The Mad Stylings of The Incredible, Delightful and Mostly Hairless Flea!

Tuesday, August 10, 2004


Instructions: Write five [very personal] statements Intended to different people. Never tell which one is to who.

1) I couldn't do a damn thing without you.
2) I wish so badly I could tell you no.
3) Christ, I miss you so much.
4) I wish I could hold you again.
5) Sometimes, I you are the only two intelligent people with access to a keyboard.

*sighs* Start work/training at the AMC on Thursday and turn in my stuff and pick up my last check on Wednesday at Coldstone...

I feel like I may just be sick.

Current mood: nauseated
Current music: Rufus Wainwright - Rebel Prince
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Friday, August 6, 2004

1:47PM - Oh! Blatant whoring of my 733+ 5/<1||z!!!!1!!!111!24078

GO! I'm proud of my work! Especially this, which I did for class.

Current mood: accomplished
Current music: Untouchable - Garbage
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Your Twisted LJ Love Life, v2.
LJ Username
Favourite Colour
Pick A Three-Letter Word
You Start Dating... miskatonika
You dump them and marry... faerun_goddess
You catch them cheating with... miskatonika
So you hire a hitman and call... itainohime
They accidentally kill ... instead faerun_goddess
Five marriages later, you end up with... doku_hana
This QuickKwiz by sellpieforjesus - Taken 940 Times.
New - Kwiz.Biz Astrology

Gosh. My life's just a twisted lesbian web of lies, huh?

Well, onto the news... Kat and I were royally fucked earlier this week (August 3rd, the day that she has deemed "The Day That Nothing Went Right, No Seriously, Nothing.") when we got 4 bills all at once. Two of which said they were overdue because the bank refused to recognized our accounts. So they came out to being, in totality, about $149... We had to call our parents. Kat begged for money from her parents for the first time in our life. We're now, officially, back out of the hole.

And then, when we went to pick up our package which they told us we had at the post office, the blind-deaf-dumb-retards there told us Kat didn't sign it right and that she didn't look enough like the girl in her ID (???), so for our own safety, we had to take another 45 minute walk back home, get MY ID and turn around... fuck that, right? Right.

Then, Jade showed up. Remember how much I said I loved him and wanted to keep him and so on and so forth? I take it ALL back. He had been continually screwing us over money-wise, eatting our food, not getting a job and sleeping 18 hours a day and then wonder why - after we'd laid down a 2 week ultimatum which he blatantly ignored - we booted him out on his ass anyway. He hung around like he still lived her for a few hours before Kat and I booted him out with a RIGHTEOUS FURY. It was kinda' fun.

But then? We had sex. And then D&D; campaigned. Found out Kaze has fleas, freaked a little, made and ate some burgers. And now, life is good.

And today? At 10:34? I quit my job at Coldstone.

But, Rebecca! you may be saying, How could you quit?! You're in the financial shitter, so to speak, why the BLEEDIN' HELL did you quit?!

And I'll gladly tell you to fuck off. But after that, I can explain that my manager is a grade-A bitch who's been screwing me over as well. (Seems to be a reoccuring theme, ey, folks?) Well, that, and I got a job at the movie theaters the other day. My life shall be made so much more easy. I decided to give myself the week off. So I quit.

Yay. For me.

In a nut shell, for those of you who don't want to read through all this, I'm working on school projects like a biatch, working at a movie theater, and working on a vague sense of a social life. I am not ignoring you. Repeat: I AM NOT IGNORING YOU. Life has just been fucking difficult lately.

In other news, I find this - - infinitely fascinating. My favorite character is Freddy. There is no wondering as to "why".

LOVES~ <3<3<3!!!

Current mood: depressed
Current music: Thursday's Child - Eartha Kitt
(6 comments | comment on this)

Thursday, August 5, 2004


Who will you fuck?
LJ Username
random word
favorite movie
You will have the greatest sex with spinooti
Is the worst sex ever setasplace
Made you fall asleep heleo
You'll go all night jun_chan
Secretly wants to fuck you princessofpain
You secretly want to fuck mysticchild
This Quiz by thenillbsmiling - Taken 13164 Times.
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Your LJ Hos
LJ Username
Feather Colour:
The popular ho: cremrock
The big-boobed ho: retsujou
The kinky ho: miskatonika
The classy ho: itainohime
The crossdressin' ho: rin_sakaguchi
Average Monthly Income: $1,944,494.75
This quiz by mabelair - Taken 31107 Times.
New! Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

These are funny. BECAUSE THEY ARE TRUE.

Expect a real update soon. ^^;

Current mood: dorky
Current music: Prodigy - Firestarter
(3 comments | comment on this)

Tuesday, July 27, 2004


Yeah, so... stuff I have to do for class. If you want to read "Our House", I  thought it was pretty funny, at least.

Our House )

This one's quite a bit more boring, but it gets the job done.


Sylvia Anne Bell )

Current mood: creative
Current music: Tatu - Ya Sa Shla S Uma
(1 comment | comment on this)

Monday, July 26, 2004

3:54PM - It seems all I get is flames anymore... *warms hands over*

From: To: Subject: [FanFiction.Net] Review Alert!

Date: Mon, 26 Jul 2004 10:19:04 -0700


Kusari Etc,

The following review has been submitted to: Fools Chapter: 1

From: Death to Slash (




Dear Miss Jane,

At first, I thought your review to be a joke from a friend of mine, since we have a long-running history of flaming one another with ridiculous usage of ALL CAPS!!!! and empty, hilariously pitiful threats. After all! We're all grown ups living in a scientific age here, right? Things as trite, childish and hateful as this don't come through email without it being deeply sarcastic, correct? Well, even if that is so, I'm going to write you to be sure. Just in case.

I suppose you thought my reaction to this would be shame, shock or even anger... but no, I'm simply sad. My sadness doesn't really apply to your scathing review. Seeing as I don't take too easily to the idea of someone who can't remember to turn off caps lock and cannot even provide some shred of proof that they actually read what I have written with a thought-out comment on the content of the story (other than the apparent slash) to have very much intelligence at all. Certainly not the kind of IQ you'd see in anything other than a 13 year old, slightly mentally impaired girl. So I won't hold that against you, seeing as its not your fault. Your mother simply should have known better than to drink while pregnant.

No, what saddens me is your obvious small-mindedness. You didn't even read the story and you feel the need to flame me. In fact, you feel the need to flame all slash-writers on, seeing as you have absolutely no stories in your account and only a handle to bash them with. Too afraid, perhaps, to show your own work? Of course, all you have to do is focus your inexplicably large hatred against something you have little to no knowledge about and tear down as many others as you possibly can! That'll make you seem like the biggest one on the playing field. Good luck though... from my experience, many slash writers are quite a tad bit more clever than yourself. Not to mention apparently more stable in their sexuality as to not go around smacking others in the face with it screaming "UR BAD!!!".

I don't think I'll actually get a reply to this email, but I wanted to ask why you felt this way. If you could provide a plausible reason as to why you hate the gay and lesbian genre of fiction. If there was some mental handicap you possess that would explain why you could possibly think running around on the internet and acting like a complete and utter douche-guzzler would make you a good or even "cool" person. If there is, please tell me. I'd love to hear it.


Kusari Etc. P.S. You know... it was a flame like this that had me write a sequel to "Fools"... I think I may have just come up with a third chapter. Thanks! I'll dedicate it to you.

Current mood: aggravated
Current music: The sound of people SUCKING.
(8 comments | comment on this)

Tuesday, July 20, 2004


Man, my past scares me.

Nevermind the horrid depression, terrible oppression, scary flirtations with suicide, coming to terms with being bisexual, childhood rape or whatever else was contained therein... it's my JUNIOR HIGH FRIENDS THAT SCARE ME MOST.

I mean, DAMN folks, find something more constructive in your life (and your journal, SHEESH) than to constantly post: "MAN, O MAN! READ THE BIBLE TODAY ADN IT WAS GRATE!!!1 DOSN'T ERVRY1 ELSE THINK JESUS IS KEEN?!?!?!? LOL!!!!!11!!1"

Christ, I mean, I did that in High School too on occassion, but... jeeeez, people! Seriously! There are things bigger in life than God. I hate to say it so brutally, and, yeah, religion and compassion and devoting yourself to a cause is nice and all but, when all that I find when I stumble across your journal is occassional sentances about shopping, how horrible your classes are and how awful its going to be to have to beg your parents for another 100 dollars this week, interspersed with "WOW! I WISH EVRYONE COULD B AS CHRIST-LIKE AS ME!!!"... well, I lose a lot of respect for your intelligence, dependability and your ability to grow the FUCK up after high school.

*sighs and rubs temples* It's not that I have anything against Christians. Lord knows I love 'em... But I feel the same about just about everyone who throws away every bit of their devotion and mind into something. Anime nerds who do NOTHING BUT watch anime, computer techies who won't shut the goddamn hell up about how fast/well their computer runs, and narcisism about one's self in general. I mean, yeah, good, you've got a hobby and/or something that keeps you in line and out of trouble. Good for you. But a good lot of us? Have lives. And someday, unless you're sickeningly lucky in a way I don't even want to think about, you're going to have to be a grown up, get a job, pay rent/mortgage, have kids, pay bills and get a damn life that doesn't revolve around a singularly ANNOYING SUBJECT.


I'm going to go finish my paper now. Dammit.

Current mood: discontent
Current music: The world is filled with beautiful things....
(8 comments | comment on this)

Monday, July 19, 2004


Which One Of Your LJ Friends Will You Marry?
LJ Username  
Favorite color 
You will marry... piyadassi
You will be married for...years 11
Your combined income will be... $380,566.43
You will have...children 30
This Quiz by fuzzinabox - Taken 6720 Times.
New! Get Free Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

... that's some impressive imaginary sperm you've got there, Arianne.

Anywho... class again. This one's rather fun. I'm taking it with a Photoshop Guru. Literally. He's won, like, 3 Guru awards from Photoshop and was a beta tester for Photoshop 1.0. He's impressive, if not a little full of himself.

I'm looking forward to my next class though... "Figure Construction", which for me means "Nude-y Drawrings". But the teacher there is great. Carl Jackson, who worked on a lot of video games and is a fantastic artist himself. Not nearly as narcisistic as any of my other teachers and really good at constructive criticism. He doesn't make me feel like an utter moron for not getting something exactly right.

Tomorrow is my father's birthday. Not getting him something makes me an utter prat. Yay.

Otherwise... life is... whee.

Got to meet Lane and see Dan'l again this weekend. Saw Spider-Man too, and I would rant, but I'm not a bitch like that, giving spoilers away and all. I have work tomorrow... and plenty of hell for the rest of the week, what with classes again and all. So, pray for my soul.

Sorry this wasn't too in depth, but class starts again in moments. Later, folks.

Current mood: accomplished
Current music: the hum of scanners fucking up
(2 comments | comment on this)

Sunday, July 18, 2004


Hmm... had a rather nice weekend. Not a whole lot of sleep, but I got to finally meet Lane and I didn't have one bit of work since Friday. I have classes tomorrow, of course, but not until 12... I do need to work a bit on my homework, but that shouldn't be bad either, really. Just re-sketching a masterpiece to the best of my ability. Christ.

I might get to see Spider-Man 2 tonight with Dan'l... I haven't seen him in almost 5 months. I do miss him.

I'm tired and Kat's not awake yet... One little meme and I think I may return to bed. Or at least, wake her up. Misery loves company, yanno?

Your LJ Perfect Date
LJ Username
Choose a random word
Your Perfect Date itainohime
You have dinner at a bar
Afterwards you go to a bar
Your date asks you to dance
You say I'm horny
Chance you will get lucky - 14%
This fun quiz by akasha82 - Taken 5633 Times.
Get Free Daily Horoscopes from Kwiz.Biz

Current mood: awake
Current music: Dandy Warhols - Bohemian Like You
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Saturday, July 17, 2004

4:02PM - RP updates...

So! We have Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Severus Snape and Lily Evans claimed, with tentative holds on Lucius Malfoy, James Potter and Andromeda Black (they're still pending)... That leaves Peter Pettigrew, the two other Black sisters (Narcissa and Bellatrix), Frank Longbottom... or anyone else you wanna come up with!

Please post here or email me with ideas on characters? typhon at immortallywounded dot com. I will review and reply to all submissions.

The RPG will be in many forms. I will have a forum on the website once I have it up (I will also take any help/tips anyone wants to give me with setting up that), and can also be played over any instant messenger systems, email, weblogging, whatever... There will be a main storyline, but side storylines are encouraged (especially if they include smut! ~<3 Het, yuri, yaoi, ? whatever is acceptable) Everything will be gathered together and cleaned up from the logs and made into ficlets, perhaps... I'm not sure. But I've already started playing around a bit with Remus and Sirius and I'm still excited!!! <3<3<3

Current mood: ecstatic
Current music: Tatu - Malchik Gej
(2 comments | comment on this)

Thursday, July 15, 2004

10:41AM - I am teh d0rxx0rz.

I'm setting out to do what I swore I never would... an *sigh* online Harry Potter RPG.

It will be set in the late 1970's Hogwarts and, of course, Marauders-centric. So far, we have two characters claimed: Sirius Black and Remus Lupin. People still open?

- James Potter

- Lily Evans

- Peter Pettigrew (though I get the feeling that I'm going to have to NPC this one)

- Lucius Malfoy

- Severus Snape

- Narcissa Lestrange

... others as they pop up.

Warning! This will contain shounen-ai and plenty of it. The main pairings being Remus and Sirius, and Lucius and Severus. If you can find a way to squish in some yuri, well, huzzah! I WILL ACCEPT NO JAMES/ANYONE SHOUNEN AI. I'm sorry. If you have an original character or would like ideas for them, email me.

Thank you.

-- Update 2:50 PM---

Ok, folks... so, we have Lily claimed! Exciting, folks! Yay!

Which means, we still have Snape, James, Peter Malfoy, Lestrange, and anyone else you seem to come up with! (I actually wanted to find a way to fit in a Weasley... even if it's a demi-Weasley. Like... I dunno, Molly's younger sister or Arthur's cousin or something... Maybe as a teacher?)

I have some ideas for storylines, but any and all help is appreciated. ^-^ Currently, I have registered a domain name on ... it's, though, currently, there is nothing uploaded whatsoever...

I'm going to try and have Kat help me out with making a web page, since she knows how the whole thing works. It'll mostly be for posting logs and forums, though I figure this could be of a loose struction. Incorporate forums, emails and IM converstaions and just send me a bit of an organized log and I'll post it up there, along with any updates, so on and so forth.

If you have any questions, want to sign up or anything like that, again, feel free to post here or email my account!

Wow. I'm WAY too excited about this. I really am. ._.;;;;

--- Update 8:55 PM---

A few more ideas! Lets see... we have Frank Longbottom and Alice (who's not a Longbottom, but whoever wants to come up with a last name for her, feel free), the Black sisters (Bellatrix, Andromeda and Narcissa) and ... well... please add more if you like. So far, we have all of the Marauders except for Peter claimed, a tentative claim on Snape and Lily completely taken. Keep me updated, people and I'll do the same for you!

Current mood: amused
Current music: "My Teacher is a Werewolf" - Harry and the Potters
(11 comments | comment on this)

Wednesday, July 14, 2004


Up -

The FMA was shot down. EAT IT!

Down -

I just finished "The Order of the Phoenix". Fuck you, JK Rowling. Fuck. You. WORST DEATH SCENE... EVAR.

Current mood: moody
Current music: Raffi - Bananaphone ... damn you too, Jade...
(11 comments | comment on this)

Friday, July 9, 2004



From :
Sent :  Tuesday, July 6, 2004 8:38 PM
To :
Subject :  FanFiction.Net Admin
Kusari Etc,

Title: "Possesion"
Summary: "A yaoi lemon, perhaps a bit of OOC-ness and angst. (3x4)  Based on the
Sarah McLaughlin song of the same name."
Rating: "R"

Main reason for removal: "Rating: explicit content or adult content above
current rating"

the above story has been removed because it violated the guideline detailed on
the upload page. 

This infraction has been recorded and once you reach a certain limit, your
account be automatically banned. Moreover,
as a result of this infraction, you will not have upload access for a period of

FanFiction.Net has a set of guidelines for the uploading of stories and


I wrote, what? 3 or 4 years ago? It's been on that site about 2 years since they put up the restriction of hentai-type stuff. This is all quite HILARIOUS to me!

Good thing I don't even really write fanfiction anymore. Or care if they remove it. ... *dies giggling* God, that one wasn't even a lemon! It was a lime... what was I thinking?! I mean, I think there was one little hint of a blow job being given? It has been so long that I don't even remember.

That's... rich. I love it.

"Fukaku... motto fukaku."

Current mood: enthralled
Current music: Eartha Kitt - Uskadara
(9 comments | comment on this)

Sunday, July 4, 2004


I have been looking for this for ages now! -
Particularly this! -

Go and enjoy them... her little 600-worder h/c Lestat X Louis ficlets are sweet and fluffy and when she gets into random breaking-down-the-fourth-wall comedy, she shines. I adore her. ^-^V I may just writer her an email to tell her so.

Otherwise, I'm getting a kitten. You see, my neighboor had one cat, Gracie, for a few years. Loves Gracie dearly, right? But then, she decided to adopt another, Ally. Ally and Gracie? Do not get along. One iota. So, since she's had Gracie longer and technically likes her more, she wants to give Ally to a new, good home. I have decided that that is ME when I move up here this Christmas.

She's this GORGEOUS blue-grey with a long white stripe all down her belly, white paws and muzzle, orange-gold eyes and she's everso skinny and tiny. She ran RIGHT over to me when I came in the door to help my dad feed her, fell into my lap and started purring and rubbing all over me. I WANT HER. She shall be named "Alexandria Magna" and I can keep the "Ally" and I will love her FOREVER.

Current mood: ecstatic
Current music: Candy-coated unicorns are.... quite hard to find.
(7 comments | comment on this)

Sunday, June 27, 2004


What Flavour Are You? I am Chocolate Flavoured.I am Chocolate Flavoured.

I am sweet and a little bit naughty. I am one of the few clinically proven aphrodisiacs. Sometimes I can seem a little hard, but show warmth and I soon melt. What Flavour Are You?

Hmm... I head off to Dallas in 2 days. Kat's still asleep, I got about 4 hours and am achey... at least I don't have to go to work today. I have two all-days with my Katzchen before I have to leave.

I'm going to try to be good in Dallas. Not all depress-y.

I'm tired. I'm going to go back to bed and wait for Lane to call back.

Current mood: achey
Current music: Monotonous - Eartha Kitt
(1 comment | comment on this)

Monday, June 21, 2004

10:58PM - So, yeah...

My computer completely crapped out on me. Apparently, it somehow downloaded a little virus no one could have stopped and deleted one of the executing files in Windows... so I can't even really get on it at all. I'm going to be taking it down to Dalals (where I will be in 8 days, if anyone cares to know) and hoping against hope that Eric will help me with the issue. Jade is being nice and letting us use his computer tower and internet access. So, emails can be checked, but that's the full extent, I believe.

Otherwise, I don't see this as being such a bad thing. I mean, I can't be online a whole lot, but I don't see much of a reason anymore. Everyone's quiet anymore... no one talks to me on AIM if they can help it, I haven't gotten an email in weeks, and no one comments on here, my other journal or on any of my art galleries. Not that I'm too shocked. I don't update much and kind of boring anywhere else. I'm too stressed/busy. I'm under-paid and over-worked. My life belongs to Cold Stone until it belongs to my parents until it belongs to my school once more....



Email me, comment here, comment on my galleries... fuck, CALL ME. Who's it gonna kill? You? My cell phone is 20 cents a minute no matter where I call and I have no long distance on my landline. Period.


Deviant Art Account -

E-mails -
typhon at immortallywounded dot com
holidame at hotmail dot com

Phone -
( Call my cellphone first and if I don't answer, leave a message about when you'd like to call me back. I'll promise to be off the internet then.)
Cell - (206)251-5124
Home - (206)223-1458

Address -
Becca & Kat
527 Eastlake Avenue East #12
Seattle, WA 98109

In conclusion, a Jade-quote.

Current mood: quixotic
Current music: The comedy is that its serious....
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Friday, June 18, 2004


Top Commenters on [info]iyoichi's LiveJournal
1[info]iyoichi128 128
2[info]rin_sakaguchi73 73
3[info]metallium65 65
4[info]princessofpain32 32
5[info]phu30 30
6[info]jun_chan26 26
7[info]lustychan24 24
8Anonymous13 13
9[info]never_infinite12 12
10[info]zelaschild12 12
11[info]heleo10 10
12[info]miskatonika10 10
13[info]edrahvalis8 8
14[info]piyadassi8 8
15[info]kalldoro7 7
16[info]cremrock6 6
17[info]doku_hana6 6
18[info]azrel4 4
19[info]jasperchan4 4
20[info]kimi_chan4 4
21[info]mysticchild4 4
22[info]setasplace4 4
23[info]fait2 2
24[info]mazokubaby2 2
25[info]vampyran2 2
26[info]yoiko2 2
27[info]yukionna2 2
28[info]zelgreywords2 2
29[info]alexandrophile1 1
30[info]brahmabullbabe1 1
31[info]cybermancy1 1
32[info]farohji1 1
33[info]itainohime1 1
34[info]kouji_sama1 1
35[info]neoslash1 1
36[info]piccolophile1 1
37[info]pixyteri1 1

Total Commenters: 37
Total Comments: 511

Report generated 6/18/2004 2:26:03 AM by [info]scrapdog's LJ Comment Stats Wizard 1.1

YAY! *claps retardedly* I DID IT!

Current mood: drained
Current music: Rufus Wainwright - Evil Angel
(1 comment | comment on this)

Tuesday, June 15, 2004


What Harry Potter character will you find under your bed? by kaitkaitkait
WhoRemus Lupin
You say:"Ber-loody HELL!"
He says:"I am here for you, my love, in your hour of need. OK, make that four hours."
He comes out, holding adust bunnie.
You react bysighing with lust.
And have the most fantastic sex imaginable, every night for the rest of your lives.
Created with the ORIGINAL MemeGen!

But only if I can watch he and Sirius have sex afterwards.... ^-^V

You are Hope
Hope: You dream of something better than
wherever you are now and believe that
eventually things will take a turn for the
better. Your main desire is to feel fulfilled.

What emotional state are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

--Edit: 1:54 PM---

ck you, LJ and Memes.... fuck you hard and in the ass.

In other news, I have two segments on my final project done. Only three more to go! Probably another 5 hours of work or so for that. I need to memorize my dealy-bopper for "Acting and Movement" tomorrow. Shouldn't take much.

Oh, and Jade starts moving in today. Yeah, it's either that or he's out on his ass for a month. I don't think he'd survive the streets, so I invited him to staywith us. Katzchen is not at all pleased about it, but he's going to be paying a third of rent and helping with the groceries, so I don't feel too bad. It's going to be him mostly sleeping at the place, where he gets a closet for a room. Cheaper than a hotel and most likely safer than any hostel. It'll be hectic, yeah. It'll probably get crazy even... I mean, hell, Kat'll be paranoid about having sex for the next few weeks... But... Well, I can't just let him live out on the bum-filled streets of Seattle. Besides, Trish said she'd help out and take him every once in a while. Plus he has a boyfriend. I'm optomistic.


Current mood: crazy
Current music: Gimme one reason to stay here & I'll turn right back around
(1 comment | comment on this)

Friday, June 11, 2004

9:22PM - *chuckles*

Your Years at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry
Family Line
Dated Some insignificant lower life form
You are well known for The best witch/wizard Hogwarts has ever seen!Wo0t!
Percentage of student body you shagged - 69%
How do the staff and students feel about you They LOVE you
This QuickKwiz by lady_ameily - Taken 86488 Times.
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I spent the afternoon/evening getting a HAWT crossdressing boi all hot-n-bothered. Life is goooo~ooood....

Current mood: crazy
Current music: Coldplay - The Scientist
(1 comment | comment on this)

Thursday, June 10, 2004

8:56PM - I don't wanna type it all out again, so you get a lovely IM conversation

Malithian: OMG!
Malithian: I need to tell you about last night!
LOVE4N01: eh?
Malithian: Ok, so when we first moved here, like my second week at school, I met this cute guy with waist-length hair, a top hat and long black jacket, right? I asked him to marry me and he said he was gay, so I told him I was too, so we were even... Anyway, I thought that that was that.
LOVE4N01: EH!?
Malithian: Well, Trish kept talking about her crossdresser friend, "Jade", and he came into the store last night. I didn't recognize him at first, but before I left, I talked to him a bit and remembered who he was, and he remembered me. He picked me up, swung me around, said we were going to elope, so on and so forth, it was fun! ... So I invited him, his friend, Trish and Carmen (another chick at Coldstone) over for some movies.
Malithian: So, yeah, he comes over with them, we order a pizza and so on... Trish leaves about an hour later... and he starts getting all cuddly with me. At one point in time, he's sitting on my hips, so I start goofing around and pushing my hips up and such. Jade starts making all these little uke noises and goofing off... then, he proceeds to roll up my shirt, pull down my bra and play with my nipples.... o.o;;;;;
LOVE4N01: oh my...
LOVE4N01: and kat was doing what?
Malithian: Kat threw our dildo at him and he started playing with that and kept suggesting I fuck him with it, alternating it with threats of beating him up if I felt uncomfortable... It was the most singularly GREATEST night of my life
LOVE4N01: holy shit
LOVE4N01: nice....
LOVE4N01: so, is he gay or not says rox
Malithian: VERY GAY.
Malithian: He's just flirty.
LOVE4N01: wooo
LOVE4N01: so.....
Malithian: Thusly why it was so great. ^-^
LOVE4N01: that was not flirty...that was FLIRTY
LOVE4N01: so.....4 some eh? hehe haha...
Malithian: *laughs* tell me about it!
Malithian: Foursome?! ._.; Whoelse?!
LOVE4N01: wasn't there the other chick/
LOVE4N01: oh...
Malithian: Oh, right... they left shortly after the nipple-age....
LOVE4N01: no sorry, i missunderstood
Malithian: S'ok... ^^
LOVE4N01: woo!
LOVE4N01: hehehehehehehehhe
LOVE4N01: niceeee
Malithian: I liked it!
Malithian: It was FUN! we're going over to his place this weekend to see some of his hardcore yaoi stuff

Current mood: horny
Current music: Rufus Wainwright - Foolish Love
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