October 21, 2004 Choo-Choo simultaneously applies suction and freedom of speech.
October 04, 2004 Choo-Choo contemplates justifiable homicide.
September 16, 2004 Poor Davan.
August 16, 2004 Pussies don't like cheap panties.

11/15/2004: Cleaning up I've removed the Your Text Here cameo appearances. Looks like that site is gone. I also fixed some missing images and broken links. Other problems remain. -Gregg
08/25/2004: Official comes first I've uploaded all the official Choo-Choo appearances. Now I'm heading to bed. Tomorrow I will get all the cameos in place.Okay, I just noticed that a bunch of old thumbnails are missing, apparently from the server crash. I will replace those tomorrow as well.
08/24/2004: Ta-Da! I'm in the process of rebuilding the lost links. A new full-time job and a new house have effectively cancelled all free time for me recently so that's what's caused the delay. Gregg, he has no excuse.
06/25/2004: Server Failure We are restoring choochoobear.net from a backup after a hardware failure on the server. This backup is old, because Polarbee is upgrading her home computer, and she has the most recent files. It may take a few days to get the site completely restored. Sorry for the downtime and the delay!
05/12/2004: Choo-Choo Bear themed Livejournal Moods! electra310 has put them together. More bonus points for having a Moxy Fruvous reference in a Livejournal entry.
10/1/2003 I like link buttons to S*P. I didn't make any of them, but they are cool and now they are archived here.
Thank you Guy! choochoobear.net has safely arrived at its new host, with space kindly donated by Guy Matthews, from over-clock.com. Thanks!
Old, but still here because I think it's cool: Choo Choo Browser: Keep a navbar of the official Choo Choo Bear appearances at the top of your screen. This makes it easier to read them all. The Choo Choo Browser has its permanent home in the Official Appearances section of this site.

Choo Choo Bear and many other images appearing on this page are from the webcomic, Something Positive. All such content is copyright R.K. Milholland. Go there. If you haven't yet, then you have no idea what we're talking about.

This is a fan site. It is not officially associated with the webcomic, Something Positive, or any other webcomic. Please direct comments and criticism related to this site to one of the webmasters: Gregg, or Polarbee. Whatever's wrong, it's our fault.

Please e-mail one or both of us with sightings of Choo Choo that don't appear on this website! We love mail!

One caveat: This web site is maintained in Alaska, 4 time zones west of Randy. That means that sometimes his updates don't correspond to our waking hours. There may be a delay of several hours between the appearance of Choo Choo on S*P and the thumbnail appearing here. Sometimes people are watching us at work and we have to wait until evening to work on the site, which can add a few more hours delay. We read S*P (and QoW) every day (at work), and those appearances, at least, we are sure to catch.

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