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[31 Aug 2004|06:45pm]
so, the mind-crushing boredom of spending about 4.5 hours waiting to see an academic advisor paid off. i am officially OFF ACADEMIC PROBATION!!!! this is very happy news. i am all registered, well except for one class which i need to crash and see if i can get a permission code to register for...but i have had the teacher before so i think i can persuade him. so, i will be taking:

literary approaches to sacred texts (i'm retaking this because i failed it last spring)
elementary latin
buddhist philosophy
abnormal psychology
intro to logic

this schedule means that i will have FIVE classes on tuesdays. ugh. the insanity! however, this means that i will be deliciously close to graduating. rock on.
1 dirty answer |some advice from above

today i learned that i cannot fly. [22 Jul 2004|11:09pm]
[ mood | sore ]
[ music | queen - too much love will kill you ]

mousie launched me in to a jump standard when we were jumping fences today. i ripped a bunch of skin off of my elbow and also have a large bruised lump on it, bruised my knee, wrenched my shoulder, and bruised my lower back/pelvis. i am so sore. it was a pretty funny fall, though. "we're gonna jump the fence! no, we're not! yes, we are! no, we're not!" he zigged, i zagged. i took some painkillers and rubbed dmso on the bruised spots. dmso kicks ass, but it also has one very gross side effect: it causes a really funky taste in your mouth. ewwww.

i bought some awesome protein powder. when mixed with water, it tastes like fruit juice. i bought the lemonade flavor. good stuff.

my class is making me depressed. we're talking about what love is. how the fuck do i know? i've never been in love. i know nothing. i also have a serious crush on my teacher, a grad student and also a person of irish background. i'm pathetic.

7 dirty answers |some advice from above

[19 Jul 2004|01:31am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | bruce springsteen - badlands ]

i spent today at a horse show. it was miserable, because it was pouring rain the whole time. ugh. we performed adequately...two 2nd place ribbons. but i was not too thrilled. considering the conditions though, he was great. the mouse is awesome. even though he chomped on my face, the cheeky little creature. i have a nice bruise. i can't ever stay mad with him. he is too cute.

i bought my tickets to see tanya donelley's two shows at joe's pub on the 13th of august. [info]spcedog and i will be fairly drunk by the second show, i am sure. speaking of nicky, he posted this hilarious clip of poor pj harvey falling over at one of her concerts. beware the stiletto heel, polly jean. they'll turn on you in a minute.

i received my grades for the first two of my three summer classes. i earned an "a" in current moral and social issues, and a "b" in aesthetics of film. i could have worked out an "a" in the film class as well, but considering the fact that i wrote all of my papers the day they were due, and didn't read any of the assigned articles entirely, i'm happy. if i actually applied myself, i could so easily be a straight-a student. currently i am taking love, personhood, and sexual morality. it is a really cool class. the grad student teaching it and i bonded over our irish heritage. the unfortunate thing is that the class is two days a week, for four hours at a time. that's a lot of philosophy in one sitting. last week, we talked for four hours about what it means to persist as a person. by the end, my eyes probably had a fairly glazed look to them.

tomorrow, mouse is getting his teeth attended to by the horsey dentist. poor mousie. i hate going to the dentist, too.

3 dirty answers |some advice from above

[09 Jul 2004|11:28pm]
[ music | gee, i wonder. ]

placebo's cover of "running up that hill" is really, really good.

4 dirty answers |some advice from above

haha. [09 Jul 2004|04:40pm]

What Quirk From THE OC Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla
some advice from above

some political fun. [08 Jul 2004|08:34pm]
[ mood | amused ]



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[05 Jul 2004|10:02pm]
[ mood | tired ]

please excuse the fact that i look disgusting. i had just finished riding, and it was so hot and humid that i was sweating just sitting around. i still think this picture is adorable.

4 dirty answers |some advice from above

[21 Jun 2004|11:41am]
[ music | mount sims - how we do ]

maggie was right, this song IS addictive. i can't stop listening to it.

speaking of maggie, we had much fun on friday night. first we went to karma, where we got our hookah on (bwahaha!) and ended up singing "vibeology". we're so cool. we then ventured out looking for dancing. the first place we went to sucked, so we ended up at a place called rafifi's (i think). great music, and it was a lot of fun dancing to "my sharona", since we had been discussing the fact that it was the 10 year anniversary of reality bites earlier. ("PFLAG! i'm beginning to like the sound of that!" haha.) they also played "deceptacon", and [info]thatabbygrrl really should have been there with us. mmhmm. oh, and we saw the cutest girl dancing around. she was so completely into every song that played, it was awesome.

i took mousie to a show yesterday. he was great, we got 4th place and a qualifying score for regional championships.

and now, i must go work on my paper about mass art.

some advice from above

[20 Jun 2004|10:13pm]
happy birthday, [info]dwc!!! i hope it is wonderful. i miss you.
some advice from above

[09 Jun 2004|10:16pm]
[ mood | sad ]

i just found out that hubert selby jr. died on april 26th. this makes me very sad. i loved his writing, and when i saw the interview he did on the extras for requiem for a dream i was totally in awe of what a wise, perceptive person he was. damn.

2 dirty answers |some advice from above

[07 May 2004|10:27pm]
[ mood | tired ]

the answers to the song meme )

some advice from above

meme fun. [07 May 2004|12:55am]
On your current playlist, hit shuffle and pick the first twenty songs on the list (no matter how cheesy or embarrassing), and write down your favourite line of the song. Try to avoid putting the song title in the line. Then, have your friends comment and see if they know the songs.

1. she saw him standing in the section marked, "if you have to ask, you can't afford".
2. i look back on where i'm from, look at the woman i've become, and the strangest things seem suddenly routine.
3. and when we meet, we look away.
4. beelzebub has a devil put aside for me.
5. how 'bout in the library on top of books, but you can't be too loud!
6. i ain't gonna act politically correct, i only want to have a good time.
7. and we can act like we come from out of this world, leave the real one far behind.
8. a love like ours can never fade away, you know it's only just begun.
9. now he talks in his sleep, says i've never known peace and i don't know him now, he's a stranger to me.
10. when they get to the part where he's breaking her heart, it can really make me cry.
11. when you snap your fingers or wink your eye, i come running to you.
12. plain to see the facts are changing, no meaning left to hold.
13. to roll with rollerina is never quite as it seems.
14. you know, she never did like me. but i can stand on my own.
15. he drove me, he drove me out of my MIND. i'm over it now.
16. held your hand and watched tv and traced the little lines along your palm.
17. every nerve in my body is so vacant and numb, i can't even remember what it was i came here to get away from.
18. stop drinking my beer!
19. with fingernails that shine like justice, and a voice that is dark like tinted glass.
20. sometimes i wish that life was neverending, but all good things, they say, never last.
7 dirty answers |some advice from above

a woman after my own heart. [13 Apr 2004|11:17am]
[ mood | amused ]

i have never given much thought to rebecca romajin, but this quote from her in an article made me love her. apparently she's getting divorced and the supposed reason is that she didn't want to have kids. she was quoted as saying, "I have nine horses. Whenever I think I might want to have a child, I buy a horse instead." rebecca, you rule.

an unrelated bit from the same article had me rolling...apparently courtney love's 11 year old daughter interviewed her in blender magazine, and this is a quote from it:

"Sometimes, mommies need to get laid, too," explains the embattled entertainer, uttering a phrase that sounds like the title of the most inappropriate kids' book ever.


2 dirty answers |some advice from above

Phone Post [15 Feb 2004|07:50am]
111K 0:31
(Help)(no transcription available)
1 dirty answer |some advice from above

[14 Feb 2004|02:21am]
foamy's dating advice makes me happy.
some advice from above

[28 Jan 2004|05:44pm]
[ mood | amused ]

oh, those wacky canadians. this cracked me up.

some advice from above

[24 Jan 2004|02:36am]
i'm really good at remembering pointless music trivia. i wish i could trade it in to be good at math.

Good. You know your music. You should be able to
work at Championship Vinyl with Rob, Dick and

Do You Know Your Music (Sorry MTV Generation I Doubt You Can Handle This One)
brought to you by Quizilla
1 dirty answer |some advice from above

[18 Jan 2004|11:56pm]
[ mood | cranky ]

i hate john mayer so much. i want to disembowel him with a spoon in retaliation for his horrible, horrible music.

2 dirty answers |some advice from above

damn you, shitty immune system. [18 Jan 2004|10:33am]
[ mood | sick ]
[ music | roxy music - avalon ]

i am sick yet again with some "unknown bacterial infection" that i thought was strep due to the white stuff all over my tonsils and the intense pain in my throat. antibiotics seem to be helping, but i'm still achy and have a wretched cough that makes my chest hurt. the perscribed cough suppressant isn't working as well as one would hope. on the bright side, i can finally breathe through my nose again. so much for my weekend of productivity.

1 dirty answer |some advice from above

[20 Dec 2003|05:23am]
[ mood | awake ]

i honestly think that this is the stupidest item of apparel i have ever seen.

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