Coyote is a fun-loving goofball and that fits you to a T. Playfully silly, you appear somewhat bumbling at times, and your goofy exterior sometimes makes people forget what a quick mind and razor wit hides behind that amiable grin. In the mythos of the Plains tribes, Coyote is also a Creator, and stole fire as a gift for mankind. Your gift to the world is the creative fire of your quick, capable mind.. |
From a recent interview between something and Neil Gaiman:
DE (Slush): I just want to spin through the movie projects. Good Omens will never happen right?
Neil Gaiman: Oh, Good Omens may happen. The whole thing about movies is that you never say it might or might not happen until the first day of shooting, and then it's happening. And even then you’ve got your fingers crossed. There is a great script by him and Tony Grisoni. They got the budget down to $65 million and they raised about 50 million dollars from abroad. All the investors wanted was for an American entity to go in on the final $15 million and guarantee an American distribution deal. There is the problem…they can’t find one.
There's no American with the balls enough to agree to fund it and have a Terry Gilliam movie. They are scared of him but he's funny, wise and brilliant. Not only that, but he made Twelve Monkeys and The Fisher King which demonstrated that he could easily bring in a movie on time and under budget.
Currently the last e-mail that I heard from Gilliam is that Tony Grisoni is doing a rewrite to try and get the budget down to $45 million.
DE: I wish I had $15 million to give to Terry Gilliam to make the movie.
NG: You know what? So do I. That's the single most frustrating thing. You want to walk around Hollywood asking everyone where are their balls.
So it's not dead until the option is not renewed and the option just came up and it was renewed again. I got the check.
You never know what happens with a picture until you're sitting there eating popcorn at the premiere.
(the interview goes on, but to other stuff)
There are no words for the frustration I feel right now. I would kill to see this movie made. if anyone hasn't read the book, GO. Go, and read it, and you shall be saved. All the talk of budget cuts has me worried, exceptionally so. Why the hell don't these people realize this?!
And so, my dad's communication issues rear their ugly head yet again. It seems there was an unspoken understanding (on his end, anyway), that as I was not attending classes this summer, I was also not being supported. My reasoning behind finding employment has jumped from 'finances will be amazingly tight unless I back it up with something' to 'I have no money. Period.'
Now, admittedly, this is fair. He is under no obligation to support me while I attend classes, and even less when I am not. However, I would have appreciated being informed of this, as my assumption prior to today's conversation (approximately the fifth since last month which has had boiled down to 'Do you have a job yet? No? Why not? Get one tomorrow!') was that the status quo would be maintained.
What Color Is Your Parachute?, a popular job-hunter's manual (the purchase of which was the sole reason we went by Waldenbooks last time I was in Dallas) states that on average, a job hunt will take two to...oh, I don't know how many, and I'd rather keep to the keyboard before I stop being pissed...more than twenty, maybe thirty weeks to find a job if you're actively searching, and advises that you not count on the two week success.
In short,my life has gotten consiberably more tense. I'll have to kill someone later. For now, I'm just a bit more of a stressboall than usual...>.<; Compatibility Test |
Your match with Angela Wilkinson you are 85% similar you are 87% complimentary |
It's not my dog. It's not Josh's dog. But the basset hound belongs to Dave, and we agreed to watch over Li'l Bit back before I'd fully realized what an ass Dave was. Is. The boy keeps her out on her porch when he's out at work, which is most of the afternoon and all the evening.
Anyway, I arrived back at my New Apartment (YAY!) Monday, and She was here, waiting until Dave and his family got back from Cancun. We manage to sleep through her baying and yelping that night (as she is wont to do whenever she isn't getting attention), only to wake up with a knock on the door. Seems that the Apartment called the police, and we're served with a warning for Noise Disturbance, informed that another visit will result in a $125 ticket that neither Josh nor I can pay right now, and a note on the door chastising us over the matter.
In order to prevent further visits from my friendly neighborhood policeman, and because I'm sure my neighbor places a high value on her printer paper and I don't wish a case of carpal tunnel syndrome upon her, I've been watching over Li'l Bit closely for the past several days. She's been inside almost all the time, and getting plenty of attention (As Dave tended to wake up only shortly before he went to work while he was rooming with me, I have doubts as to how much fun Li'l Bit has.). I really haven't had the chance to go online, as while talking to friends is one thing, but focusing on the screen to actually type and communicate is a little difficult. u.u;
Anyway, Bit's asleep now, for the first time in a while (at least, while I'm conscious), and I'm ignoring Cheryl while I type this out. However, there have been...complications:
1.) Bit needs her claws trimmed. Aside from one freak cardboard box incident, a good number of the scratches on my body have come from puppy claws.
2.) She's teething. NOTHING is safe from her. Power cords, gaming supplements, hands, hair, NOTHING. More marks from sharp puppy teeth.
3.) This is the big one. She's not housebroken. We have to keep her inside, and every now and then, when I take her out to go, she actually feels the call of nature. As it stands, I find new little presents from her every morning when I wake up, and Josh stepped in a puddle of doggie pee. He's made threats against her life, and declared his undying hate for the dog. But as it stands, I have to admit she's been a stubborn, messy nuisance who refuses to let me (and only me) eat in peace, and I'll be glad when Dave gets back from Cancun. Of course, that was supposed to be today, and we haven't heard ANYTHING from him.
Don't get me wrong. I don't hate animals, and I don't hate puppies, it's just...this is frustrating. Phenomenally so. If she were either of ours, it would be different, but... Objectively, I understand Bit's going back to a home where she may not get the attention that she needs. But I'm really, REALLY close to just not caring.
Oh, and I'll try to be online a bit for frequently. Sorry about that.
Note to self: Nickelmania is three minutes away from dad's. Attempt to visit at a later date.
Copied from seifergrrl, who, in turn, stole it from other people, whom, for all I know, got it from elsewhere, and so on and so forth:
Ask me any question you want to about me. My life, my views, something personal, something stupid, whatever you want, and I'll answer it the best I can.
No guarantees the answers'll be public, though.
Okay, for anyone with neopets, be warned. I was looking through the trading post, and some fellow posted he had codestones for 300 np in his shop. So, of course, being the naive fellow I am, I check it out, only to find one left. Of course, I pounce on it, and when the neopets login page appears, I pound out my id and password only to find myself redirected to a web portal site.
I go back. stone's still there. Try again!
And again!
finally, it clicks. The sign-in web page is a hoax. I send a report toward the neopets team, shrug and get to other business.
In the middle of poogle solitaire, I'm abruptly signed out, and when I try to sign back in, it's not working...not working. Re-enter and re-enter...
I start to get paranoid about here. What, was the redirect just some sort of harmless prank? Did the neopets team take it amiss that I had reported someone?
A quick bit of research shows that the fucker had taken my password, entered my account, and altered the password to something else.
My thanks to seifergrrl for checking for me. So far, nothing's been taken, and all my pets are in good condition.
But in my early panic, I kind of overloaded the sign-in system, and can't sign in any more today. Anyway, just warning folks to keep their eyes out.
and I am bored. u.u;; Works like a charm.
Brought back the PS2, a few books, and the third Boogiepop DVD (it doesn't matter that I don't have the third. The series is so damned incongruous that you can rearrange them and the 'wtf?!' factor will be minimal.
Anyway, just putzing about in Dallas...
Well, I've got about ten minutes until the SCC closes, so I may as well give you folks the update on what's been going on down in College Station.
Dave's gone, but has yet to pick up half of his stuff. I had to brave his room today, sorted out my comics and books from his clothes and...ahem...magazines. He was SUPPOSED to come by yesterday and grab it all, but he says it'll have to wait till tomorrow. If I have to get his fucking stuff and take it over to his new place personally, I'm gonna kick his ass. Or at least think nasty unpleasant-type thoughts about him. It's times like this where I really wish plotted vengeance and violence was my thing.
When I go home, I expect I'll be cleaning and such for a while. If someone needs to get a hold of me, you can give me a ring at my mom's cell number, which I'll put up in a moment. In a less public post.
On the upshot of things, I introduced a few friends to Irresponsible Captain Tylor.
And now I need to go, or I'll never get the number out.
And so I finally worked my neopoints back up to 100k. I suppose it would have gone faster if I'd worked at it harder. But It's something I can look at with some contentedness.
So I get up after a few hours of sleep, and I'm tired. I like my sleep. Largely because when I don't get enough my brain starts to have trouble parsing reality and I can't even begin to make sense of it. I think there was music playing somewhere else, because I think that there was something playing even after I hit my alarm for the five thousand eight hundredth and fifty-second time. Or not.
Anyway, so I manage to get out of bed, shuffle to campus...only to find nobody in the classroom where I was expecting an Anthropology 489 final. o.o;
After walking around campus and asserting that Dr. Green isn't in his office, I head over to the nearest computer, and find my syllabus.
Thank God. No final.
So I lost two hours of sleep for nothing. >.<;;
And so, I'm held back returning to College Station because Dad's headed off with Kiersten to go find furniture for her room...
And now, a quiz.
On a further note, I'm happy to say that a Freebirds burrito is as good as ever. Even if the articles they've got up today are a mite on the disappointing side.
And so it seems the state has found a new cause: fight child obesity!!
To that end, schools are getting the snack machines and soda vendings pulled out of them, or risk losing funding for lunch.
I don't know how that'll affect Plano schools, as they sold our collective soul to Dr. Pepper, but it' I don't know what to say to that, but I don't know how I would have gotten by without the sodas from the cafeteria.
Intelligant, romantic, and civil, you are Classical music. Commonly associated with class and style, your main themes are romance, passion, and drama. Many see you as a well balanced person with few, if any, major faults. You work, you pay your taxes, you live the American dream. You are what most people would call normal. Whether it's a casual dinner at home or a formal mixer, you have an undeniable charm about you. Though some people would say that very charm is pretension personified. |
No, not quite finished. But I finished the brain-melting part of transcribing three minutes of conversational Hebrew into IPA notation. It's very rough, and I don't even have the library's copy of Genesis with me, so that made things progress even slower. I'm so looking forward to having this project done...
Remind me never to procrastinate again. We all know it won't work, but I'd appreciate the effort. I'm not the only one in my group to be responsible fora late start, but we could have been done by now. Been done a month ago, even.
But here we are...
Anyway, just warning you folks out there. Language and Writing System is a bitch to take. Beware.
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