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User:esterification (1426702) Paid User esterification
Where angels lose their wings...
They gave me a life that's not so easy to live...
Name:To Nowhere
Website:Doujinshi Shrine
Bio:From now on, this journal shall be changed to friends only (most of the posts anyway). I'm sorry, but I wish for some privacy when talking nonsense about my life. You do not have to friend me if you wish only to read my fics or to look for some update on my site.

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User Number: 1426702
Date Created:10/30/03
Number of Posts: 9

Esterification is a crazy person. She is currently obsessed with GPA, LotR, Final Fantasy, and HP. In the past, she liked Kenshin, YYH, Naruto, WeissB, Evangelion, Yami no Matsuei, Detective Conan, Gundam Wing, and more.
Strengths: long obession, loyalty, book-loving.
Weaknesses: too lazy to reply mails, not very good at communication, easy to offend others, friendless, have bad grammar.
Special Skills: Writing, drawing, programming.
Weapons: Books, foul language.
Favorites: Carlos Santana, Frodo Baggins, Gaara, Naruto, Faramir, Squall, Irvine, Laguna, Locke, Celes.

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Memories:20 entries
Interests:27: bilbo, carlos santana, faramir, frodo, frodo baggins, frodo slash, frodo/faramir, frodos dreme, gaara, gaara x naruto, gojyo/sanzo, harry potter, heeroxduo, hobbits, interspecies, irvine, irvine/squall, james potter, johnny depp, lord of the rings, lotr, meriadoc brandybuck, naruto, tolkien, toshihiko seki, yusuke, yyh. [Modify yours]
People9:fathomthis, hopemia, i_o_r_h_a_e_l, painless_j, paradox01, quill18, rusalka_reviews, soubiless, switchknife
Communities55:badfic_mainline, ff_recs, fic_fairy, fushigiyuugi, fy_yaoi, gaanaru, genbukaiden, genfic_hogwarts, hardcore_hp, harry_and_ron, harryslash, hobbit_slash, hobbitslash, hp_directory, hp_essays, hp_fictalk, hp_incest, hp_mpreg, hp_writersguild, hpangst, hpart_recs, hpchan, hprarepairs, hprecs, hpstoryfinders, i_heart_gaara, internetpirates, interspecies, jiai, jphp_slash, loonieslions, lordofthebetas, lotr_brandyhall, lotr_mpreg, lotrdrabbles, lotrhp_slash, love_or_death, lunatics_asylum, midnite_rose, one_true_pair, opencanvas_club, opengl, pervypotter, potters_pairs, programmers, quibbler_recs, quizilla, ranmafans, restrictsection, ringbearerfrodo, shire_kitchen, sirry_slash, snape_potter, tasnuri, yyhyaoi
Account type:Paid Account

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