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annie (jack)

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November 23rd, 2004

01:09 pm
sometimes i wonder if i should wear makeup (not likely)(should i?)
or maybe more than that i wonder why other people do.
i tend to think its a waste of time and money.
maybe i think it should be used for special occasions only and thats ok.


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November 19th, 2004

12:36 pm
thai people make thai-like ramen. it's actually quite good.
but a tad bit spicey.
also for lunch: zebra cakes

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September 17th, 2004

10:11 am - to the cyclists.

from associated press.

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July 23rd, 2004

12:57 pm - quick! name that tune, please!
came out somewhere between 1993-1996.

in the video is a guy smoking a cigar. (fat guy dirty guy?) at a donut shop and he is taking the money out of the cash drawer and throwing it everywhere.

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July 15th, 2004

07:11 pm

I am a member of 4 cliques of size 8

Find the largest clique containing:

(Enter your livejournal username here).

um ?
if its all the same people, how come its not one big clique?

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July 8th, 2004

03:25 pm
tomatoes smell like home.

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July 4th, 2004

02:16 pm
mmm strawberries.

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July 3rd, 2004

02:53 pm
oh boy.

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July 1st, 2004

11:41 pm
i found a cheating way to stream music at work but its only selective albums that i can get a hold of (except that yesterday after 2 weeks of not having the internet radio, qcp fixed it for me so i have that again but only me. woo :)

so the new wilco album is good
i also like the lansing-dreiden album
both are good
maybe i'll buy one or 2 of them.
or maybe i'll just wait for this to finish downloading.
heard the new beta band album too , didnt know they came out with a new one. think i liked it but i only heard it once and i was running around so i have to hear it again.

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11:08 am
I am engaged to be married.

how exciting!

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June 21st, 2004

12:34 pm
what the fuck is this gmail fad thing???

i love how everyone jumps on the bandwagon so quickly.

today is haircutting day. i'm getting nervous. jen says she'll come with me (i hope she really does) that way (considering i wont be able to see the back of my hair while the lady is cutting) if she does fuck up, jen can just yell at her for me since i wont be able to.
cheap haircutters for short hair is a scary thing, i'm thinking.

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June 20th, 2004

12:07 am
where do i find a cheap mattress?

i need a new bed.

when the hell did mattresses get to be so freakin expensive?

or can you please tell me how to get cat piss stink out of a mattress?
is there a way?

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June 12th, 2004

10:33 am - interesting...
this is very interesting.

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June 9th, 2004

07:42 pm
who is [info]dj_awesome

well, at least its entertaining.

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12:41 pm
too lazy to write about my vacation.

it was very nice. i didnt want to come back, whats new?

ok. today i have made the official decision.
it is time to chop off all my hair, last year i said i was going to do it in june 2004 and its now june.

i checked the locks of love website for requirements. 10" long ponytail, so i made a ponytail and had someone measure it and its almost 1' so i can finally do this.

i found the salons that participate and am *this* close to calling one.
i kind of want short hair again, but i kind of like long hair and i'm nervous to get rid of it all?

this is probably the last time i'll ever have long hair. ah well.

(any objections for any reason, please speak now or forever hold your peace)

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May 17th, 2004

12:38 am
i wish i had some strawberries left still :(

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May 6th, 2004

07:23 pm
what made my day:

the guy from Crosstree called me today and talked to me for a bit about the job I applied to the other day.

it sounds soooo perfect!!!
i hope it's as perfect as it sounds



yay :D

i'm so excited (and nervous as hell)!! :D

that is perfect luck, i tell ya. if i get this job, i think i'll piss my pants.

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May 3rd, 2004

06:06 pm
ok the damn shelf thing

how about i just give you this link and you can see it there.

and the light one is on in the dark on the left and off in the light on the right. (actually i think i have better photos but oh well)

i may build another light (much cooler) next semester just for kicks. my teacher is going to help me with it, he said.

so now you can tell me what you think, thought, something like that
i am anxious to start using the shelf, actually, but its on display at school until august.

(ok i give in)

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April 30th, 2004

11:36 am



(please please everyone congratulate me, this is one of the happiest days of my entire life)

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12:18 am

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