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User:foolartist (1483932) foolartist
Fool's Babblings
Name:Fools Artist
Bio:Recently I've decided to lock my journal a bit more. The stuff for public with be purely media nature, ie: fanfiction, orginal stories, recent movies, etc. Thanks.

About me, I'm very into Fanfiction, esp. Harry Potter. is a also a favorite(Caution it IS explict in nature), for it's Orginal fiction., is great for rommantics, and those who enjoy Gay fatherhood. Which brings me to a rather important point. I read, 90% of the time, gay theme stories/novels. I repeat, GAY. If this bothers you, steer clear. Thanks.

To whom it may concern, let me state clearly, I was born in 1984, I am 20 years old. Thank you.
Interests:41: adventure, art, artists, cats, chocolate, csi, draco, dragons, drama, exiles, fantasy, farseer trilogy, fiction, fool, gay rights, harry, liveship trader trilogy, lotr, lucius, magics pawn/promise/price, malfoy, melanie rawn, mercedes lackey, mythology, orginal gay fiction, orginal stories, patriot, patriotism, pirates of the carribean, potter, reading, robin hobb, romance, science fiction, severus, slash, slash fiction, snape, the mage-born traitor, the tawny man trilogy, weasley. [Modify yours]
People57:__hibiscus, _pen2paper_, also_boni, brimful, chikachy, cindysilver, cjk1701, copperbadge, dannawhin, dea_liberty, dementordelta, djseverus_snape, dkwilliams, duckpuppy, electricandroid, emeraldjay, exsugo, fiendling, fluffyllama, frek, gaycrow, godonthewater, harry_a_thon, illmantrim, inkstainfingers, irana, jadarene, josanpq, lady_lynn, ladyjaida, lexin, lysrouge, mirakate, mollymoon, moreladyjaida, my_remembrall, nassima, ntamara, painless_j, percivalperfect, plausive, post_watch, resonant8, scribbulus_ink, sexyharryspecs, sherant, skuf, slytherinjenn, snapespet, switchknife, swtalmnd, thetreacletart, twirl4me, wikdsushi, yih, yukipon, zas
Communities59:12am_nosh, afamilyaffair, andropotterist, artbeta, beyond_hp, blond_azkaban, ctd_hpmonthly, drawmeharry, enderslash, fantasticbeasts, fic_fairy, fiendart, fitz_is_stupid, hairy_snarry, harryslash, hobblings, hp_art_daily, hp_art_xchange, hp_fictalk, hp_girlslash, hp_slash, hp_slash_fanfic, hpart, hpart_recs, hpfic, hprarepairs, hpsmart, hpstoryfinders, hpvalensmut, hpvamp, hunkwarts, keyfic, kkmalfoymen, nevillosity, parryhotter, patchwork_quill, pervy_werewolf, pornish_pixies, potterpostings, potters_pairs, proudtoslash, quibbler_recs, quickquote, remusjames, rest_backstory, restituere_club, ron_longbottom, rwdmfqf, sippingtea, slashersanon, snape_fic, snape_potter, snapish_smut, ssarchives, the_pimp_cane, venisonsandwich, weaselandferret, weasleyworship, wishforthemoon
Mutual Friends:32: __hibiscus, also_boni, brimful, cindysilver, dannawhin, dementordelta, djseverus_snape, duckpuppy, emeraldjay, fiendling, fluffyllama, frek, gaycrow, godonthewater, irana, jadarene, lady_lynn, lysrouge, mollymoon, moreladyjaida, plausive, post_watch, scribbulus_ink, sexyharryspecs, sherant, skuf, slytherinjenn, snapespet, thetreacletart, wikdsushi, yukipon, zas
Account type:Free Account

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