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User:hedwig_the_owl (591633) Paid User hedwig_the_owl
I am like a desert owl, like an owl among the ruins
Name:Quoth the Raven
Location:Central Coast, Australia
AOL IM:AIM status WhiteOwl Miki (Add Buddy, Send Message)
Yahoo! ID:Yahoo status black_rose_owl (Add User, Send Message)
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Bio:i'm in gryffindor!

be sorted @

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I am an Australian who has a strong interest in literature, aromatherapy, Asian culture, and just about anything. As a physically challenged person with mood disorders and neurological problems, and family member of a physically, mentally and emotionally disabled person, I can pretty much empathise with most sorts of disability, which is why I'm so passionate about it. I also fully support the Salvation Army, which does everything World Vision, the Smith Family and most other charities do, and a lot more besides. Thank God for the Salvos, indeed.

I loveI like listening to music, I'm fairly eclectic on that score, and I love to read. Harry Potter is my current favourite series, though I love the Lord of the Rings Trilogy and Lemony Snicket's Series Of Unfortunate Events, as well as Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie.

I am also a great lover of anime (SUBTITLED, not dubbed!) and my favourite series include (but are not limited to): Neo Genesis Evangelion; Shoujo Kakumei Utena, Yu Yu Hakusho, Rurouni Kenshin, Sailormoon, Fushigi Yuugi, Oniisama E, Rose of Versailles, Sorcerer Stabber Orphen, Yami No Matsuei and the fabulous shounen ai piece "Kaze to Ki No Uta" (Song of the Wind and Trees) as well as Zetsuai/Bronze and Ai No Kusabi.

I love yaoi and slash, especially from anime and Harry Potter. Pairings I like include:
Potter: Ron/Harry, Snape/Harry, Snape/Lupin, almost anyone/Harry {grin}
Yu Yu Hakusho: Yuusuke/Kurama, but almost any pairing is cool. I hate Keiko, she must die.
Rurouni Kenshin: Sanosuke/Kenshin
Gundam Wing: anyone/anyone!

I'm also a major fan of seiyuu (voice actors/actresses) including Ogata Megumi, Hayashibara Megumi, Midorikawa Hikaru, Mitsuishi Kotono, Hisakawa Aya, Kawakami Tomoko, Sakamoto Chika, Koyasu Takehito and a lot of others!

Memories:7 entries
Interests:42: anime, aromatherapy, books, daniel radcliffe, disabled rights, doujinshi, ecology, evangelion, fanfiction, fushigi yugi, gay, greenie, gundam wing, harry potter, harry potter slash, harry/hermione/ron, harry/ron, hp slash, internet, karate, kozue kaoru, les miserables, lesbian, manga, miki kaoru, music, revolutionary girl utena, ron weasley, rose of versailles, rupert grint, rurouni kenshin, sailormoon, seiyuu, shoujo kakumei utena, slash, slash fics, slash fiction, something positive, sorcerer stabber orphen, studio ghibli, yaoi, yu yu hakusho. [Modify yours]
People77:_kuroneko_sama_, aiwen, almeda80, arabel, archchancellor, avariel_wings, bardha, blessed_fire, calliope14, centerspire, chibikits, coell, cyrelia, cyrelia_j, danceupontheair, darkangel637, datalaur, dawning_star, dead_stars, deimoserato, deralte, diamond_dust06, digitalmeowmix2, emmy0001, equalrites, fantisci, ficbitches, fordanglia, fredtheoyster, geni_1985, girlishdraco, hakushodbzsues, harry_met_ron, hp_serialadder, icarusancalion, imaginary_ic0n, innocentshadows, juri_senpai, kerry4you, ketsuruimakura, kibosh, kisskoh, laliagariv, lana77, laurenia, lindra, malfoydraco, mctabby, muffytaj, mysticmysterya, one_wild_knight, orpine, ozmaz, piedramal, pottersues, quantum_reality, rabican, raendrop, rainy_days, remmirath, rosethorne, sailormoonsues, seviet, shocolate, ssjbento, starbuckle, stella_stardust, stiletto, summer_day, sunniechan, thegreycoin, thessamunga, thywillbedone, trio_nifflers, unlavieenrose, vuurvasthouden, wired_lizard
Communities56:_after_the_rain, anime_names, animeicons, baaaaabyanimals, braintrauma, deleterius, fandominflamare, fanficrants, fanfictrials, fic_flames, first_timers, harry_and_ron, harryslash, hated_names, het_names, hp100, hp_dungeons, hp_icons, hp_wankathon, hpdrabble, hpficlets, hprwfqf, hpslash, hpslash_ficlets, liquid_exodus, malleusmalefica, marysues, moonie_icons, nimrod2005, nocturne_alley, parryhotter, pornish_pixies, potters_pairs, pottersandwich, realpoets, roselinedcoffin, scarred_ones, secrecy_sensor, snape_potter, stop_the_badfic, teaspoonsunited, teh_bezt_fics, thehandbasket, thirteen_hub, tohmas_closet, triofqf, triology, triumvirate, tws_support, utena_awards, utena_icons, utenadrabble, whore_names, yaoi_names, young_ones, yuri_names
Friend of:68: 1000en, _kuroneko_sama_, allison_meore, almeda80, alyndra, arabel, archchancellor, avariel_wings, bardha, blessed_fire, centerspire, chibikits, curi_oh, cyrelia_j, darkangel637, datalaur, dawning_star, dead_stars, deimoserato, deralte, diamond_dust06, emmy0001, equalrites, fantisci, fordanglia, fredtheoyster, geni_1985, girlishdraco, harry_met_ron, hennesfitta, hp_serialadder, hpnic06, icarusancalion, imaginary_ic0n, innocentshadows, juri_senpai, kerry4you, ketsuruimakura, kibosh, kisskoh, laliagariv, lana77, laurenia, lindra, manda_babylon, mctabby, muffytaj, mysticmysterya, nasty_bitch, one_wild_knight, orpine, ozmaz, quantum_reality, rabican, raendrop, remmirath, rosethorne, seitokaichou, ssjbento, starbuckle, stella_stardust, stiletto, summer_day, thegreycoin, trio_nifflers, vuurvasthouden, wired_lizard, yayaness16
Member of:48: 3am_icons, _after_the_rain, anime_names, animeicons, baaaaabyanimals, braintrauma, deleterius, fandominflamare, fanficrants, fanfictrials, fic_flames, first_timers, harry_and_ron, harryslash, hated_names, het_names, hp100, hp_icons, hp_wankathon, hprwfqf, hpslash, hpslash_ficlets, marysues, moonie_icons, nimrod2005, paidmembers, parryhotter, potters_pairs, pottersandwich, roselinedcoffin, scarred_ones, snape_potter, stop_the_badfic, teaspoonsunited, teh_bezt_fics, thehandbasket, tohmas_closet, triofqf, triology, tws_support, utena_awards, utena_icons, utena_inscribed, utenadrabble, whore_names, yaoi_names, young_ones, yuri_names
Account type:Paid Account

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