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    Friday, February 18th, 2005
    Well, we're going out tomorrow night. I certainly hope I have a good time.

    In the past couple of days I have gotten a set of plates in the mail that my aunt jean made for me, and I also get a check for $25 from my Grandma Wanda & Grandpa Don that went straight into my gas tank.

    That's all I'll get for my birthday. My parents are way broke and I still owe them $100 for my cell phone bill being sky-high when I went to Vegas. I'm sure my sister will get me something little. Jilena too.

    I sound like such a snob. I don't really care if I don't get anything for my birthday, but I would at least like to get a card from everyone. Or at least have people (like my brother) call me on the 23rd to say happy birthday. I texted my brother earlier to remind him my birthday is coming up. He'll probably forget still, haha. :)

    I finally fucking got a camera phone! And it was FREE! It's an LG 1400 and I fucking LOVE it. I thought I would hate it, cause all I've ever had for the past 6 years are Nokias, but I like it.

    I gave up my saturday tomorrow, so I don't have to work. I really need the hours but I'm tired and ready for a break. I just wanna have fun this weekend!
    [info]forrestblack just posted our dark magick set of Dana Dark to Blue Blood's Here is a sample shot from that series. Another sample image is at Blue Blood and the whole set of course appears on Barely Evil. Damn, but I love this set, if I do say so myself :-)

    I want you to make love to me and only to me in the dark

    Guess who's broadband connection just came back on?!

    Me? Yes! Wow!

    I'm listening to The One You Love (Rufus Wainwright) on repeat. The bit where he sings "oh Jerusalem, oh oh oh Jerusalem" is absolutely shiver-tastic.

    I'm having a quirky singer songwriter phase, and tomorrow I'm buying some watercolours and painting Oxford.

    Oh the joy of rapidly approaching Spring.

    PS: If I like this song, which others by the same artist should I get hold of?
    Well, appologies if anyone I invited didn't see me at the concert. Even though, I highly doubt anyone went.
    I couldn't get in.
    I called three hour in advanced and talked to one of the ID Guys. He told me maybe yes, I would have to talk to the owner to get in. This is because I don't have proper ID.( I have Explained this whole delema in another post, so I don't really feel like explaining it again.)
    Anyway, I took the time to go all the way down there and when I talkeed to the ID guy he told me no. I think the guy on the phone does crak, or he just enjoys ruining another persons day. This is another reason I hate humans. I have decided I am an alien. I expect from people if I ask a yes/ no question to get a yes/ no answer. It not that hard! You don't say maybe if its a no people!
    Its simple, I explain what I have and you say and you say, no I am sorry you cannot get in. Not maybe! and you can talk with the owner, because then I expect to talk with the owner. Its all really something that pisses me off.
    Not everyone has their OLCC license, but becuase that happened I am thinking about getting one.
    I know they have been cracking down on alcoholic business, and a lot of bars have lost their Liquirs license. I suppose its a compliment. I look 19 of something, "shrugs."

    However, I ended up calling up Kim on Adams cell phone, thank you Adam. She came and we picked me up and we went to her house. We played cards, watched movies ect... I had something called a porta bella hamburger. It was ok, I say this because I have a cold and I can't really taste anything, lol. I warned her about the cold and she said don't worrry about it, so I just disinfected my hands fifty million times.
    We got really bored later in the night so we decided to just play around with guesseing card colors and suites, numbers ect...We had no where to go, no computer, and no cable, what did you expect?
    At the begining of this phycis game of guess.. we joked around and I pretend yelled at the cards, telling them what they had to be instead of what they where. Ther roomates probably think I'm somewhat insane, oh well.
    When we started taking it seriously, out of bordom, I concentrated and started getting like 6 cards in a row. Thats no coincidence people, and no overembelishment. To see if it was coincidence we did the entire stack again and I kept getting the colors and suites. The Numbers are harder to narrow down or something. I dunno. I started to scare the hell out of myself. I just told kim I picked the color that showed up in my head and the suit that seemed more framiliar. "shivers"
    favourite fonts?
    (i could spend forever at that site!)

    when i got old harddrive died and i got a new harddrive, all my fonts were lost...
    so...tell me your favourite fonts!
    i need to download some :)

    i found some good ones in the replies here:

    thanks [info]mimle for reminding me i need to download some fonts!
    Life, is getting so old. I'm getting really tired of spending my whole day everyday at work. All I do is work work work. I mean its ok money. I make about 500 bucks a week. However. I'm starting to get tired. Im starting to sleep in later. Havent worked out for 2 days. I just want some free time. Play guitar. I have no idea. I'm out of here
    The Way I Work
    Well, I am not working so much today as I am still feeling exhausted and am lying about a lot and dozing.
    I sure hope it's not the increased medication that's responsible for my loss of appetite and nausea when I do eat. Nah, that'd be too quick of a response since I just upped it this morning (I ... think).


    I have a few rules.

    I do not work Thursday nights. Right now, this is because I have Fridays "off" from my job and I know I will work Friday.

    I do not work Saturdays. Those are for spending time with my j. and my dog. Period.

    As long as I can keep those days sacred I am ok. I can work during the other times. I am a bit curious how my PhD program entrance will change my schedule. Will it be less busy than teaching full time at the college level (4 classes per trimester) + MA program? I have held onto the hope that it will be less busy - I mean, it'd kinda have to be, right? I already feel guilty for the amount of time I work because I feel like I ditch j. and ignore everyone else on AIM and online.

    I don't want to feel guilty. It is so easy to make me feel guilty. Guilt and anxiety are often linked.

    Can I be a workaholic who keeps the sacred and necessary time my family needs from me? During the summers it's so easy- I work all day on my MA program and spend my evenings with my family.

    Some people pull this off easily. Maybe I just need to sleep less. :P
    Well, I am taking next school year off from my own schooling while I wait to hear from the PhD program so I will be putting in some quality nuzzling time.

    Current Mood: anxious
    Current Music: Modest Mouse - I Came As A Rat - (The Moon And Antartica [Bo
    had a laate night rash itch fest and a midnight trip to cub for benadryl for the boy. and talking to nurses on the phone. then doctor today. not sure whether or not it's a reaction to the antibiotics. the doctor gave us options. we cna try the amoxacylin again, try a newly prescibed different antibiotic or try nothing and see if he gets better. i lvoe that trying nothing option. he still has stuff in his ears so if he gets a fever again i will try the new antibiotic i think.
    and i dothink i finally can call myself sick, though i'm not very sick. just still mostly achey. not even tired really.

    the boy has been soooooooooo good and sweet through all of this. he breaks my heart with his pure sweetness sometimes.

    i am so thankful p has off on fridays. soon i will be able to actually get out on my own in the day time and run a few errands! that is exciting for me.

    better go pump some more liquids into the boy.
    Cynergy 67 and Girls Gone Wild.
    So tomorrow night we play at Big E's beach Club in Edgerton which is about 20 miutes south of Madison WI.
    We will be joined by Revelation Theory, Copper, Alston, White Knuckle Trip, Flat Atom, Snooky, Leviathans Choir, and 13 pills. A solid lineup and hosted by WJJO. Lets not forget the women baring themselves all night for Girls Gone Wild. I look farward to the big crowd because you know plenty of lonely drunk men will be there to look at tits. So be it. If it sells more cd's for me. This is our last show for awhile while we take care of some things both stage wise and member wise. I will be in my studio working on new songs for our upcoming cd. And while on break we will begin filming our video to be on the dvd. As long as all goes as planned we will be back up and ready to tour again by April. And Hopefully the cd and dvd will be released together by fall. So if your not busy tomorrow come see us. And if you live near Madison WI be sure to listen to 94.1 WJJO from 9pm to 10pm as I did a call in interview yesterday which will air then. We will also be on Concordia Univesities airwaves tonight from 6-7:30 so if you get it tune in. And dont forget we will be handing out a ton of Amp energy stuff tomorrow night as well.
    Take the quiz !
    (Thanks to Steve, who got only one wrong - I got 15 of 20 correct ack - I'm so gullible)

    i am sitting naked at Shawn's place only partially wrapped in a fleece blanket, with my hair a mess

    i <3 nakie time even if it is freezing.

    birthday's coming up in about a week. i keep forgetting. #23. yepp. i don't feel old. because i am not.

    a lot has been going on in february

    - 1 year anniversary for me and Shawn
    - my and [info]mikehanna's birthday
    - the Dali exhibit at the philly art museum (I MUST GO! I MUST I MUST I MUST increase my bust)
    - a bunch of holidays

    thought it was time to change my default icon back to one of the "Dr. SARS" ones after seeing all these el jay friends collages, thought it time to retire the Dime icon from default. i am thinking about putting something new up there. sometimes i wish i could have more than three icons but el jay sucks my ass and i ain't payin' them no money! i've got better things to waste my money on =P

    AND WHILE WE'RE ON THE SUBJECT- el jay friends collage

    beware of accident victim )

    wow what a motley bunch! <3's ya alls, even if i barely know some of ya outside the intar-web! =P

    Current Mood: cold
    Borderline Personality Disorder
    Sufferers of this disorder have highly unstable interpersonal relationships. The cause of this instability is closely related to the person's self image and also thier early social interactions. Symptoms include an unstable self image, rapid mood changes, a need to avoid feelings of abandonment whether real or imagined. The person also may have difficulty controlling thier anger and have recurring feelings of emptiness. Suicide attempts and self mutilation are also among the recognized symptoms.

    Paranoid Personality Disorder
    Often misunderstood as malevolent because paranoid personality disorder suffers are distrustful and suspicious of others. Only four of the following are needed to indicate paranoid personality disorder: individual suspects, with no cause, that others are out to get him; is reluctant to confide in others; is suspicious, without cause, that significant other is being unfaithful; doesn't forgive grudges; has doubts about the loyalty of friends and relations; reads hidden threatening messages into benign statements or situations.

    Compulsive Personality Disorder
    Compulsive personalities are conscientious and have high levels of aspiration, but they also strive for perfection. Never satisfied with their achievements, people with compulsive personality disorder take on more and more responsibilities. They are reliable, dependable, orderly, and methodical, but their inflexibility often makes them incapable of adapting to changed circumstances. People with compulsive personality are highly cautious, weigh all aspects of a problem, and pay attention to every detail, making it difficult for them to make decisions and complete tasks. When their feelings are not under strict control, events are unpredictable, or they must rely on others, compulsive personalities often feel a sense of isolation and helplessness.

    Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
    Post-traumatic stress disorder is caused by a traumatic event that overwhelms a person and ruins their ability to cope with a situation. It can cause flashbacks, nightmares, insomnia, and/or guilt. It is usually extremely long lasting.

    Current Mood: crazy
    Current Music: over and over again
    It's the future, baby
    I called in sick to work (I felt so badly yesterday but now I think it was just allergies) and now I am feeling fine so I am chatting with students and explaining things to them via AIM.

    Current Mood: coffee
    I love shit like this.
    Tsunami Uncovers Ancient City in India

    Current Music: Kashmir-Led Zeppelin
    I just found out that my real dad, the man who abandoned me as a toddler and treated me like a disease when I found him again at 13, is going to be a father again around the end of the month.

    What else is near the end of this month? Oh that's right, MY birthday. The only day of the year the man even thinks about me. (Or so he told me.)

    I'm going to have a sibling, who will probably never even know I exist, that's 26 years younger than me. My kids are going to have an aunt or uncle that's 2-6 years younger than them.

    I feel ill.

    My faith in karma and the universe at large has been severely shaken.

    When I was born, my mom was 15 and my dad was 18 (I think). My dad couldn't handle the situation and left my mom and I to our own devices when I was about 2. From what I've been able to piece together, he pursued a career in drug trafficking before fleeing out west where he stayed with his sister while getting his real estate licence. Eventually he came back to Ontario where he opened a carpet and flooring business in Muskoka. (A trade he learned from my grampa - my mom's dad.) Then he got married.

    During this time, my mom struggled and life sucked. She and I don't see eye to eye on certain events, but long story short I didn't have an easy childhood by any strecth of the imagination and she being a child herself, can say the same thing.

    When I found my real dad when I was 13 he made me believe that he had been anxiously waiting for me to find him and that he wanted to be my dad. I, being naive and 13, believed him.

    But the thing is, he never really wanted that, or at least seriously underestimated what that would entail. Babies are nothing compared to 13 year olds who are more than aware of the fact that they're reponsible for screwing up the lives of a lot of people.

    He became the "Birthday and Christmas" dad. The only contact I ever had with him was when he sent presents or cards to relieve his guilt and at one point I wrote him a letter flat out telling him that I wasn't interested in that kind of relationship. He said he'd try harder but trying harder consisted of bringing me to his house where he'd show off all of the things he has and his perfect life while ignoring me. He was going through the motions of the relationship, but was never really there.

    Most often, he'd leave me with his wife and claim he was busy with his business. That was an excuse of course, but he wanted me to think that it was out of his control and that he was trying when he really wasn't. He was avoiding.

    Whenever I asked the questions that abandoned kids asked I was given flat out lies and canned answers when the questions weren't avoided altogether. Mostly all I wanted to know was what things I had in me that he had in him. Did we like the same music? The same colours? The same foods? Did we share the same views on God? What was his mother like? (I attended her funeral, but never met her.)

    I never got the answers to those simple questions.

    Eventually he stopped calling or writing to me altogether. Instead I'd get calls or letters from his wife. She'd stop by when she was near my house visiting his sister (who lives 2 minutes down the road from me, yet has never called). She'd apologize and try to explain why he is the way he is. She empathized with what I was feeling and admitted that he was being a cock. I never faulted her for making excuses for him. She loved him for reasons I could never comprehend because she actually knew him. I never did.

    When Madison was born, I called him from the hospital. Three weeks later he called me back. He only ever saw Madison twice. He promised to install carpet in her room prior to her birth since he owned a carpet store but never came through. My grampa gave me the carpet and, 8 months pregnant, I installed it myself. I don't think my real dad ever even saw me while I was pregnant. He most certainly has never even sent Madison a birthday card.

    The second time he saw Madison was because I drove 2 and a half hours to his house. That was the last visit. I had just bought my first car, the car he wouldn't help me buy because he "couldn't afford it" and wanted to show him. Now, I've never ever expected money from the man, EVER. The fact that he'd never paid child support is something between him and my mom and none of my business. In fact, I'm pretty sure that if he'd have offered to pay support (which he never did), my mom probably wouldn't have taken it. I grew up broke, but I was cared for so it's not something I really think about.

    However. When I got into college he said, without prompting, "Well I can't help you pay for it, I can't afford to." I had never asked for that, I had already qualified for OSAP. When I said I was trying to find a way to buy a car so I could get to college, he jumped in and said, "I can't help you pay for that, I can't afford to." Again, I had never asked for that, but this "I can't afford it" crap was starting to bug me since he mentioned it so often while sitting in his paid-for house (something my mom didn't have because she'd spent so much money raising me alone) that had two brand new vehicles sitting in the driveway and state of the ar entertainment equipment in the living room. The man's successful and it's directly due to the fact that he abandoned me. I never faulted him for that until he started in with this "can't afford it" stuff out of the blue.

    So I went up there, proud of myself for saving the money for my first car. In fact, I'd bought it on the Friday of that weekend and the trip to his house was not only its maiden voyage but my first time driving more than 15 minutes from home.

    When we got there, he wasn't thrilled to see us. He was too busy playing with his new expensive bush toy and making small talk with us didn't fit in with that weekend's plans. He had his sister and her kids over and we stayed the night. After the kids were in bed, I was ignored and it was quite obvious that for whatever reason, he didn't want me around. I never did figure out why. Maybe it was because I'd caught him in a lie. The brand new Argo in his driveway was an expensive item.

    The next morning they were to take the Argo into the bush and there was no room for Madison and I in it, so we were left behind. They said they'd be back in about 5 hours. While they were gone, Madison and I pakced up and left. That was the last time I ever saw or spoke to him and to this day, I have no idea what I did to be treated as so disposable.

    I had decided then and there that the man had hurt me for the last time. By that point, if he hurt me again, it would be my fault because I was aware that it would only happen again. When you willingly involve with someone who consistently hurts you or treats you like crap, in the end it's your own fault. People can only hurt you if you let them.

    A few weeks after that, his wife stopped by my house. I explained to her that I liked her a lot, but I simply couldn't continue what little was left of the relationship with him because I always ended up getting hurt whether it was intentional or not. I would never be the kid he wanted, he would never be the dad I wanted. She was all for patching things up, said she would help facilitate the healing process. I told her that she was a great person, but that it was too late. Even the fact that she was sitting in my house and he wasn't (I found out later he was actually in town too, he just decided not to come with her when she dropped by) spoke volumes.

    For the next few months she'd call me all the time. I never called back and vowed not to until I heard his voice on my answering machine. It wasn't fair to her to be plunged into this situation. It wasn't fair to me either. I held him responsible for both of these things and cut him out of my life completely.

    I never think about him. I've grieved him like I would a death and until today I thought every issue surrounding him had been resolved on my end. I didn't realize how much of my healing was centered around the karma of them being unable to have children.

    Ever since I was 13, I'd known that they were trying to have a baby. They were seeing fertility specialists and the whole works with no success and secretly, I was glad. It was karma. He fucked up so badly the first time the universe was fucking him back. He had this great life, he was successful, he had money in the bank, he had "the perfect life" because he didn't have to struggle as a teenage OR adult parent, all except that one thing. Now if that's not poetic justice, I don't know what is.

    But now he gets to have it all. How is that fair?

    On some level I'm actually really happy for my step-mom. She really wanted a baby, she's a great person and deserves all the happiness in the world, but my positivity for her is far outweighed by my absolute anger and resentment for him. He shouldn't be allowed a second chance at this when he has everything else in life at my expense. If he'd have stepped up to the plate in the beginning I wouldn't feel this way. If he had made a concerted effort to make things right when given the chance many years ago, I wouldn't feel this way.

    I think more than anything I'm angry that this is affecting me at all.

    Current Mood: indescribable
    Current Music: Mama Said Knock You Out-LL Cool J
    There... are... four... lights.
    Swung by Walmart on the way home from Reg's and got a nifty rechargable screwdriver to go with the taillights I got at AutoZone... since I didn't have the right bit, and it beats carrying 20 different ones around. Undid what I thought was the panel...and got confused as one does when you remove screws holding something in place and it still doesn't move.

    Tried again after getting home from work... oh. This thing I thought was the access panel was really just a hold-in-place for the entire light assembly. Slide that out, find the compartment on that that has the light I want, swap it out, test it while the the assembly's still hanging, and no longer fidgetting about random pull-overs by overzealous cops.

    Get into 80s a bit late, a bit amped for some reason... which I should've took as a bad sign, because it always tends to turn on me. And no exceptions made here... not being able to hear most of conversations pissed me off, between its own sake and feeling like I came across as daft... and then wound up daft as to what to do, not wanting to add useless odd wheels to things. And so the ninja.

    Bit of chatter with S-Red, and a drive-by on Z before climbing into bed and trying to get my brain to shut the hell up. Like to be done with being security-retarted, plzkthx.
    This is a test post from flickr, a fancy photo sharing thing.
    Oh, how I laughed
    Today, in my work inbox, I received an email with the marvellous subject line:


    Oh, how I laughed. I really am 14, you know.
    Biochemical Discomfort
    I spoke to my Recent Ex on the phone last night. It was a bit odd - I
    felt much more relaxed and ok about speaking to him than I ever felt
    when we were together.

    We had a chat about all sorts of things - defunct artistic projects,
    not having any money, going to Edinburgh this summer, the person I'm
    seeing, our mutual friends, the Hitchhikers movie. It was good - I can
    still talk to him for ages, and now I'm not forever sobbing when I
    have to say goodbye. It's much easier now.

    I'm meant to be doing all manner of things today, but I got up late
    and couldn't fit any breakfast in. I think I will just be cranky and
    grim all day now. Grah.

    The Dude of Iffley keeps sending me text messages ten minutes after I
    go to sleep, possibly in an attempt to tell me that I am a massive
    slacker and should be up all night working on stuff and having
    intelligent political/cultural/bollocks conversations. I may have to
    keep barracking him for being a massive nerd in the interests of my
    own defence and dignity.

    In other news, I am *still* not up to date with my correspondence. I
    am so annoyed at myself.
    hm, yes. well death is still at my door. Good thing I have a boyfriend who will drive me to school tomorrow....FOR A PRICE! damn him. its ok though now i dont have to walk in the cold, so buying him so gas is no big deal. :) Anyway I think I am half insane now due to the illness. I dont knwo if i can sleep or what, i guess i should go try.

    Current Mood: sick
    Thursday, February 17th, 2005
    sorry for freaking out on the phone last night
    Me: "Chill out man."
    Dave: "Man, stop with the man before I beat you senseless with a Hebrew Nation hot dog."
    Me: "That was awful."
    Dave: "What, they're kosher? Or did you just hear me rip ass?"

    Just a snippit of conversation with Dave. This is why I cherish these few and far between conversations....oh wait I mean these 17-times-a-day conversations.


    Current Mood: amused
    Current Music: mtx
    Friday, February 18th, 2005
    this is completely fuct up.

    from [info]mindslide

    "My dogs down in Florida, Jetta and Harley, were killed by pesticides spraying
    done by Terminex. The bug-sprayers told my mother that because they were bombing
    the upstairs rooms and had them completely sealed off, the dogs would be fine as
    long as they didn't go up there. They had problems with the sprayings not being
    effective FIVE TIMES, so this sixth time, they had a field manager out with the
    regular exterminator. THE FIELD MANAGER confirmed, after my mother asked him
    several times, if the dogs would be okay downstairs. So, my mother left them
    downstairs. When the bug people were done and the poison was all cleared out,
    the dogs seemed fine. 24 hours later, one was in a coma, the other was puking
    and shitting uncontrollably. They took both dogs to the vet. Harley (the one in
    a coma) was given breathing tubes, and the vet attempted to restart her heart
    but couldn't, so she died. Jetta, my favorite dog ever, had her stromach pumped
    three times...appeared to be doing fine, and then relapsed and was brought back
    to the hospital. My mother wouldn't go into details with me about it, but said
    Jetta was suffering so much and was so far gone that they put her to sleep.
    Thursday, February 17th, 2005

    Current Mood: PWN'D!!!
    Current Music: Pwn'd
    Birds Before a Storm, I-Pods, Airstream Trailers, Ana Voog and Scott

    Watch the birdie.

    I still don't feel well, (bladder infection, ouch), and I have a mountain of things to try to accomplish today, because we're having a sale at the antique mall where I have a case, but I just had to tell you about the birds in our neighborhood. It was so weird, like something that happens in a movie right before something apocalyptic happens; it seemed as if all of the birds in the world, definitely more birds than I have ever seen gathered in one place, were perched on the trees in front of our house. There were so many, they covered every branch and were making the most amazingly beautiful sounds. They were so loud that we could hear it here in our bedrooms at the back of the house, even with all of the windows closed.

    As soon as Beau heard this he came running to get me, because having been raised in LA he knows enough about earthquakes to be alert for any pre-earthquake animal weirdness -- I mean anything to give yourself the extra few seconds it takes to put on your shoes and run. So naturally when the birds started behaving so strangely he got frightened and thought we were about to be visited by the Goddess of Shifting Tectonic Plates. I hadn't told him that we've been expecting a big rainstorm here, and he doesn't watch the news unless it's assigned to him for homework so he didn't know.

    We went out on my balcony to watch and listen to them, and it was so beautiful and touching -- the way they were all twittering and singing together in this gorgeous loud chorus of birdsong. From the balcony over our library, at the back of my house, I have this terrific view over most of the other houses in the neighborhood, and we could see thousands of birds flying from one tree to another. They were all swirling around forming great big flocks and then separating, looking for shelter and calling out warnings to each other, all while making this beautiful diverse and constant stream of bird sounds. We both wished we had some kind of shelter to offer them and I wonder where they've all gone now that the storm has finally come.

    Oh, and I forgot to tell you that I finally gave in and bought an I-Pod and had a blast buying some of my favorite songs on I-Tunes. I just wish I could share them with you, I have to figure out how to do this...

    Hurting hugs,

    PS: I think they're buying and restoring, or redesigning, Airstream trailers on The Apprentice tonight. This has been one of my little dreams for a long time now. It's the main reason why I bought a big gas guzzling Ford, the second being the number of kids I had to take to and from school every day when Irma's four kids were living with us. You just can't do this in a Prius, although I have been trying to find a way to buy or lease one to use as our main car, then we could put the Ford up and use it only for hauling or traveling long distances.

    I tried to get my Mom to watch this tonight, but she wasn't interested, she doesn't like reality shows. I want Mom to get into the idea of our buying an Airstream because she makes the decisions about my money and since she is kind of out of the loop, current culture wise, she doesn't understand most of the things that I'm interested in, and therefore can't get behind them. I want to buy an old Airstream and restore it because we would not only be able to save money by taking it with us to Burning Man every year, instead of renting one, but we would be able to use it for antique and collectible buying trips and for traveling. Argh, I just need to get off my ass and generate my own income without needing it to come from my inheritance. but first I need to clear up this weird bladder whatever-it-is...

    PPS: I really like Ashlee Simspon, I think she's a sweetie-pie and I like her music and the way she sings. I like her dark hair and her personality, she has the greatest energy. What I don't like about her career rise has nothing to do with her -- it's just jealousy and upset -- anger that I feel towards the music industry.

    For example, my guy, who is this genius singer songwriter, (and you wouldn't know this from the music he's got on his site right now because it just isn't a good enough representation of his work), has had to struggle for so many years to try to find the right people to get together with to produce an album that will capture what he hears in his head, and what I hear when he sings, and there's my dear friend Ana who is this incredibly talented singer/songwriter who IMHO should be working like crazy and isn't. These are two super gifted people who are just as deserving as anyone else, if not more so, and the fact that they aren't getting their work heard as much as so many of these pretty, pop music babies who are out there just because they're cute and have been packaged properly from the get go, just doesn't sit right with me.

    And here's American Idol acting like it's big of them to have upped the maximum age limit of the singers on their show from twenty-six to TWENTY-EIGHT years young, big deal! Does this mean that Ana and Scott and me and everyone else over twenty-eight years old should just chuck all of their dreams? I sure hope not, but it does wear on me, and upset me, and make me sad and a little envious of people who have soooo much support from such an early age that they don't get all tangled up and distracted by the complications of living

    Pretty, pretty birdies. I so miss having them, but I am not a good enough birdie mama, same goes for fish, sniff, sniff. We've got more than enough animal pals as it is without adding delicate sweet little birdies and fishies to the mix, darn it. I really miss them : ( God, I love animals, all animals, even bugs : )
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