, anua, anvilchorus, aryaluna, atllantia, auralite, autumnsfire, avariael, bakerstacy, battlehampster, bitterbert, bleukat, blindlyinnocent, blishlock, bootkitten, caelestis25, cheesy_beef, chestervhe, chin4do11, daibheid, dark_sprite, darkdancer17, defilerwyrm, desertdrgn, desertroses, deviltouched, dhampir, dizzierizzie, djohns92102, doc_rorshack, docando, dominaamara, drimodeous, dybbuk67, elfmagic15, famularo, farawaypoints, fixer, frinkiac76, fuilleverte, gallows_brother, glaurung2, gothicparadise, greghacke, grumpysmurf, gypsymystery, heart_of_flames, icharus1, idlesatire, idxfossil, internofdoom, jakira, jenalways, jenova_x, jenstarr13, jwpierceall, karrita, kattsune, kaytilake, kevinharper, lesterguini2004, lexypher, local_echo, lokilyesmith, lonedragon, lystra, matrixmouse, merkury, meyesme_brownme, mindofevil, monarch2053, moonandserpent, mossneko, nate_the_nos, nauraki, nephadia, niaha, ninkakitty, oldman72, ominoussilence, onomojaku, paganpr1ncess, plastictao, playing_emotion, plsurkity, q_bomb79, q_montanto_esq, qontinuum, qranky, ralpiper, rcrosby2, revspookydoom, rolnickr, saighin, samurailuci, scarywhitegirl, secretfuel, shadow_prophesy, shelooks12, sheniver, sidhedevil, sigrune, silvertongue1, silverwind, sirenknight, starlarose, starryeyedsaint, swee_t_pi, sylentbv, taesian, tetsuo82, thatactorguy, thebigradu, thefrog, timeofreply, toast3r, torena, unagodd, vellanya, verlos, vogelmeg, waiicrystalrose, witlesslackey, wolven77, xanthvamp, zaribanith, zergarific
Member of:4: forhirex, malarp, midwest_larpers, oneworldbynight
Account type:Free Account

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