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User:linus_torvalds (2750405) linus_torvalds
The Little OS That Could
Name:Linus Torvalds
Website:Linux - The Choice of a GNU Generation
Bio:Hi, My name is Linus Torvalds. The Linux operating system is my brainchild.

All bugs were provided free of charge by the (Wide)OpenBSD development team. Hats off to you, Theodore de Raadt!

I would also like to thank Sun Microsystems for providing an extremely slow filesystem for comparison so that the standard Linux ext2/ext3 filesystem appears to be really fast, even though it's not.

This is not a troll journal, and I'm not here to anger anybody. I'm just having fun. If you want to be removed, just leave a note.
Interests:51: *nix, aix, alan cox, bill gates, bill joy, bsd, compaq, darl mcbride, dec, emacs, eric allman, eric raymond, freebsd, gnome, gnu,, gpl, h4x0rz, hewlett-packard, hp-ux, hurd, ibm, intel, irix, kde, l33t, larry wall, linux, microsoft, ms windows, netbsd, openbsd, operating systems, pr0n, pwned, r0x0r, richard stallman, sco, sgi, silicon graphics, slashdot, solaris, sun microsystems, theodore de raadt, transmeta, unix, vi, w00t, world domination, yewnicks, yewnix. [Modify yours]
People453:2sheds, 31seel, 9megs, a123eng, aarg, abarros, abiku, acetal, ache666, adrianfeliciano, afreak2600, ahze, alacrity, aleph, ancient, andrew7782, angrydj, ankh, antihifi, apeiron, apocoloop, aralan, ardaniel, arkady, asphixia, asty, atarikat, athelstan, ayanosuke, bakari, balkador, bangspank, battery841, bearboy, being_angyl, bekenone, beldurnik, berin, bifrosty2k, bk2w, blackfeather, blacklion, blarglefiend, blueroo, bobjones, boomcore, bradj, brainlag, brainstorm, brat_, bratling, brianbrian, brianm, brutus_007, cabbit, cairo, carraway54, cat_a_holic, center, ceside, chaley, chase, chemicallace, chickenslayer, chipotle, chissad, chitah, chkno, chrisx, cislyn, controvirt, cowgod, cozmo, crackmeister, cracnup, crazysloth, cromedome, culter, cyantist, cybrchrist, cymbopus, da5id12, daiimon, damion, danis, dark_happiness, darkman, darkmatter, darkmoon, darktweed, davekrieger, dbaker, dcash, ddo, dedilus, demo, destroyrave, devilswallpaper, devnull_, diesel__powered, dingodonkey, djdoze, djm4, dluke, dmarck, dmg, donovan, dormando, dracoling, drbrain, dryden, duelisthouston, e6, earthquake, eatstoomuchjam, emelbka, emssarm, emyrs, enderkeogh, ente, enthalpyx, epyon, espresso, everlone, evilgoddess, farvneho, feren, ff7aeris, fierytale, fin9901, fishit, flata, flit, foonix, frankblack, freebsd, frodo, fruitcake, furrycreature, fut0n, futureperf3ct, geekpr0n, gekko, gentoo_linux, gh0st, girlvinyl, gizmo, gong, graey42, graycrow, greyhame, greywulf, grfpopl, grid, grumpy_sysadmin, gtyler, guiga, hagbard23, hal0zer0, hangy, haron, hcoyote, helixblue, hellhunter, hellojed, hepkitten, heymex, hober, horizone, hukka, hunterzero, hypnopupy, hypoflux, hypovex, icekill, ik, ike_, illubrious, iltamies, incanus, infernos, infidelpants, infizero, ingwar, interruptstorm, ioerror, iuz, jag, jargon, javierz, jayesjay, jbuan, jeversol, jimbojones, jmitchell, joe714, joewonderbread, jojotdfb, jon, joseph, joshuago, jouva, jukor, kancer, kannibal, karudo, kau, keggerbra, kekkai, kespernorth, kidkero, kingfox, kitambi, korinthian, kraex, kraig, krypto, kurros, kuru, kyzoku, laffer1, laruth, lease, ledhazard, lilfurrydan, limbakh, linux_junkie, lisa, lloydp, lokc, lordsnotrag, lotusflow, lowtek77, m3lang3, madrobot, mage, marmoset, mcco7614, mcoletti, mcurtains, medragon, metal_hurlant, methodz, mfisher, mikesha311, mimerki, mindcrime, mistwolf, mitayai, mmx, mobbsy, mommabear, moonwick, morbid_angel, mordant, morgaine, mori, morr, mrex, mrkvm, mrr, mrrantypants, mrtangent, mtrez, muftak, murex, musashy, mwack, mystikal, naganine, narnee, nephrozym, neraka, nichiyume, ninjaz, nlew, nugget, nullroot, nullstream, oblivian, octal, octalpussy, ojuice, oldmanmaynard, omegadragon, opposume, or1n, orcim, otmenych, otterley, oznob, p3ssimist, pathwalker, patrickvogel, pauzed, paydro, pcitizen, permadaylight, petef, philantropist, phlegmato, phocutus, phonie, phreaky, phronq, pinrad, piscobandito, poorboy, pratorian, presenze, professorbooty, pshychobat, quelrod, r00t, rafferty, raistphrk, ravensecret, realmac, recompiler, redcountess, renshi, rhean, rioteer, rockstar, rogue3, ronbar, rory, roverton, rtdean, rudeboy52, rxrfrx, sags, sameer, sapphirecat, scarletboi, scathedlight, seadawg, seagu11, seanb, seattlesparks, sengelha, seotaji, serfer, serio, servermonk, sethcryllis, seveng, shaggy, shannanigan, shon, sigma, simper, simulation, sirilyan, sirmalloc, skm, sl0th, sleepvoid, smaugpup, snapdad, sneakycutie, sonnentag, spunkforrobots, squeaky19, starscream242, starsixtynine, static, steeef, stgpcm, stkorn, stormcrowley, stran9er, strlen, suraklin, svanzoest, svs, syns, tadziu, tangaroa, tarabare, tardis, tarzxf, teferi, term, tfox, th3rapy, thatgeekguy, the_jdr, the_tau, thedexter, theducks, thenetimp, therealocelot, thies, thinko, thoth, titov, tk7602, tog, tolsenator, tora, traycer, treck, tridatus, tterb, twistah, tydel, ubermonger, uhlume, uncon, und1sk0, unfurl, unixgeek, unsuffer, urocyon, vagabond56032, valera, vampyred, venadium, vinz_klortho, vishnu, vizagod, vocis, vovk, vyxn, wazm, wc, webbob, wesley, wesmills, wilco, wildeap, willfe, willtor, withigo, wof, wohali, woodborn, xade, xantha, xgns, xinu, xmatt, xmusouka, yahozna, yakir, yesthattom, yoshiborg, young_zaphod, ytsejammer, ziusudra, zon14, zoob
Communities13:daemonstorm, freebsd_users, gotroot, linuxsucks, lovingeekladies, naughty_packets, techchicks, techgirls, unixadmin, unixhistory, war_driving, wardrivers, welovegeeks
Friend of:53: 9megs, a123eng, blackfeather, byconstance, chickenslayer, cobalty, cqrit, darl_mcbride, dingodonkey, elkoralish, farvneho, foonix, gile, gizmo, hal0zer0, hscool, iltamies, jouva, kancer, kw34hd1, kyzoku, luguvalium, mcoletti, mindcrime, mitayai, mrtangent, mtrez, muftak, mule242, mx_air, neraka, p1r4t3, packetstorm, patrickvogel, phreaky, prabhakar_m, rogue3, ronbar, rudeboy52, rva_geek, sags, serfer, shannanigan, shon, sleepvoid, squeaky19, tadziu, tjousk, tobotras, vagabond56032, valera, wildeap, wohali
Member of:13: daemonstorm, freebsd_users, gotroot, linuxsucks, lovingeekladies, naughty_packets, techchicks, techgirls, unixadmin, unixhistory, war_driving, wardrivers, welovegeeks
Account type:Free Account

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