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Sunday, January 30th, 2005
3:54 am
Just finished Soukyuu no Fafner. It was pretty good. Weird philosophical ramblings at the end of most episodes + most of the last episode, but all in all pretty good.

It's kinda like Eva cause all these kids end up piloting these very graceful mecha and you end up having to synch with it. In some other ways it was similar but it was much less about a singular whiny character and more about the whole town and experience and how everyone is going through this shit and it just kinda sucks all around but stuff is still done.

I don't really know how to explain it. It was pretty good though. The ending made pretty good sense, which is always a good thing.

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Wednesday, January 26th, 2005
11:28 am
My god, so tired gonna die.

Tuesday night bar drinking is totally the best idea ever.

and by best, I mean worst.

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Sunday, January 23rd, 2005
2:01 pm
I also watched Saikano yesterday and it was so sad and made me feel really lonely cause I wish I had an enduring end of the world monster robot relationship like that.

Although I made a sig out of one of the shots in the show and I totally can't get over how beautiful it was.

I was going to make an animated gif because her hair and skirt were blowing in the wind, but I couldn't get it to work out. Oh well, it still looks very nice.

Also, new icon came out of that too, for when I feel sad and emo. Which I don't right now but I want to post it anyway.


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1:56 pm
So another dream.

This time I decided that I was going to clean my house and the best way to do this was to take all the important/expensive things out of the room, then set the room on fire to cleanse it.

We were doing this to the kitchen and I was like "dude, won't the dishes explode from the heat?" and Andre was like "No, fire only goes up to 98.6 degrees" and I was like "uhhh" then I woke up.

I told this to my mom (in waking hours) and she said that I was "whacked" which maybe I am because cleaning via arson isn't the best idea in the world.

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Friday, January 21st, 2005
8:05 pm
I had a dream that Debbie was really mad at me.

I also had a small dog in that dream.

Now I'm not sure if Debbie really is really mad at me and whether I do have a small dog.

How confusing.

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Thursday, January 20th, 2005
3:20 pm
Is it weird that the thing I miss about Canterbury the most is the availability of practice rooms?

I am a dork supreme.

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Monday, January 17th, 2005
9:40 am - Boring update about nothing really exciting
So I realized I haven't really posted anything about life lately in here, so here's a general update, I guess.

I hang out at the GLBT centre at school a lot. I don't really have any specific friends there, but it's great being able to be social. Most of the people there go out to bars and things a lot. I don't ever go, but for some reason just having the ability to go makes me happy. Last year sucked ass, but this year really is awesome and I'm thoroughly enjoying my fun times had by all...or me.

My actual class schedule, however, is killer. Some days I have class until 7:30pm when I have to be here for a 10am class. Those wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't for the fact that I have two days where my first class starts at 8:30am and those always follow the 7:30pm days, so I'm just perpetually tired. Also, on Thursdays I have 8:30-10:00am class and then nothing until 6:00pm, and that class goes until 9. I don't know why I don't go home. Well, I kinda do because I know that if I go home for those 8 hours, I'll be sitting at home around 4:30 and decide that I don't need to come back onto campus, when I really do for this class. 8 hours is a long time though. Oh well, I suppose I'll get used to it. I am taking 6 classes and still have a day off, so I think that's not too bad (although my day off I actually have an ITV class, but that can be watched at home so hooray for no travel time).

Let's see, well I am trying to get a rebate back for the printer I bought Andre, because some money would be nice. Andre came into my room the other day and said "that rebate, is that for you or for me?" and I totally laughed and said it was obviously for me, since it's my money and I went way over budget on that printer and he goes "oh, but it's my gift" and I just started laughing again. I can't even believe he'd ask for that money.

But if I do get that $30-something then I'll have $200 which'll be perfect for Debbie visiting money. Although I'll have no spending money when I get there, so that might be a problem, I'm thinking. Not sure how that'll be solved.

I haven't talked to Debbie in a while. She's never on MSN for some reason. I'm not sure. Hopefully I get to talk to her soon. I was going to say I never talk to Mike either but then I talked to him last night so I guess I don't NEVER talk to him. Keeping in touch is good though, guys.

In any case, class is starting so I'm goin to go.

current mood: accomplished

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Thursday, January 6th, 2005
7:24 am
Xanathus smells like poop

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Tuesday, January 4th, 2005
3:00 am - I think this picture is awesome and deserves its own entry

The boy, Katana, got his girlfriend, Tara, to agree to a sleepover, so there she is, relaxing on the bed (which if you've played Sims2, is the necessary step before sex).

I tried 4 times to get him to have sex with her, but his fun meter was too low so he would just get off the bed and CRY.

So I had him sit at his computer and play SSX Tricky for 10 minutes to get his fun meter high enough so that he'd have sex with her.

That's just depressingly sad.

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Thursday, December 30th, 2004
9:10 am - That was the most hilarious thing ever
My parents are going to see my grandmother for 4 days, but I'm staying home. Both of them flip out on trip preparing but in different ways. Andre has to be there as early as possible and absolutely anything disrupting that is totally going to screw them over. Considering they rented a car for this trip, it really doesn't matter when they leave. Doing all this he would forget most things though just to make sure he could get out the door.

My mom, on the other hand, thinks the house is literally going to fall apart when she's gone and that if she doesn't bring all sorts of extra amounts of things and give me specific instructions on all sorts of stuff I know already they will never be able to survive their trip and I will set the house on fire.

A minute before they left my mom actually said to me "don't forget to empty the dishwasher." I laughed and said "You guys are gone for 4 days, do you think you really needed to tell me that?"

I woke up at 7am this morning to help them, saw this insanity and went back to sleep. I woke up again just as they were about to leave. I am very glad I got to miss out on all but the last 10 minutes of it.

In any case, hooray for being alone in my house for 4 days, although I will be at various parties for several hours of most of those days.

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12:40 am - I definitely have better things to do than this.
1.) Copy this list into your LJ.
2.) Bold what is true.
3.) Leave plain what is false.
4.) Add something at the end.

Read more... )

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Tuesday, December 28th, 2004
11:04 pm - Yah, think about it
?TMHE aizme or indiamn co’r


Hellon im am typing this is hard

Hail! Ha-wen-ni-yu! Liste3n with open ears to the qwords of thyn p[eople . ?Comntinuem to listemn we thank our ,mothern easrth which sustaimns us. We thank the wuinds whichn hasve banuished diasredasew. We thankj he-no for rasimn wre tjhasnbk nthe moon ansd stazrs which give us liogjht when the sun had gonem to rewst. We thank the sun for qwaswremtrh asnsd lioguht fby fday keep us fro,m evilpm way7sd

]\that the sun may ne3vetr huiden he s gface3 rfrom usn FORE AHa,mew~!!!!!!!@

asnd l;eave usw in farekneszs

. wre thank tjhee that thounb uhas6t ,ade our dcorn to greoew. (maize)

. thou asrt opur dcrerastopre anfd our tgood r4uler thou camnst dkio mnopn evil; .


Eveytyutrhgfumn g THBOU DOPEST IS FOPR our happijness .;

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Friday, December 24th, 2004
9:28 am

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Tuesday, December 21st, 2004
12:49 pm
omg omg omg

Harry Potter omg omg omg omgomgomgomgomgomgomg


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Sunday, December 19th, 2004
4:03 pm - I win the textbook game!
To avoid studying for sociology I decided to find out what textbooks I need for next semester and price a few of them.

I recently switched out of my second semester stats class to take linear algebra instead. When looking on the site I discovered that the textbook I needed for that class was one that I had last year and wasn't able to sell at the beginning of this year.

I totally already have one of my textbooks entirely by accident omg I totally win the textbook game!

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Thursday, December 16th, 2004
4:06 pm
I just wrote an exam for 5 hours.

Then I decided that I'd had enough and I handed it in.

I could have answered more questions but I didn't care anymore.

The end.

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Wednesday, December 15th, 2004
10:38 pm - 2nd FMA OST!
omg omg omg

Still studying for neuroscience. Will take a break for Daily Show soon.

Started watching Mai HiME. It's pretty good, but I'm not too sure where it's going. I hear some crazy shit happens though (I don't know what) so no spoilers.

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Saturday, December 11th, 2004
4:19 am - Look, I put in names to make this slightly more readable.

Okay, so I have this class (psych 2002) where the section I'm in is taught by professor Tansley, and I was looking at marks for some previous term and the average on the midterm was 46%. In about 100 people, maybe 5 got above 80%. I've heard from people who've had that particular class with him that I should get into any other section I can.

I have him for neuroscience though, and in neuroscience it's pretty difficult not to get an A+, so that's totally weird that this other class would be so very low.

There are three other sections that I have time for in my schedule, but only one has available spaces and that's the tv section with Logan. From what I hear, Logan isn't that much better than Tansley, but I can't find concrete marks to back that up. I also can't register with Logan unless I drop Tansley and I would rather be in a solid section than a tv one right now.

The other two sections I could possibly get into are full at the moment, but I'll definitely be checking in every day for several weeks to attempt to find myself a spot in them. I'm really hoping that happens.

I did just add cognitive psych to my schedule, but the only time I can take that is the tv lecture. I don't like tv lectures, but whatever.

If I can't get into another 2002 section within the first few weeks of next semester, I'm dropping it and will take it next year. I would rather not take it at all this year, although it'll slightly screw over some of my courses next year, than take it with Tansley or Logan.

How very annoying.

current mood: frustrated

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Wednesday, December 8th, 2004
12:35 am
looking for a comforter when all you know is the pattern and the pattern is coloured lines on a black background is hard

and by hard I mean damn near impossible.

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Tuesday, December 7th, 2004
10:47 pm
okay, so I haven't really updated either cause I'm insanely busy. Which I originally wrote as "insanely busty" which isn't quite as true.

So I've been studying for my research methods class and my stats class. Why I need to know ten bazillions ways to calculate a confidence interval I'll never know, but whatever.

Um yah, lots of studying and working hard.

Kinda pissed at Andre about Christmas. He can't seem to ask for anything less than $50. I don't think he understands the concept of tight budget, but whatever. I can afford to get him what he wants but I would prefer not to just buy him the one thing he asked for. I don't know if I'll even bother wrapping it. I could probably just hand him the damn future shop bag.

well that was a fun rant.

back to studying.

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