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User:hosanna (1202959) hosanna
Name:Hosanna Moscow
Location:Russian Federation
Bio:This Journal will provide information, pictures
and updates concerning the work of Hosanna
in Moscow.
It is maintained and written, except as otherwise
noted, by [info]seraphimsigrist

You may donate through paypal, even without having
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The many works of reaching out to youth and also to the
poor and prisoners and the handicapped and in publications
that you read about on this site, depend on the sharing in
this work of our friends in our larger community of friends
including, if you will, you also and our deep gratitude
for your being with us! Any questions welcome to me

Christmas Party For the Handicapped.
People74:a_theist, aarondarling, apophasis, arisbe, ariston, badsede, baranoouji, brightfame, burkean, catholicpsyche, cottonjane, daisydumont, daregale, davemac, davidelauq, desertfaith, detroitpainter, docwoodstock, doorinward, dsyndicate, ducklet, ephrem, ettinsmuir, fitts, frgeorge, fuzzyfruit, ghostasylum, indianarhino, jennet, jjostm, jjustj, jmoor, joffridus, johnchico, johnsbell, kamber82, kornelios, linnapaw, locustyears, lonestarslp, lunasparrow, markredmond, meadowskete, methodius, mizannie, myasma, natalia_k, ol_ko, old_rocker, peacheater77, pecosbill, pilgrimpriest, poetbear, present_mirth, prester_scott, rubylou, russmonk, samsonw2000, scandalon, seabound, secretrapture, seraphimsigrist, soozun, sophiaserpentia, sufitom, talleys, thecatinside, thormonger, topi, triphicus, vaguex9, whipporwill, wildgarden, yayasquared
Friend of:70: a_theist, aarondarling, apophasis, arisbe, badsede, baranoouji, belladonnarosa, brightfame, burkean, catholicpsyche, cottonjane, daisydumont, davidelauq, desertfaith, detroitpainter, docwoodstock, doorinward, dsyndicate, ducklet, elkion, ephrem, freethinkerdom, frgeorge, fuzzyfruit, ghostasylum, indianarhino, jennet, jjostm, jjustj, jmoor, joffridus, johnchico, kamber82, kornelios, kyleissemievil, linnapaw, locustyears, lonestarslp, magicalyak, markredmond, meadowskete, methodius, mitcher, mizannie, myasma, natalia_k, ol_ko, old_rocker, peacheater77, pilgrimpriest, poetbear, present_mirth, robertswife, rubylou, russmonk, seabound, secretrapture, seraphimsigrist, soozun, sophiaserpentia, sufitom, thecatinside, thormonger, topi, torbellino, triphicus, vaguex9, whipporwill, wildgarden, yayasquared
Member of:1: transfigcom
Account type:Free Account

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