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User:trygve (533825) Paid User trygve
Trygve's Soapbox
Hotter than Ann Coulter
Location:Cleveland, Ohio, United States
AOL IM:AIM status ttrygve (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status 28655127 (Add User, Send Message)
Bio:Hotter than Ann Coulter, but really, who isn't? (click the link for the back story)

Hrmm, what else about me?

  • I work at Case Western Reserve University (for 5yrs, currently the Case School of Engineering Webmaster)

  • I'm a total computer geek, and love it

  • I love cycling and playing racquetball with friends

  • I love hanging out with friends on Coventry, especially at Pacific East (sushi!) and The Winking Lizard, though I'll also occasionally indulge the unhealthiest of my vices: Chipotle.

  • Though I was far too politically neutral and apathetic before Dubya's reign, I've become much more active in the past four years, and have some rather strong political opinions nowadays

Yeah, I could ramble, but hell, this is my jounal and all, you'll probably get to know me better by reading the actual journal. =)
Interests:144: #geeks, aclu, anne rice, apache, apple, astronomy, bad movies, barenaked ladies, beer, biking, bill of rights, billiards, bsd, candles, cascading style sheets, case western reserve university, chez geek, cisco, civil liberties, civil rights, cleveland, comics, computer science, computer security, computers, concrete blonde, conservation, corona, counting crows, coventry, creative commons, cryptography, csi, css, css zen garden, cute geeks, cwru, cyberlaw, cycling, darts, dating, debian, defcon, dessert wine, dilbert, douglas adams, eff, electronic frontier foundation, electronic voting, encryption, ender's game, engineering, environment, eric meyer, fair use, family guy, firefox, free press, freedom of speech, geeks, great lakes brewing company, guiness, hacking, harry potter, honey wine, html, hugs, information security, italian food, jk rowling, jon stewart, kevin smith, kissing, legend of zelda, linkin park, linux, livejournal, lord of the rings, lotr, love, mac os x, mead, moxy fruvous, mozilla, network security, networking, newcastle, notacon, obscure movies, office space, open source software, openbsd, photography, physics, plum wine, politics, procrastinating, protocols, racquetball, road biking, rum, sci fi, sci-fi, science, science fiction, scifi, security, setec astronomy, sex, sex positive, sexuality, skiing, slashdot, snow skiing, space, standards compliance, star trek, sushi, swimming, system administration, technology, telco, telecommunications, tequila, the onion, the winking lizard, thinkgeek, tolkien, un, united nations, unix, verifiable voting, vi, video games, water skiing, web design, web development, web standards, webcomics, wine, wireless, women, x prize, xhtml. [Modify yours]
People98:31337zeke, aliceacta, alison_in_oh, aloofcat, aman_geld, amishone, aquamindy, av3rnus, bap2, beanalby, bleakenigma, bryanpi, casecob, crayolaonsuede, curgoth, cynic51, daemon82, devzer0, digital_p1979, dilatedeyes, djvitruvius, dmw7, dreamriver, dxy12, e_notimpl, eirias, eldan, eldan_bike, eurgeht, evilmonk, exilejedi, foxxtail, frogblog, geoffimusprime, gieves, glasseye, gnomeofsol, grayden, gwacie, hardartist, harleybitch, howardtayler, ibm, icearrow88, itszer0, jadine, jennay2, joshghiloni, jp_w00t, kaospunk, karassasou, katienoel, kj_w00t, krnlpanik, lakeshel, litolpea, loadhan, lubeck, mikaiyla, mokatz, mollyringwraith, neeuqdrazil, nein09, nickfarr, novel_tharkun, nxk3, odette100, onedayfly, oogby, pancakex, ravensbreath, reasie, rms10, runshare, rwash, savage53, sherris17, sketchthecow, smiley_bikes, spacenut3737, suzyq72, t0d, the_pygmy, thekat03, toast_jr, towerboy, trenchcloak, trygve, tulzscha, tviokh, tygerdsebat, tylorael, vja2, wellus, without_an_e, zeke023, zeldajean, zeuropa
Communities13:_css, apache, css_forum, cwru, edgecomic, gop_vigilence, hotter_than_ann, htmlnazis, javascript, lj_maintenance, news, notacon, schlocktroops
Feeds71:8bt_rss, apod, ars_technica, bbcnewsworld, bruce_schneier, ca_getfuzzy, calnhobbes, campaign_desk, creativecommons, cryptome_rss, dawniexml, dictionary_wotd, dieselsweet, doonesbury, dorktowerfeed, effpress, eldan_photoblog, eldan_rss, electoralvote, errantstory, factcheckorg, film_society, foxtrot_feed, freebsd_news, freedomtotinker, freefall_feed, gpf_comic_jk, groklaw, helen_comic, hpana2, i_cringely_rss, jimeastman_blog, kevinkell, krnlpanik_net, lawrencelessig, leaky_cauldron, macosxhints, meyerweb, modrnwrld_comic, monkey_jose, mozillaorg, mozillazine, newscientrss, nonsquitor_feed, oreilly_com, oreillynet, pancakexml, pennyarcaderss, pff_atom, politech_bot, politicalwire, premisedenied, privacy_org, pvp_comic, redvsblue, savagelove, scotusblog, sinfestfeed, snopesrecentadd, space_com, spinsanity, spreadfirefox, stupidsecurity, telltaleweekly, theonionfeed, thestraightdope, thisisnotover, tomorrowfeed, top_left_pixel, twolumps_feed, verifiedvoting
Mutual Friends:81: 31337zeke, aliceacta, alison_in_oh, aloofcat, amishone, av3rnus, beanalby, bleakenigma, bryanpi, casecob, crayolaonsuede, curgoth, cynic51, daemon82, dilatedeyes, djvitruvius, dxy12, e_notimpl, eirias, eldan, eldan_bike, eurgeht, evilmonk, exilejedi, foxxtail, geoffimusprime, gieves, glasseye, gnomeofsol, grayden, gwacie, harleybitch, ibm, icearrow88, itszer0, jadine, jennay2, joshghiloni, jp_w00t, kaospunk, karassasou, katienoel, kj_w00t, krnlpanik, lakeshel, litolpea, loadhan, lubeck, mikaiyla, neeuqdrazil, nein09, nickfarr, novel_tharkun, nxk3, onedayfly, oogby, pancakex, reasie, rms10, runshare, rwash, savage53, sherris17, spacenut3737, suzyq72, t0d, the_pygmy, thekat03, toast_jr, towerboy, trenchcloak, trygve, tulzscha, tviokh, tygerdsebat, tylorael, vja2, wellus, without_an_e, zeldajean, zeuropa
Member of:8: _css, css_forum, cwru, gop_vigilence, hotter_than_ann, htmlnazis, javascript, paidmembers
Account type:Paid Account

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