Below is information about the "The East Vancouver Commune" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | eastvan (621888) |
Name: | The East Vancouver Commune |
Website: | EastVan B.C. Ca |
About: | This is the New EastVan community, if you are here, you probably know why.
This community is maintained by knigel if you have any questions, comments or suggestions please feel free to e-mail at
Interests: | 57: agro, aliens, anime, anti-procreation, bitterness, bliss, bongs, booze, bunnies, cats, communes, computers, cops, crackhouses, cyberpunk, cyborgs, degu, dreads, drugs, eastvan, fish, glowsticks, hair extentions, hippies, innerspace, inside jokes, irc, jerks, manga, martial arts, midgets, movies, mr. t, mullets, music, parties, pecker, plur irc, porn, procreation, raves, riots, ritalin, scat, sex, squicking, stuff, subculture, the 70s, the 80s, the drive, the jerk store, the letter t, tripping, vancouver, vegetarianism, victoria drive. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 110: _cerah_, _makemepure_, aceofbirds, aesopstop, afingram, alithiea, anathema666, angulah_, auramoon, bli5s, boy_sluggula, breklor, busty_midget, calicarpa, calypso_love, canadamess, cantstoptharock, ce_trace_rrr, chanceholiday, claiken, claim_to_fame, contrariandoer, cookie420, crazyjef, crossedoutscout, debaucheryofgod, defaultbunny, demoderby, detached_notion, djhawk, dump_truck, dystopia, eastvanbc, einspein, elsabet, ericfaceplant, euvie, glitterbutch, gothiousrex, graphxgrrl, greenriver, hsuan, hypnogogic, ihatus, ill_esha, illtonic, inanna18, jakemadison, jerkiko, jet_age, kelly_yoyo, khuu_khuu, killy_, kiradoll, kitten_society, knautomata, leightsy, liverlily, lloli, magdalah, mamalapingapunt, math_nerd, maybeimdead, meldream, meshkat, metalsteve, midnightrequiem, miss_myra, mistressofsound, molasses, mybigdreams, new_city, noah_nine, odessadenial, oskarbennivale, ownedbykinkos, oxide66, peekaboo, phreakboy, plasticrocks, profundamente, pumpkin_pinup, rafiki_ayisha, rebwhy, redcedar, reive_d, reluctance, removabletype, revolutioneye, roachkiller, rytalin, scarletdog, sciencequeen, scribbleeso, shifuku, subarusumeragi, sunshine_two, sweet_euphoria, terra_dactyl, thee_mugwump, thex, tomato_chan, tydel, uninspiredlove, walkinondestiny, wetmore, x_concretegirl, xcosmicxdancerx, xhugglesx, zacrilege |
Watched by: | 93: _makemepure_, aceofbirds, afingram, anathema666, angharad, angulah_, artemis_, attack_womb, boy_sluggula, breklor, cantstoptharock, chanceholiday, claiken, claim_to_fame, contrariandoer, cookie420, crazyjef, crossedoutscout, debaucheryofgod, demoderby, detached_notion, djhawk, dump_truck, dystopia, eastvanbc, einspein, elsabet, ericfaceplant, euvie, feelingsuperior, gimmerstick, glitterbutch, gothiousrex, graphxgrrl, hellatobi, hypnogogic, ihatus, ill_esha, jerkiko, jet_age, kelly_yoyo, khuu_khuu, killy_, kiradoll, knautomata, leightsy, liliyuki, liverlily, lloli, lordpyrate, magdalah, mamalapingapunt, math_nerd, maybeimdead, meldream, meshkat, metalsteve, new_city, noah_nine, notitleyet, only_arabesque, oskarbennivale, oxide66, phreakboy, plunkybug, pumpkin_pinup, rafiki_ayisha, rancid_mofo, rebwhy, redcedar, reluctance, removabletype, revolutioneye, robotamerica, sammyiscute, scarletdog, sciencequeen, scribbleeso, shifuku, spark808, sunshine_two, syzygy, terra_dactyl, thee_mugwump, thex, totalflake, tydel, uninspiredlove, v3g4n, vaxination, x_concretegirl, xhugglesx, zacrilege |
Member of: | 2: shop_vancouver, ubc |
Account type: | Free Account |