.'. Reality Bliss Angel .'. ([info]reality) wrote,
@ 2003-01-06 03:32:00
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insult injury
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we can be hot azure rose quartz rasping in flails of ultraconsciousness, flowing over uncomfortable overconsciousness and under not being conscious enough to see the contrast that makes us so sharp, so hot and uhh and mmmMMMm... so here now

<center><font size=5>Insult Our Limitations</font></center>

<font size=1let them bruise and disintegrate into the fodder for the better and better and the better than ever. they'll be happy when we are, which means no longer being what they are in the the way they are. yes, that means giving limitaitons themselves the chance to become something different. change is delight in motion. trying to make static real is what hurts.

not even static is static -- that is an illusion. and illusion takes an immense amount of a painful kind of effort, and pain means something is not right for you and should be dealt with differently. pain is a spotlight that shines upon what would be thrown out of your life, so both parties involved -- persons, places, things, and unpersons, unplaces, and unthings -- can find a better match and party harder in a way that brings anything <i>but</i> pain</font>

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