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Below is user information for starfire_terra_. If you are this user, you can edit your information (or choose what information is considered public) at the Edit Info page.

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User:starfire_terra_ (2723647) starfire_terra_
Starfire's Avatars
Starfires Icons
Website:.::Forever Anime::.
Location:Pomona, California, United States
AOL IM:AIM status Cncoyle (Add Buddy, Send Message)
ICQ UIN:ICQ status Cncoyle (Add User, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status Cncoyle (Add User, Send Message)
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Welcome to my icon journal! It's friends only, so comment to be added! Um.. no soliciting! And yeah.. that's about it.. there's nothing really to tell about me.. but I guess i'll give it a shot for you.

Hello there, my name is -censored-. I currently live in -censored- California. My hobbies include making icons, role playing, and just being on my computer. Also, watching anime. The animes I currently am in love with are Inuyasha and Saiyuki, but I also like Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Card Captor Sakura, and others. I totally love Teen Titans to. I also like working with layouts on my friends site, but don't ask me to help you with that because I won't, i'm just mean that way.

I use all of my own icons, because I hate having to credit. I know that's kind of stupid, and sometimes I really love other peoples icons, but I suck at learning how to credit people right, and they always get mad at me, so I gave up on that, so all the icons you see me use are my own work. Um.. I am currently into doing song sets with icons, because I find it very fun.. and that's about it!

Thy icons come from these two people.
The Kingdom Hearts one was made by orcapixels
The Christmas Goku one was made by hamstergal!
You both rock, and the icons are adorable!
Interests:44: anime, artist, author, ayame, beast boy, blackfire, country, cyborg, disney, drawing, fonts, golf, graphics, hercules, icon contest, icons, inuyasha, johnney depp, kagome, kikyou, kilala, kingdom hearts, kirara, kouga, layouts, little mermaid, miroku, movies, music, poetry, punk rock, robin, rock, role playing, sango, simpsons, starfire, teen titans, tennis, tv, video games, walk to remember, water polo, writing. [Modify yours]
People9:blackfire_icons, blonde_inside88, bubblefire, lady__paine, ladyterentia, silentangel666, super_raven, tinksrainpixie, yumeferret
Communities25:animeavatars, animeawards, animeicons, bishoujo_awards, community_promo, disney_icontest, disneyicons, fruits_basket, furuba_awards, furuba_claims, i_variety, inuawards, inuicon_contest, inuicons, kh_icons, news, pan_icontest, peterpan_icons, ss_icontest, titan_claims, titan_graphics, titan_icontest, toon_icons, toon_icontest, vga_icontest
Friend of:9: blackfire_icons, bubblefire, lady__paine, ladyterentia, mishoo, silentangel666, super_raven, tinksrainpixie, yumeferret
Member of:22: animeavatars, animeawards, animeicons, bishoujo_awards, community_promo, disney_icontest, disneyicons, fruits_basket, furuba_awards, i_variety, inuawards, inuicon_contest, inuicons, kh_icons, pan_icontest, peterpan_icons, titan_claims, titan_graphics, titan_icontest, toon_icons, toon_icontest, vga_icontest
Account type:Free Account

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