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[12 Nov 2002|10:27pm]
Ya know, I think it's all gonna be all right.

And i mean that in more ways than one... it's quite a profound statement.

It's been a weird night. But i've realized a lot, and screw the obstacles in life, cuz there's MORE! more than one person, or one day, or one test. it's people, days, tests....
hehe, that makes me happy =) I have so much in my life. I don't think it should go to waste.
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[07 Nov 2002|10:30pm]
[ mood | amused ]
[ music | Christina Aguilera! Dirty or however she spells it ]

Aaah today was interesting. First, Julie informed that the weird guy who drives her to school thinks I'm hot and she hoped i wasn't mad, but she said i was slightly interested. Hahaha, people who i dunno amuse me, esp. people who have ... reputations.

Then, Kendall nicely inspected me for tags. There were none!

hmm. AP Lang: my only significant contribution was the stories of Truman Capote's homosexuality. Precalc: Fire drill! Film Study: Learning about special effects! Theatre: Listened to VTA stories and harrassed Brandon about... lol

I saw Alex, Tom, Jessica, and Maria, so I go to Maria and go "Winnerrrrrr.." cuz that's what we call each other. Then "Maria" turns around... it was Amy! Hahaha oh God whenever I think of it, i laugh, so sometimes I randomly burst into laughter...

Student Council mtg.. kinda set a plan in motion to do stuff lol ;) Went to French Club Cafe, decided i wasn't hungry, went to help Jonny & Christina with lines, decided I WAS hungry and gave Caitlin $$ for crepes for her and me. mmm mucho good. (haha Spanish to describe French Club?)

Then... had our first run-through on stage and in front of Levesque (pathetic, I know. Welcome to WS. how the world do we get so many awards and put out so many good shows?) Ended up like re-blocking the entire thing, mrawr. Brendan and I had to actually kiss today, it was weird cuz we had to do the part with one of them like 10 times. I'm not even kidding.
*After telling my mom that we actually did the kissing.*
Mom: My baby's kissing boys!
Me: **5 minutes of utter silence, which is A LOT for me. Then:** Margaret thinks that you and Mrs. Santiago would be great at sellin concessions!

We only have like 2 rehearsals left, cuz he won't be here Saturday so I'm rehearsing wih Jonny. haha i assume we'll be kissing? hehe i should find all the girls in love with him, like those frosh/soph girls, and casually mention that..
Me: Hey! So what did you do this weekend?
Innocent Girl: Not much, you?
Me: Not much... kissed Jonny a bunch of times.
I.G.: OMG!
lol j/k. I don't actually know them, i just remember at auditions the girls who read with him being all OMG!

I dunno, something just felt off at rehearsal. Maybe all the stopping and concentrating on blocking? I don't think i was really in character... i specifically remember getting freaked out halfway though... i hadn't really realized it before, but it's just Brendan and me in that act... no supporting characters, no showy chorus songs, no special effects. Just like 30-40ish min. of Muriel and Jesse and if one person is off... eeep I could so screw it all up :-\ and i've already told like the whole school to come NOV. 13 (WED) or NOV. 15(FRI) AT 7:30 AT WS and to BRING FRIENDS...
I think my whole weekend will be dedicated to the show.

Anyway. Got home, ate, did AP Hist, showered, ate cookies, now I'm off for more AP Hist and Physics! Woo.Hoo. It's going to be a late night. =)

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Yaaay... [06 Nov 2002|07:18pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]
[ music | Kaitlin said the dots i put on my i's mean i'm "bubbly" hehe ]

So I'm wearing my new jeans, right? And I get to school in the morning, walk around talking to people, the usual. Then Im talking to Kendall when I feel a sticker on my pants, and it's the long thing that has the size written like 10 times! so i was like aaah! and took it off.
THEN i get to Physics and I'm standing and Mike's sitting and he's going "Um, *cough* Christy?" and i was like "What?" and he's like "Um... Christy, I don't want to get it myself." and im like "What!?" and then I realize... the big "GAP BOOT CUT" tag is on my back pocket.

hehe. anyway, I liked my outfit, esp. my new Pink turtleneck (w/ all the Gap tags off;)that matches my watch and Pink Starbursts! A good outfit can lift one's psyche so much!

As can a sweep of the House and Senate!!!

lol. I'm very happy, A in Physics, B+ in AP Hist (inc. a 94 on the test and 94 on essay!), A in Film Study, A in Spanish... but I've already added the .5 to the AP, haha, so it's an A to me.
Spanish club fiesta was fun, then meeting/rehearsal for Plaza Suite. they laugh at me soo-o much when i try to act drunk, haha.
Tomorrow is Student Council mtg, then French Club Cafe, then a Full Run-Through.

Weeeell considering that it was the first day back from a 4-Day weekend, today was MUCHO good =) And Dawson's tonight... mmm Oliver. He's only 26...

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My history book disturbs me too... ask me the Latin name for "pulling out" before there's an orgasm [05 Nov 2002|08:10pm]
[ mood | Uh, I'm not sure, I feel ]
[ music | really happy and peppy despite the oddness? ]

So... Punch-Drunk Love disturbed me a lot. Anyone else seen it? i need to talk about it, lol. IM me! it was WEIRD. and i watch a lot of weird movies that i like, but this...
I keep thinking that I'm missing something really big that makes it THE BEST MOVIE... but really, it made no sense, at all! There was so much random stuff! at least Adam Sandler was respectable here. He did a good job, so did Emily Watson... but AAH! I wanted it to end so much. I had to watch Legally Blonde when i got home to feel less disconcerted.

The main guy was so disturbed... yeah, I get all grr about life too, but everyone does at some point. But life is so happy! and beautiful! i hope i'm never like he is... yeah, see Comedian instead.

Eeep.. i think we're not gonna get the Senate :-\

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I looked at my LJ, and noticed I like always use *s. Weird. [04 Nov 2002|05:10pm]
[ mood | I love the music Tysons plays! ]
[ music | I heard "Another Dumb Blonde" by Hoku!! ]

Who spent 6 hours at Tysons?

oooooh that's right, me!
lol. all the store people were confused cuz of so many people for a Monday. In the morning, the Eddie Bauer guy asked us if there was no school, and then we went back in the afternoon and suddenly he's like "Oh yeah my sister was so excited about no school!" hmmm then why did you ask us in the morning?

I saw Comedian yesterday. Veeery interesting, I thought. I'm seeing Punch-Drunk Love tomorrow, that should be good.

I made the first cut for Gov. School and again have embarked on the search for The Perfect Monologue. Suggestions? thanks and congrats to Melissa for VTA!

I definitely developed this random fever. All of the sudden I felt hot, and I was 98.8.. ok, quasi-fever, but i'm usually like 97.4. hmmm. i should figure it out before i go out tonight and infect the world...

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I am having such a weird minute. [29 Oct 2002|11:23pm]
weird = emotional

God, i wonder a lot about the kind of perception people have of me. I'm so extroverted and crazy.... but i'm so damn lonely.
it's like my last post, i feel one way but then when i'm talking to people, it's like the other side of me takes over. I'm so happy around people, like truly naturally happy, walking down the halls saying hi to people, walking down the street, walking in the mall.
and so many people think I'm this perfectly behaved good little Catholic... i'm a terrible Catholic. I hardly pay attention in Mass, I never pray on my own except when I want something. I don't *mean* to be terrible... i hate cussing, but do you know how many times a day I think "Fuck you" "Fuck me" ?

i dont know why i bother saying all this. i don't know what i'm looking for. I hate myself for thinking all these dark thoughts. I'm the peppy smiley one, what's with the constant nagging? constant 'must be better'? constant loneliness? damn it's so fuckin draining.
God, who am I kidding. I know what I'm looking for. I know what I think would help...knowing me, it probably wouldn't, but that's a different story... but to admit what I want would be admitting I don't have it, so why not just be in denial?
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What's with all my long dily posts?...I dunno... [28 Oct 2002|07:32pm]
[ mood | cranky ]

I'm trying to do a presidential profile... but i CANNOT concentrate, sooo annoying. i hate this class.

today's so weird, i'm in such a bad mood, i dunno why, but for some reason it didn't affect my personality and that makes me even more mad. It was so strange, inside I was feeling "I want to go home cuz the world is against me, everyone hates me, I hate me..." but on the outside i was all "Hehe oh gosh isn't that just so funny!?" as usual. i wasn't trying, it just happened and I couldn't help it.

grrrrr. I want to talk to someone. someone to like TALK to, not just talk.. just to make me feel... better?

many stupid tests. Physics tom., AP Hist Thurs, Precalc Wed, AP Lang Wed... even a Film Study test soon! (but that's open notes) and Plaza Suite, which... I'm undecided.

Weirdness: I saw every single one of my frosh teachers (except Schleg, who left) today and they all remembered me. I get so nervous around teachers. everyone, actually, cuz i'm so damn obsessed with everyone liking me.

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For the love of God, GO SEE MAN OF LA MANCHA! [27 Oct 2002|06:54pm]
[ mood | restless ]
[ music | but EXCITED cuz I'm on a MOLM high ]

I'm trying not to say those blasphemous phrases in my vocabulary like "*insert thing here* is my god" cuz obviously I don't mean them literally. But I don't think any words could properly convey the emotions I'm feeling except BRIAN STOKES MITCHELL IS MY GOD! THAT SHOW IS MY GOD!

I saw Man of La Mancha in its pre-Broadway engagement at National, and ooooooh goodness. So it's not a big showy chorus musical, but it was so emotionally compelling. So funny, too. and BSM's voice is ... I'm sorry, but no adjectives in the English language are appropriate. He's this older guy and I was like I want to marry you! i mean i knew he had to be good when Kathy and Gerry said he was their fave and they've seen tons of Broadway shows... but GOD! Being that talented should be illegal!
And Mary Elizabeth Mastrantino (i think it's spelled like that) was amazing, i had no idea she sang like that. Everyone was so far beyond my High School Theatre Comprehension. I'm sorry Bill Strauss but you are on crack when you call HS theatre better than professional. HS does the best it can, but you really can't compare the two... He said that HS has more fun, but he obviously did not see the smile on BSM's face at the curtain call! I wanted to freakin cry!
Damn, seeing shows give me the same feeling that being in them does, lol. I am such a nerd. Maybe I should be a professional critic. No matter how great my life is at the time, I go see a show and then I leave and i'm like God there's SO MUCH MORE! seriously, i can't come back here after college. I'm sure there's a certain appeal to living in a nice little suburban house with a pretty little picket fence and a stable 9-5 job...but it's not an appeal that would last for me.
hehe, it's funny... my horoscope said that now "begins a period of restlessness." NO JOKE SHERLOCK

I've been inspired to do characterization work. after i check out the National Theatre site to see what else i can see.
OH! on a related note, i think watching people on the metro is so fascinating.

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[25 Oct 2002|03:35pm]
[ mood | Spontaneous ]
[ music | I still dunno what to do this weekend! Suggestions? ]

Mrawr, I'm reading this article about a box discovered that said it was "James, brother of Jesus," and this disturbs me, but honestly i still don't think Jesus had biological siblings. The term "brother" was used SO loosely then, it didn't always mean biological, it could have been a close friend or relative.
Plus, wasn't Jesus a popular name? And if Jesus had a brother, why would the Bible call Mary a Virgin and why did Jesus tell *John* to care for Mary? Why wasn't James at the Temple when Jesus was 12?
Hmm, today was pretty nondescript.
Sub in physics, i could not concentrate lol; DBQ in AP Hist, went ok... was randomly sshed by frost a bunch of times, lol (On a related tangent- I've gone from analyzing everyone's cheekbones to analyzing eyes. it's related cuz he has really nice ones); What Lies Beneath in Film Study.. I wish I looked like Michelle Pfeiffer, esp. the EYES!; Spanish was ok, everyone look at the Prom people Theresa, Kaitlin, Jason and I drew outside Sra. Wynne's room! ok, well I didn't draw, cuz i can't, but I told Jason how to spell stuff!
Random Cool Observation: I'm never called "Christy," I'm "Christy Denny," hehe. I'm not complaining, I think it's interesting that so many of my friends, even if they're not in the same groups, do that. Like I noticed yesterday Kristin said "Bye Christy Denny, bye Kendall!" =)
50 words about Why I Want To Be In History Honor Society and What I Will Do As A Member!? "I want it to be on my college application. I will not come to any meetings or make any contributions, but will tell UVA that I did." ...hmm, that's only 27.
I don't know what I want to do this weekend. i can't even call someone and be like "Hey, do *this* with me," cuz i dunno what *this* is! mrawr. I want something TOTALLY new and exciting! I want a change! I want .....
I *have to* spend mucho time with my trusty script. It's hard... she's in her late-30s but when she sees her old HS bf, she reverts to HS-ness, so I feel like I'm playing a high schooler, but she's not! so it's challenging to play it well. mrawr.
Hmmm... i need something exciting to happen. Exciting good. I think that's why I'm not usually attracted to my guy friends, cuz they're regular friends... ya know how some people are friends forever and suddenly they're in love? I don't think that's how I work. Unless I'm attracted from the start, there is none. But guys who I don't talk to a lot, or I've just started talking to, I'm more likely to be attracted to.
I need a new phrase. Lately I've been saying "I lust over.." a lot, even though I don't mean *lust*. i just mean infatuation, but I don't wanna use "infatuation." So today, for example, I "lusted over" Oreos, Oliver Hudson from Dawson's Creek, Matt Damon (but *only* when he's acting gay on Will&Grace;, and Chesapeake Bagel Brownies.
ok, so *maybe* i do lust over Oliver and Matt... but no for the Oreos and Brownies.
And for that matter, I don't think you can lust OVER something. Lust FOR maybe, but over?
God, this College Search deal has shown me how much stuff I really wanna do in my lifetime. Seriously, I don't know if I'll have time for it all. I started typing it all, but it took up tons of lines and I was only at age 24ish.
My buddy icon is so cute! i love AOL 8.0 cuz it shows up on my IMs so I'll talk on IM and be staring at my icon. It's a cartoon character.. i dunno who though. Anyway, IM me and look at it, even if you don't know me. No one should be deprived of the cuteness!
omg, this post has been so random and sporadic. and none of it was planned! it all just seriously came into my head. The above is an example of how my brain works. Laura said I should write a book about What Goes On In My Head, hehehe.
but seriously, I'm feeling so restless right now, I dunno what would solve it though. So i have like 1001 thoughts in my head and there all going in at the same time, I feel so tired just from sitting here!

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[22 Oct 2002|07:19pm]
[ mood | giddy ]

I am such a terrible, awful person =)
I need to stop talking before I say something that gets me in trouble :-)
One way ticket to hell, made out to... ME! ;-)

hehehehehe oooh, btw, I'd publicly thank the person who I talked to last night but he doesn't comment on my LJ so I don't think he loves me!

I should NOT be in such a good mood!!! hehehe i am SO terrible but it feels sooooooo-o good, so take THAT world!

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hmm....why do i feel..... [21 Oct 2002|10:16pm]
[ mood | nostalgic ]
[ music | Loveline on 99.1 hahahaha ]

Have you ever suddenly been like, FINE world bring it, try to break my heart! Make me all jaded and cynical!

you know what's gonna be weird, when they catch the sniper, you see him on TV and he goes from being this robotic monster to... a person. With a family, people who know him... God, I'd hate to be them.

---There was a rant here about me, but thanks to someone who changed my mind!---

*Funny convos b/w my dad and me about the college fair @ Fair Oaks*
Me: So is it like the science fair where you just walk around looking at all the colleges?
Dad: Well, ya know they have games, rides, mooonbounces...

Dad(as we walk by Godiva Chocolate place): Oh, look! Godiva College!
Me: Mom would visit me a lot there!

Dad: Ah, the University of ATM!
Me: I hear they have a great financial program!

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OMG! So funny! sorry, I'm immature... but I'm still laughing! [21 Oct 2002|08:01pm]
ok, i stole this from Jamal's profile, it's terible but oh so horribly funny! But maybe it's cuz I'm getting angry at the AP English thing so anything could seem funny....
hehe, yeah Jamal doesn't know I copied this...

Jamal: So, whats the difference between Physics B and Physics C?
George: Well Jamal, one starts with a B and one starts with a C.
Jamal: No shit George.
George: And its a B, like in bus....and bus rhymes with cuss, which has a C in it.
Seagers: And we know what else has a C in it.
Jamal: ...cock...
Ben: Hey, that has two C's in it.
David: And an O.
Jamal: Hehehe...Physics O, the physics of orgasms.
David: And the greatest thing is, you can fake the whole class!
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Shouldn't be doing thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis... [16 Oct 2002|03:55pm]
mucho AP History hw, oi. I should be working on it non-stop so i have a prayer of going to Mr. Spartan, but i doubt i could finish it all anyway. oooh well good luck to the guys... haha maybe I'm easily amused, but Jonny's reenactment of his birth today, hehe!

im so mad at myself for spending basically the whole 3 1/2 day weekend out and doing NO hw! Grrr me! And when i did do school-related stuff, it was attempt to learn the 140-someodd lines for PS by Fri... since of course I get a grade on the show, and that is what will get me into college ::rolls eyes at myself::

Today seemed so non-descript:
AP Language: eh, not bad. I was awake, by my definition (I didn't have to rely on the incessant kicking/ moving of my chair by frost to keep my awake).

Pre calc: Oi, SO boring. Maybe I should break my habit of not paying attention in class and just learning everything the night before a quiz/test, hehe

*Finally got David some Denny Cookies, which he loved, yay! I had them a week ago for him, but I got hungry and well... let's just say I spent the day avoiding him ;)*

Film Study: About to start Jaws, I loathe Dreyfuss and Spielberg though. way too liberal for conservative me.

Theatre: My poor monologue, which could have been good, got no attention this weekend, soooo not exactly my best theatrical work. lol I wish i could act. And it didn't help that... well:
Me: I can't do this! Jonny and Theresa made a sexual comment about the first line.
Emily: What's the first line?
Me: 'Why doesn't he come? This waiting is horrible.'

Then rehearsal was canceled (who's screwed? nooo, not us!;), and it was too late to get to Math Team by then (we *have* to go to 2, lol) so I came home, did some stuff and now I'm on a "break" here at my dear LJ.
So there it was, my mundane day... after I deleted the post about my uber interesting weekend?! Where i actually had funny stuff to talk about!? mer.
Kristin- Remind me, I lost my French Club Calendar, I should get one..
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What is the meaning .... of my post? [14 Oct 2002|07:21pm]
[ mood | pensive ]

Ok, i dunno what's wrong with me, but I'm getting all analytical and philisophical about my posts. I started this long post detailing Spartanfest, Silver Diner, Bev's house, Newsboys/Superchick concert, even the Aussie accent of the priest at Mass.
but then I was like, why am I posting this? What is the significance of all these details? Do they really matter? So i deleted it all.

I'm so weird...
Anyway, the main point is yay, I saw like everyone this weekend. At least everyone who wanted to see me. Did i miss anyone? well... M, L and I wanted to hang out, and B and I for his bday, so I guess that's 3 people who wanted to see me but we didn't get a chance? thats all, right? except my college buds, but they're all in school. i don't think anyone was home, at least no one said they were... and i would think that my close friends from college would at least tell me they were here, even if they couldn' get together, ya know just to let me know they still realize i exist. i mean, Judith talked to me about doing something and she and i aren't *extremely* close.
So yeah, saw basically everyone i guess! Yay!
whatever... i should figure out what my Physics hw is. He's making us turn it in tomorrow, lol even though it's PSATs and a 1/2 day! yay for leaving at 10:45!

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What's Odd, Part I: The Pseudonymed Guys [12 Oct 2002|10:33pm]
this is what i tried to do before...

Brian: Recently, I've been really glad we're friends. i feel like i've known him more than like a few months, cuz i can always trust him to tell me the truth, even if it's criticism. It's odd, cuz I also feel like something's offish about that boy...

Adam: Oh dear, this is the ODDEST. I can't even talk about it! And I'm Christy Denny, who tells everyone everything at least 3 times. I don't even know him that well, relatively speaking. I dunno, if it's like the Jack thing, it'll be inconsequential and not worth mentioning, so we'll give it a week. oooomigosh, how much do i want it to be consequential?! (did i just make that up?)

Roger: This makes me sad... not cuz of anything that's happened, but cuz of what's happening now: Nothing. it all happened so fast, it's like a distant memory, and every now and then something hits me and i think.... and then it's gone, and life goes on.

I'm still a horrible person for the Scott/Jake things. I did to them what I hate for guys to do to me. i don't even know why... i'll probably be punished through the whole Adam thing, or the lack of Adam thing. but i've had other "lack of"s, so can't those count for Jake and Scott? And I can have an Adam Thing to speak of?

why did i have a whole post on this? Out of all the things to talk about (Spartanfest, Plaza Suite, friends, this little thing called the sniper, etc), I pick guys? And with pseudonyms!? maybe Bev's right, I am too secretive. i don't think it's that it takes me a long time to admit things to myself, I just don't want to admit them to others. I have this utter fear/hatred of rejection, feeling inferior, being felt sorry for... I have WAY TOO MUCH pride, so I overcompensate by being all "I can never get it, I don't even want it that much." and everything is just reduced and not even given a chance. i dunno, i can't really find a medium...

definitely not as good as the post i had before =(
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[10 Oct 2002|10:29pm]
If anyone knows of any good comedic monologues from a published play, i will love you forever!
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"I love you, I hate you, I can't live without you." [07 Oct 2002|07:44pm]
[ mood | Pondering ]
[ music | ooh, see the line in the subject, it correlates... ]

Have you ever loved a person, yet at the same time absolutely loathed the person?

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MRAWR! I will accomplish something online, even if it's posting, to spite my comp!!! [07 Oct 2002|12:42am]
[ mood | aggravated ]
[ music | the sounds of this TERRIBLE HATEFUL EVIL comp! ]

I just had a fight with the Princeton Review web site... AND THE STUPID WEB SITE WON.
I couldn't sleep, so i'm online and i figured i'd take the practice SAT cuz i'm a nerd like that but ooooh no it HATES ME! well i HATE IT TOO! Now instead of being smart and productive, my only productive thing is posting! (i don't consider these 2 IMs

i saw Sweet Home Alabama and Reese Witherspoon is seriously my favorite actress. she has such a range... i saw her first movie, Man on the Moon or something, made when she was like 14ish? Sooo sad. So well acted. i can't watch it again.
the guy who played her husband OH MY GOD! I AM IN LOVE WITH HIM! those eyes... those cheek bones... talk about a bone structure to die for. aaah everything about him. he reminded me of Matthew McConagu-however it's spelled.

Judith is in town this weekend! She wants to see me! well, i think she wants to see anyone, but it makes me feel loved to think that college people in town want to see me!

off to do something productive.

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Mark your calendars.... [02 Oct 2002|04:06pm]
[ mood | bouncy ]

wow, it's been an excited past few days... here are the highlights that i remember, lol:
*Sara Prince and I are going to a Superchic[k]/ Newsboys concert!!!

*The cast list for Plaza Suite went up today and I'm Muriel, the part i wanted so much i couldn't even say it lol. It's totally different from pretty much every part i've ever played, which is great but i think if i break character for even a second... it won't work. I kiss Brendan like 3 times, haha I can't imagine kissing him. my mom was reading it and I was like "Don't worry about the part where he puts his hand up her skirt! I don't think we're doing that!"
Nov. 14-16! Come see it! and yay to LISA who's a student director!

Yay for having that time between auditions and the cast list announced over! of all the parts of the theatrical process, that is the time that i hate the most!

*My sister subbed for the theatre classes on Monday, I didn't have it that day but she's subbing tomorrow and i do, lol. the TA 2 class played Party Quirks and they had her play me, hehe, and Lisa B was the "host" and i heard she got it kinda fast. But everyone was like "OMG Christy! Your sister impersonates you so well!" hehe
in the tech class, some techs were like "Which one's Christy?" and the others were like "The ASM last year.. ya know, the Happy One!" and they were all like "oooh, riiight. She was always happy." oi =)

*I had the 4th (out of 5 or 6) lazer hair removal on my upper lip, but it kinda burned in one part, and it kinda hurts to smile/ laugh, haha =)

*The Cappies training thing last night seemed just a tad tedious, but oh well, yay for seeing/ meeting people! This one guy spent the whole 3 hours asking me my life story in attempt to figure out where he had seen me... that was amusing.

*I went to a college visit for UNC-Greensboro yesterday, and tom. is UNC-Chapel Hill (I'll miss part of theatre, haha) did you know that only 300ish of 10,000ish out-of-state applicants get into Chapel Hill? Oh well, at least I come from Fairfax, that really helps. UNCG sounds really cool, they offer a master's in directing that looks SO good. i'm trying not to judge colleges on their reps.. i want something big-ish though. not like Penn St big but not like Christendom small. kinda like WS, it's not LB big but not BI small (no offense, BI guys! i love everyone at your school, but the 200-ish people in a grade doesn't work for my kinda personality =)

i'm sure i could ramble on more, hehe... but i guess i'll go, oh eep i was just IMed! now i can't leave for liek 5 min. oh well. DAWSON'S CREEK PREMIERES TONIGHT!

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oh my God [29 Sep 2002|02:28am]
[ mood | uncomfortable ]
[ music | 3EB... the closest to Angry White Kid Music I have ]

this has been one strange ass night... that's the only way to describe it. i blame Sara, hehe tonight was my first Sara-Thrown Party, and it ended up being a weird night, maybe not so much the party itself... but hoooooooly craaaaaaaaap.

i am such a hypocrite. i just told my parents this afternoon i thought 'crap' was vulgar. but here i am holy crap-ing it up. but really, if you understood, you would understand.
::Pause:: way to state the obvious, genius. i'm sucha regular Einstein. omg, i can't remember if i spelled that right

um, ok think pseudonyms. Roger needs to stop stabbing me. I'VE BLED ENOUGH DAMMIT! not his fault, but it's nice to blame others. I wish i knew Adam better. Tim is... ya know, I've never felt so many different emotions about one person as I feel for Tim at this moment. And Luke... i dunno, he's confusing. Something in my gut just does not trust that boy, but here I am spilling everything to him at 2:30 am.
Could it be the extreme state of fatigue I'm in? Could it just be me? Why do I feel so weird lately... so happy, yet so sad? So many friends, yet so lonely? So ready to go anywhere, yet so untalented? So loved, yet so unloved? So busy, yet such a slacker? if you poke a Blonde-at-Heart, will she eep?

the other day in Physics, I eeped and someone said "God Bless You."

well this has been a strange post. lol, sorry but it parallels my strange night, or at least my STRANGE EMOTIONS.
So um is it time for me to run off to college and suffer a case of amnesia yet?

(Funnies Mass Quote Ever, in the middle of Communion:
My dad (whispers in my ear): Christy! Watch this guy in the striped shirt, he looks just like the guy from Legally Blonde!
and ya know what? he did. The dorky David guy (he's Anthony Perkins' and Bonnie Bernstein's son). Either i watch that movie too much, or my dad is ultra cool. I think it's a combo.)

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