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User:haedes (2305698) haedes
An imaginary world of illusions beckon...
Haedes welcomes you
Location:Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Bio:This is basically a journal for me just to put up all my writing...whether original or fanfic. There's nothing much here at the moment but dont worry...there's soon going to be. I'll probably use it as a recs page as well. Big plans here. Hopefully they'll work out!

Memories:1 entry
Interests:11: harry potter, harry potter fanfiction, harry/draco, harry/ron, harry/snape, philosophy, pron, ron weasley, slash, smut, writing. [Modify yours]
People12:dementordelta, emmagrant01, epicyclical, fearlessdiva, frances_potter, glitterdemon, greygoblin, icarusancalion, isiscolo, ivyblossom, nothingbutfic, switchknife
Communities20:andropotterist, creativewriter, erised_diaries, fic_fairy, harrydraco, harryslash, hp_fictalk, hp_fictrack, hpstoryfinders, potter_novels, potteriffic, quibbler_recs, slashphilosophy, unusual_liasons, veelarecs, weasleyworship, writeranonymous, writers_guild, writerswelcome, writing_buddies
Friend of:7: aivalli, emmagrant01, fearlessdiva, icarusancalion, isntme, kingweasels, rythm
Member of:18: bleeding_words, creativewriter, erised_diaries, fic_fairy, harrydraco, harryslash, hp_fictalk, hp_fictrack, hpstoryfinders, potter_novels, potteriffic, quibbler_recs, slashphilosophy, unusual_liasons, writeranonymous, writers_guild, writerswelcome, writing_buddies
Account type:Free Account

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