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User:aishon (3067720) Paid User aishon
Rose Cycle
Lj Version☆24
Comment and add me. You came to me first, it's the least you can do. If you don't comment, then I'll never know you were there in the first place.
Dwont rite lyke twhis lwike uR FoR!
Comment and interact. Not all entries but once in a while is fine.
Don't add me to get a bigger friends list.
Don't ask me for anything, such as graphics/layouts/icons unless I suggest to you all that I am willing to take requests.
Don't bash my close personal friends or lj friends >_<
If I see we have nothing in common, then I won't add you back =P So read my sidepanel please >_<
Don't be emo please, I mean we all have our moments but every entry? Jeez
You must all agree to whatever I say in my journal! Happy Reading!
Click here to add me =)
Note: If you attend school with me, chances are that I WON'T add you back unless you're one of my closer friends.
If interested in my memories from past, present or dreams then visit my pensieve (yeah I'm a Harry Potter Fanatic ~_~;) [info]kaospensieve It's friends only so comment to be added and such.
See my Communities: [info]heyx3,[info]tea_bar,[info]prettyasians,[info]happy7,[info]kei_rocker,[info]final_identity,[info]bdale_bulls,[info]pre_rsad_04,[info]jpets
yaoi is love
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Memories:67 entries
Pictures:23 public
Interests:13: harry potter, j-pop, j-rock, jpop, jrock, july 16 2005, k-pop, k-rock, kpop, krock, november 18 2005, slash, yaoi. [Modify yours]
People143:_genderfucked, _happenstance, _imperfection, _infatuatedx, _jely_anne_, _kabarett_, _oceanborn_, _shigure_, abcd_wasabi, access_xxx_free, aisasami, aishon, alexeil, alternative_sea, angelkitkat, animyth, asianhair, auricle, ayunited, aznaphrodite, aznparagonv1, aznpinkynza, boitokwa, bratzworld, bubble_t, bunnyofthemoon, candy_vodka, chibi_hidaka, cksupernerd, color_filters, cutee4rmcali, dark_schuldich, darkintragedy, dee_flower, derangedangel, dirtyandsweet, distorted_voice, divinechocolate, electric_mole_x, evil_gypsum, fairystripe, falleninsanity, faranth514, flowered, fruitychan, glueme, gtr34mina, gyutto_goukan, heartsurgeon99, hisaki, i_luv_ayu, j_adoremonchat, jaded_purity, jerrysugarav, jpnmachigainai, jrocker, kankuro, kaospensieve, kawaiikat, keiko_tsumi, knifey_utensil, kogyaru_xoxo, komuginess, koonerific, kster3, kuroi_acid, lesmerde, licentiously, lirimaer, lolita_m10m, loneliestlatino, lyn_d_sey, malrourkemutt, meevish, melrosefetish, metooha, mike_da_muscle, missingx3love, misui, mitsuko_420_br, mizuthebandgeek, mono_pro_zac, mozzi, mtlpnkrckchick, myv, naomi78, narcissistic_j, niggypop, nisee, notafukinitem, odulating_music, ogata, omi_chan, openwide99, orange_bicycle, oresama_shikou, phbtonyou, pipthecrazytaco, piroppo, pokkuru, pop_up_squirrel, purple_doll, pyrates_booty, roseofmemory, saturdayxxnight, saturnsoul, sejikao, self_destroy, shibuyapeach, shizzical, sicksaddaria, silentxrequiem, sojuske, spiffysmoochy, spinspiderspin, squirrelfetus, starsandspikesx, streetromance, sukipuki, sulleby, sunkissedxbaby, sweets_gm, tabako, the_original_me, the_sexyness, therenegadeboy, tikoygirl, tokyogogo, trickygotme_in, usagichan, utapop, vampyran, vanillastreams, volume, wakalaka07, wilwarin_, wmdagger, xblo0dy_t3arsx, xlivingdreamsx, xpunk_hajix, yellow_glitter, yomi, yourseternally
Communities75:asian_beauty, asian_boiz, asiancuties, bdale_bulls, beren_fic_only, british_chinese, chux3, cinemasia_slash, claim_asia, danradcliffe, dbsg, dears, dir_en_grey, dongbangshinki, dracomalfoyfans, felton_icons, final_identity, fruits, furuba_rating, gacktxhyde, girlie_rock, gravi_rating, gryffindor, happy7, happy7members, harry_draco, harry_potter, harrydraco, harrylovesdraco, harryslash, harryxluna, hd_falling, hd_yaoi, hello_news, hello_project, hellopro_rating, heyx3, hogwarts, hp_slash, hpslash, hpsmut, hufflepuff, hug______, ikichi_com, jcons, jcrack, jpets, jpop_mp3s, jrock_mp3s, jrock_scans, kei_rocker, kkmalfoymen, kpop_uploads, kuuwah, loser_jrockers, malfoy_slash, miyabi_dear, mm_icons, morning_beauty, morningmusume, pgsm_rating, pre_rsad_04, prettyasians, ravenclaws, roshikya, slytherin, sm_rating, sm_villains, tea_bar, the_trax, thegreentea, tomfelton_daily, tomfeltonfans, tommyfeltonfans, wildefic
Mutual Friends:143: _genderfucked, _happenstance, _imperfection, _infatuatedx, _jely_anne_, _kabarett_, _oceanborn_, _shigure_, abcd_wasabi, access_xxx_free, aisasami, aishon, alexeil, alternative_sea, angelkitkat, animyth, asianhair, auricle, ayunited, aznaphrodite, aznparagonv1, aznpinkynza, boitokwa, bratzworld, bubble_t, bunnyofthemoon, candy_vodka, chibi_hidaka, cksupernerd, color_filters, cutee4rmcali, dark_schuldich, darkintragedy, dee_flower, derangedangel, dirtyandsweet, distorted_voice, divinechocolate, electric_mole_x, evil_gypsum, fairystripe, falleninsanity, faranth514, flowered, fruitychan, glueme, gtr34mina, gyutto_goukan, heartsurgeon99, hisaki, i_luv_ayu, j_adoremonchat, jaded_purity, jerrysugarav, jpnmachigainai, jrocker, kankuro, kaospensieve, kawaiikat, keiko_tsumi, knifey_utensil, kogyaru_xoxo, komuginess, koonerific, kster3, kuroi_acid, lesmerde, licentiously, lirimaer, lolita_m10m, loneliestlatino, lyn_d_sey, malrourkemutt, meevish, melrosefetish, metooha, mike_da_muscle, missingx3love, misui, mitsuko_420_br, mizuthebandgeek, mono_pro_zac, mozzi, mtlpnkrckchick, myv, naomi78, narcissistic_j, niggypop, nisee, notafukinitem, odulating_music, ogata, omi_chan, openwide99, orange_bicycle, oresama_shikou, phbtonyou, pipthecrazytaco, piroppo, pokkuru, pop_up_squirrel, purple_doll, pyrates_booty, roseofmemory, saturdayxxnight, saturnsoul, sejikao, self_destroy, shibuyapeach, shizzical, sicksaddaria, silentxrequiem, sojuske, spiffysmoochy, spinspiderspin, squirrelfetus, starsandspikesx, streetromance, sukipuki, sulleby, sunkissedxbaby, sweets_gm, tabako, the_original_me, the_sexyness, therenegadeboy, tikoygirl, tokyogogo, trickygotme_in, usagichan, utapop, vampyran, vanillastreams, volume, wakalaka07, wilwarin_, wmdagger, xblo0dy_t3arsx, xlivingdreamsx, xpunk_hajix, yellow_glitter, yomi, yourseternally
Also Friend of:10: ________taxicab, ____vanitybooth, courses, dear_angelina, donationproject, lilaikotakara, silly_zilly, street__fighter, sugartwins, xxgirlslietooxx
Member of:75: asian_beauty, asian_boiz, asiancuties, bdale_bulls, beren_fic_only, british_chinese, chux3, cinemasia_slash, claim_asia, danradcliffe, dbsg, dears, dir_en_grey, dongbangshinki, dracomalfoyfans, felton_icons, final_identity, fruits, furuba_rating, gacktxhyde, girlie_rock, gravi_rating, gryffindor, happy7, happy7members, harry_draco, harry_potter, harrydraco, harrylovesdraco, harryslash, harryxluna, hd_falling, hd_yaoi, hello_news, hello_project, hellopro_rating, heyx3, hogwarts, hp_slash, hpslash, hpsmut, hufflepuff, hug______, ikichi_com, jcons, jcrack, jpets, jpop_mp3s, jrock_mp3s, jrock_scans, kei_rocker, kkmalfoymen, kpop_uploads, kuuwah, loser_jrockers, malfoy_slash, miyabi_dear, mm_icons, morning_beauty, morningmusume, paidmembers, pgsm_rating, pre_rsad_04, prettyasians, ravenclaws, roshikya, slytherin, sm_rating, sm_villains, tea_bar, the_trax, thegreentea, tomfelton_daily, tomfeltonfans, tommyfeltonfans
Account type:Paid Account

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