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Plan on attending...
Schoolgirls and Mobilesuits
September 24–26, 2004

What is it about these odd heroines and elegant robots? Why do they so fascinate and compel us? As anime and manga fans become more numerous and widespread in our society, questions arise about their unmistakable appeal. Digging deeper into the art and analysis of manga and anime, Schoolgirls and Mobilesuits: Culture and Creation in Manga and Anime will take another look at the artists, editors and academics involved in the work and wonder of manga and anime. As we approach our fourth workshop, we move deeper into our investigation. We are expanding our academic aspect as we move toward a conference format, yet we retain our dedication to the creative work of artists, writers and editors of manga and anime. As we come together for SGMS 2004 we also celebrate our unique audience in its mixture of high school, and college students as well as professional and academic fans. Welcome!

If you should have questions or to join our mailing list, contact:
MCAD Continuing Studies
Minneapolis College of Art and Design
2501 Stevens Avenue South
Minneapolis, MN 55404

Image: Colnana