Relevant Communities
The following communities are also interested in "logic".
219 matches:
- 2hot4philosophy - 2hot4philosophy
- 42_mysteries - Life, the Universe, and Everything
- 7th_core - The 7th Core
- __brain_damage - What's this life for?
- _cogent_sage - Have a problem? Maybe we can help =)
- _open_mindness_ - where coolness ends asskicking begins
- abortiontalk - Abortion Debate and Discussion
- abstarct_ideas - Abstract Ideas
- abstractlines - Unseen Miracle
- abstractthought - Abstract Thought
- academics_anon - Rehab for (Recovering) Academics
- academics_uk - Academics UK
- adult_pagans - adult_pagans
- algorithms - Computer algorithms
- american_mcgee - American McGee Fans
- amongst_yselves - Intellectual Conversation
- anagnosts - The Anagnostic Readers
- antiadvertising - Advertising never looked so good.
- antidumbass - the anti-dumbass community of lj smart people
- antiemo - Logically Sane
- antitheism - God is Dead. And Imaginary.
- apathy_kills_ - apathy_kills_
- applepro - Apple Pro Users
- asweseeit - Life. As We See It
- au_project - The AU Project
- badficsupport - Badfic Support
- baneofexistence - Human, all too Human.
- bigbeatbumpin - Big Beat Boutique Survival Package
- bluestockings - blue stockings
- brilliant_ones - The Brilliant Ones
- bsm - Budapest Semesters in Mathematics
- c0rps_producers - Hardcore Producers' Community
- cacophonia - a free writing community
- cafeodeon - A Movement of Letters
- clingon - For Those Who ~Love~ The Cling
- comp_recording - comp_recording
- cruel_intellect - Intelligently bitter to the last drop
- cyanophilia - another piece of the Jigsaw Puzzle
- cyclists - Cyclists
- cynicalbastards - Cynical Bastards
- dare_i_say_it - Dare I Say It?
- darkfader1 - Sokaris Group of Memphis
- debate2 - Debate2 - The undeletable
- debate2004 - 2004 Election Debate
- debate_club - debate_club
- demalosophy - demalosophy
- detroitgrownups - anti-drama detroiters
- diddlesriddles - Diddle's Riddles
- disbeliefism - We Disbelieve In Headers
- dissentingminds - Dissenting Minds
- do_me_gollum - do_me_gollum
- dolphinbutcher - Dolphin Butcher
- drownthesun - runway four
- drummachinecult - drum*machine*cult
- econometrics - econometrics
- edpoliticsmusic - Share interests and opinions
- edv - Elektronische Datenvernichtung
- electric_chair - The Holy Church of the Electric Chair
- ensuing_chaos - ensuing chaos
- everybodyhertz - Everybody Hertz... Sometimes
- exegeses - Lovers of Books and Sophistry
- existentialists - existentialists
- explosivedeity - ExplosiveDeity xXare we there yetXx
- feedmepoetry - Feed Me Poetry!
- femalearchetype - The Female Archetype
- flashgamer - flashgamer
- forallemptiness - for all the emptiness
- free_radical - Free Radical
- gameofmao - The Game of Mao
- geek_love_mi - Geek Love: Michigan
- gnosisagnosis - Gnosis Agnosis
- guerillawarrior - guerillawarrior
- high_philosophy - All Philosophy Graduate Students
- hp_nerds - Harry Potter Nerds
- i__wonder - Curiosity's Road Kill
- i_noticed - I noticed
- in_0ther_words - Aftermath
- infojunkies - pattern phreaks
- inkrowd - InKrowd
- just_us_teens - Teen Life, All Glammed Up!
- kvsdeepthoughts - Deep Thoughts ... by Kevin L. Schwartz
- lab_gripes - Lab Rats
- latrobe_lander - LaTrobe University
- ldsinvestigator - LDS Investigators
- learnphilosophy - Learn Philosophy
- life_is - life_is
- literary_theory - literary theory
- livechiark - chiark
- ljlunaticfringe - The Lunatic Fringe
- ljstars - The self-proclaimed stars of LiveJournal.
- logic_forum - The_Spirit_of_Rationality
- logical_thought - Waxing Philosophical
- loglan - LiveJournal Loglan Community
- london_clubbers - clubbers of the harder generation
- losers_united - losers_united
- lovingeekladies - We love "Geeky", intelligent, and learned Girls!
- lyssapics - lyssapics
- mad_teaparty - We're All Mad Here...AiW Fans
- madebymachine - Made by Machine
- martial_techniq - learning martial arts
- massknowledge - MassKnowledge
- masterdebaters - Debate
- math_class - math class
- mathematics - The Art of Problem Solving
- metaphysics_ - Metaphysics
- mind_seekers - The Science of Mind
- music_producer - Музыкальное продюсирование
- myke_amend - Myke Amend
- natural_ethics - natural_ethics
- nefas_rules - all hail to absinthe
- nerdlogic - nerdlogic
- never_wrong - I may not always be right, but I'm never wrong
- nimoy_obsession - Nimoy Obsessed?
- nit_pick - Nit_Pick - Grammar, Spelling and Logic Fascists
- niteblade_fun - Diversions of Adam
- non_morons - non_morons
- nonidiots - Non Idiots!
- nonugly2020s - nonugly2020s
- nonuglyphilo - nonuglyphilo
- omnivores - Omnivores - A little bit of everything
- pa_nerds - Nerds in Pennsylvania
- paranoid_pd - Paranoid Personality Disorder
- pencilpuzzlers - pencilpuzzlers
- penisofnazareth - Saviour Speaks
- philo_majors - Philosophy Majors!
- philomafia - looking into our i
- philos_o_fun - philos_o_fun
- philosoluva24_7 - Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle
- philosophy - Philosophy
- philosophy_adv -
- philosophygrads - I think therefore I like philosophy
- philosophylaw - Of Law, Politics and Society...
- pictures_galore - Shades of Vanity
- portal_o_normal - Portal of Normal
- potatochips - Theories on Consciousness
- presentyourself - presentyourself
- psychoactivity - The Psychoactive Community
- quark_bomb - quark_bomb
- queryforanswer - Understanding
- questionofgod - Question of God
- ravenclaws - The Wise Eagles
- reaktor - Reaktor Interest Group
- real_marxism - real marxism
- real_philosophy - Philosophy
- recursion - recursion
- remixme - remix wars
- rose_eros - Linguistic Community
- ru_decision - ru_decision
- rustyspork - Rusty Spork
- saintdelight - Saint Delight
- sanatana_dharma - Hinduism; The Eternal Truth
- sandwichcommune - The Dictator's Sandwich
- sdgeeks - proud to be geeky
- sdon - San Diego Objectivist Network
- sexy_geeks - Sexy, Sexy Geeks
- sexy_vulcans - Vulcan Lusters Anonymous
- sf_musician - San Francisco Musician
- shimer_college_ - Shimer College
- shiz_university - Shiz University
- shredmode - Shred Mode
- skeptickin - Skeptic-kin
- snjdarkseekers - United Dark Thinkers & Truth Seekers of South NJ
- sobettes - The Sassy Supporters of Slytherin Quidditch
- socratescafe - Socrates Cafe
- softsynths - Software Synth Users
- sometruebeauty - This my friends, is what true beauty looks like...
- soulbonding - soulbonding
- stabmyback - Fucked Up Thoughts
- stayawakewithme - Stay Awake With Me
- stoaofsilicon - stoaofsilicon
- students4christ - Student's for Christ
- studiumgenerale - studium generale
- synth_musicians - synthesizer musicians
- talkingtaboo - Discussion of issues, sharing of knowledge
- techgirls - Females in Computing
- temple_o_badfic - The Temple of Bad Herc-Xena Fanfic
- tessier_ashpool - Artificial Intelligence Community
- tetradsociety - Tetrad Society
- the_23_club - The 23 Club
- the___elite - Violently atypical from everybody else.
- the_league - the_league
- the_meme_pool - The Oracle at Delphi
- the_modern - [Reading the] modern(ism)/post-modern(ism)
- thedmz - The Demilitarized Zone
- thefanficsite - Amy's Fanfiction Site
- theintellects - The Intellects
- theism - Theism
- theliving - A fresh new alternative to television
- thelogicalparty - enough with partisan politics
- thesisordissert - Thesis and Dissertation Writers' Community
- thetruechurch - In Search of Truth, LDS and Catholic discussion
- thinkers_soiree - thinkers_soiree
- thoughtclub - your belief system contains fatal contradictions
- thspaknietzsche - Thus Spake Nietzsche
- tiny_philosophy - little revelations and short short stories
- top_debater - Debate
- tragedia_divina - Tragedia Divina
- truthsetmefree - Truth Set Me Free
- tweakers_ltd - tweakers limited
- twenty_nine - twenty_nine
- twisted_reality - Twisted Reality
- u_make_ad_suck - U mAkE AD sUcK!!!
- ucdthinktank - UC Davis Argumentation Database
- ucdthoughtclub - UC Davis Thought Club
- uncommonsense - Clues for the Clueless
- upstatenyarml - Upstate New York ARML Team
- vegandebate - vegan debate
- village_voice - Book Club!
- watergoat - InDustriOus
- we_be_random - Random R Us!!!
- welovegeeks - Girls who like geeks
- widgets - widgets
- witness_teens - Witnesses. Teens or Not. : )
- worth_living - We are not a waste of space.
- xnerd_corex - Laws|of|Relativity
- yakusai - Get On Your Soapbox
- z_open_source - the open-source personally modified religion of z
- zombie_survival - The Dead Have Risen, How Do You Stay Alive?
- zone_of_enders - Zone of Enders
Interested users
The following users are interested in logic. More fun stuff can be found on the interests page.
470 matches:
- 1ee191 - über poser
- 42 - Jason
- 870621345 - 870621345
- _mulciber_ - Aldous Mulciber
- absurdity - mitch smilie
- adrexia - Naomi
- aduncous - the snare or what breaks the snare
- aero - Jessica
- afm333 - Failed Project 333
- agent_jupiter - agent_jupiter
- ah42 - Flower Sniffer
- airstretch - stretch
- akumachan - Ami-chan!
- alacrity - Damien
- albertine - Albertine Bathory
- alexgal - likes all things lingual
- allogenes - l'etranger
- almond_tiger - plums deify
- alphabetum - scribbler
- alphadiva - AlphaDiva
- altenra - Lena
- alter_id - alter_idem
- amanda42 - amanda
- amberskye - Karla's
- amispyder - aMi
- an0ther_atheist - Zachery Zeth
- anathea - The Knows Nose
- anesthet1c - Ex Cathedra
- angharad - Angharad Elwes
- anisakid - anisakid
- anjelone - anjelone
- anna_phylaxis - the deliquescence of meaning
- anuyamirei - SeaSaidh
- anxious_seat21 - breezy b
- arktisblau - GG
- atrocitor - Orion
- attila - Attila
- auraphage - auraphage
- auset - Kain
- austincs - Wugga
- axeeleven - Herr Schneider
- b0rked - nick
- bansidhe - Bansidhe Stormcrow
- beatnicjess - Just Jess
- ben - Ben
- bgkidathrt - Bgkidathrt
- bitmaster - Johnny Piacentini
- biz0unced - Thom
- blak - Robert
- blamedstarlie - jenca
- blky - Lesli
- blondie2 - Blondie
- bluenaivete - adrienne
- bookcat - Sharpie
- bort - Justin
- bram - Bram Boroson, Master of Subtle Ways and Straight
- brandonq - Brandon
- brentmisato - 山田 拓海 (Yamada Takumi)
- bunnyboy - BunnyBoy
- bushido - Nemo
- camdez - Cam
- candid - Arbeit Macht Funny
- canislotus - spooky spike spiegel
- canismajor - Big dog
- captainzap - The Responsible Lunatic
- carobear - Carolyn Ray
- celeste625 - Sherin
- cellardoor - yellow lorry slow
- cerebration - Anomie
- chef_brockett - chef_brockett
- cheshire - Cheshire
- chicalta - Delightfully Tacky, Yet Unrefined.
- chilblain - Chilblain
- chimmera - Rebecca
- chloriform - Chloriform
- chobo - Data
- cislyn - Cislyn
- classicalpunk - When a good musician goes wrong
- cmdrbean - Not Without Incident - Deus Ex Machina
- codetoad - Philip Neustrom
- computergeek - Jessica
- comrademummer - comrademummer
- conormaguire - The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Conor
- controversybob - Controversy Bob
- coolbluereason - marc davis
- copperpixie - Kimi
- cornbreadjones - Cornbread Jones
- corvuscrx - Andrew
- cpm18 - Chuck
- crackrat_8d - CrackRat
- csdb - Chris
- cuzgoatsrkool - Heather
- cyhiraeth - k8i hues
- dacut - dac
- daeviant - O Davey
- daevric - Moonlit Monk
- dafuzzy - october_thoughts
- damyx - damon amyx
- dan_lee - Dan Lee
- darhek - Derek Nouschaos
- darius701 - Mystic Wanderer
- darthwiater - DarthWiater
- davidgrenier - David Lo Pan
- davidmc24 - David M. Carr
- deadward - Dead
- deatonjr - Mad Hatter 10/6
- demonfafa - Coin-Operated Boy
- derabend - Stratege
- developer - ruins
- dipree - dipree
- dj_underdog - Cybernetic Ghost Of Christmas Past From The Future
- do0zer - Matthew Firth
- dorchester83 - Some Random Kid
- dorkmeat - jordan
- doze - -[FrA|L]-
- dracumancer - Dracumancer
- drakemobius - busily searching for what's never been found
- drasil - Matt M
- dray - Andre
- dreester1121 - Drea
- drsax - Derick
- drstevechaos - Dr. Steve Chaos
- dumbnicname - ĐũmβÑĭċŅämé
- e6 - e6-
- earthbound01 - Helpful Bridgeman
- elcobbola - Swingtanzen Verboten
- electricgeisha - Tour Guide, Underworld Confusion Center
- eleusis - Ondeniire
- entris - Entris
- entropyxx - Joe
- eoduin - Eoduin
- ericscott - Turkish
- erratica - Low Art Gloominista
- etek - etek
- euqubud - Dubuque
- everlastingpunk - Jeremy
- evil20 - Divided By Zero
- evilishness - evilishness
- evrgleem - EvRgLeEm
- ezzie - Jaimeson
- fallensavior - FallenOne
- fate69 - fate
- fatebound - The Fatebound Heart
- feedmydisorder - itchy
- filmfreak933 - my teardrops are vintage
- firmament - the hanged man
- fishsupreme - Fish Supreme
- forvrkate - Kate
- four - Ryan
- foxmagic - Brian Kendig
- free_thought181 - Jon
- fruitkitten - an encouraging norwegian
- functor - Jaquan Matsumoto
- fusionpanda - Fusion Panda
- gadfly - Gadfly
- gamahucheur - Daniel
- gamerider - Foster
- garywdean - Gary Dean
- genders - Gita Enders
- ghleniii - GHLENIII
- gigahertz - Craig Webster
- glasseye - Brian
- gleepy - Curtis R Anderson
- godisprolife - Nathan Sheets- All Grown Up
- godivadeadlove - BitchCassidy
- goldfischegirl - humble homewrecker
- goober17_69 - Mike
- gracieclover - Gracie Clover
- grande - Lloyd Nicks
- grandnagus - Eric
- grape_lady - grape_lady
- gravity_ - Hairbrained Scheme
- groundctrl - Groundctrl
- h_sinclair - k
- haltijatar - Haltijatar
- hans_cz - Hans_Cz
- happymartian - The Martian
- hawk - John Hawkins
- hawker - Ed the sex toy
- heraclitus - Jack Liberty
- heyjana - heyjana
- highlearn - Filed under "I" for irreverent
- hokie - Kenjiro Castro-san
- hotstuff4ninjas - Crazy Dan
- htwjw - Erwin Wessels
- i_was_god - JPK
- ialiuxh - Ialiuxh
- icanreadyourmnd - Sibyl
- icegoddess - Pink Erik
- ilwitchgrrl - Poppycock Margarita
- insolent - aesthesis.
- ipfxtwin - Atrophy
- island_lily - Elisa
- isos - Andrew
- izau - izau
- izzbot - Izzy
- jaka - Jake
- jamminjj - J.J. Sylvia IV
- janedoe - Tabitha
- janelaneca - Jane
- jaq - jaq
- jasenka - close incounters of the death kind
- jasonclark - JasonClark
- jasperchan - 無
- jaynedeaux - Jayne Deaux
- jaysin - JaySIN
- jessikins4774 - I am a perfectly safe bottle of champagne
- jfpbookworm - Jeff Pack
- jimb0 - Jim Morrison
- jkatial - jagi (jagatjit singh katial)
- jo464 - Transcendent Mystery
- jochan - that gal
- joeyshithouse - The Last Beer Scout
- k4olin - Kaolin
- kaeru78 - nisemono
- kainff24 - Kain
- kaka - kaka
- kali_devi - Kali
- kalif - Kalif J. Hickey
- kannolj - kannolj
- katekintail - Kate of Kintail
- keithb - Keith "Nugent" Barber
- kenshi - Terrible Swift Sword
- kiashadow - Kia
- kingdopomo - kingdopomo
- kireetenshi - The Augest Angel
- kitsuandy - kitsuandy
- kittiekat03 - Heathere
- klarfax - klarfax
- koneko666 - Mouse
- koob - T.J.
- kspieler - Johann Pehulachk
- kvschwartz - [e^(i*pi)] + 1 = me
- l0st_eur0 - Katie
- ladytabitha - Radically Burnt Yeast-Muffin of Lurrrv
- lapheeluv - A slow, innocent ascent from below
- lastplaceulook - sascha
- laughingbuddha - laughingbuddha
- leeshers - Leeshers
- lemur_hunter - Reindeer Flotilla
- leroigras - Le Roi Gras
- liamisgod - Liam
- lilliah - asphyxia driven
- limepi - David Poppers
- linear_fiction - shaun
- lineofdespair - emily
- littlegirl - not-so-shy violet
- livbeth - Elizabeth
- lo5an - Lo5an
- logand - L.D. Flowers
- lograh - Lograh
- lokidr - Loki D.R.
- loonyone - the usual ephemera
- lordbrand - Lordbrand
- lost_angel - Stronger and harder than a bad girl's dream.
- lost_in_music_ - Lost In Music
- lucretio - Kevin M. Brooks
- lusus06 - Katie
- lutron - Null Pronoun
- m0x - rhy darling
- macleod - MacLeod
- mad_hatters_tea - i'm nobody, didn't they tell you?
- maddog31 - The One Who's Autistic about Baseball
- maffyew - Maffyew
- maiathebee - maia
- manycolored - That's not people food!
- marifishie - SucrePluie
- masked_marvel - James
- mathjoker - Cody Patterson
- medlir - Rick
- melonaise - Melon the Sleeper
- mere_a_gogo - Mere
- metfreak13 - Amanda
- methedrine - mirepond
- mfisher - Mike Fisher
- michaeltron - Michael Roberson
- midnyte - Midnyte
- milasco - milasco
- mindlessgirl - Andrea
- miruku - miruku
- mlik - Stupid Stupidhead
- modulator - M
- moonwhip - Kate Elizabeth
- moraldissonance - Kyle
- mrhaiku - Hank
- munkie - lotusv|xen *conscious*
- muzyclnotes - Shel
- mylemon - cause you can't change the time
- mynameisryan - a span of intentional disjoint.
- mzero - :m. zero
- naath - M'lisilinaath Thabana Aes Sedai
- najwaj - a little flutterby
- nameless - Nameless
- nebula31 - Michael
- needless - needless
- nefas - imaginary girl
- neoookami - NeoWolf
- newcrime_x - Tender Lumpling
- nihilanth - nihilanth
- nilesmbari - Niles Mbari Heron
- niro - Daniel Logghe
- nkdrenni - Nik
- noleefclover - Patrick
- nonamenoslogan - SenSo
- nonplus - Heir Hamlet
- nostradomnatrix - Nostradominatrix
- novacane - Matt
- nswarts - N
- oatmeal - Amelodic Discussion
- obscureality - for esHadoW
- ocean - Ana
- onamuji - Onamuji
- onestrugglemore - Jeff
- orelia - Orelia
- ovary - Growth
- p3ssimist - jared
- padybakermanchu - Patrick
- pandorasparkle - The Legendary Queen of Rock n Roll
- paralogiki - another ninja
- passion_diva - Anrietta
- pdi - Scott "Scix" Maddix
- pesalian - Anita
- phlagm - Extruded Plastic Dingus
- phlebas - Phlebas
- phoenixxfire - Ellen Claire
- pixelfreak - Scott
- pizzpot - Alex
- plur_princess - Shannon
- porters - Simo Porter
- primate007 - Dirt Nap
- prisonerofearth - POE
- proficuus - Proficuus Perfectus
- profstevie - stevie.
- protozone - James Foster
- pt - PT
- puuj - Puuj
- pyrrhic - Pyrrhic
- quaesta - Alex
- quel - r
- quietkarma - Simple Male
- quixotic - amanda
- r - allegory
- rablack - string theory
- rainbrot - Brain Rot
- randomdan - Dan
- rantings - Alida
- ratkrycek - True Neutral Elf Ranger Cleric
- recury - salivating digitalis
- redblessing - A Brockelhurst by any other name....
- reflexion - insipid
- regentlion - anna e
- relsqui - I'm not silly, I'm just seriously impaired
- rickvigorous - Rick Vigorous
- riffraff - I am Kim
- rubicantoto - Mandrew
- samwitch54 - Sam
- scoot - Scoot
- scosol - $scosol$
- scrabonia - Persephone
- seregost - The Steev
- sexy_chica_jenn - JeNniFeR
- shibiriri - in it!!
- shivabee - not the hero i could be, but not the dog i was
- shruiy - Shruiy
- shy - it's just the way i'm feeling
- si17er - ...ellipsis...
- silentresponse - drewrey
- simon_moon - simon moon
- simplyladyivy - SimplyLadyIvy
- skandy - Andy Vilaine
- sleepy - That chubby swede
- sloppypinata - sloppypinata
- smag - smag
- smerwin - smerwin
- sologue - Taylor Conant
- somebodyelse - -insert something clever here-
- sophierina - sophie
- sophy - Rosemary
- soren9580 - Chris Nicholson
- soulslain - Ethan, aka Stoltenheim Reinbach III
- spampy - Mr. Jiggy Fly
- spazbo - Skye
- specplosive - Quazlat
- speedball - Kurt Onstad
- splynt_re - SPLYNT_re
- spock_of_vulcan - spock_of_vulcan
- sporkman - Nick
- ssaiscps - Binky the Magical Flying Squirrel
- stardusty - Ajia
- stargazerjw - Joshua
- stipe - Dai Aku
- stolengift - stolengift
- suffocated - Boon lives here
- sunseteyes - I am Shannon
- supatropic - jejune boogie
- supertofu - super tofu
- suraklin - Suraklin
- sydhart - David Hart
- t_for_trouble - Katie Rose
- talaitha - +fru fru fx+
- tasoula - Lady of Situations
- tbib - TBiB
- tbun - Talon
- teem - some other guy
- teenytinytinez - teenytinytinez
- tehy - Blackrose
- tennille - Miss Neilly
- tenu - Terrasa
- thatoneguy - Deluded Id
- the_immortal - King Kabal III
- theblackrose - dead girl
- thegodofwar - The God of War, Comedy, and Huge Egos...
- thepublicguy - thepublicguy
- therhyn - David A. Bradley
- thewretched - a face in disguise
- thisdesertedsea - Fish Out of Water
- threedhodjie - Mr. Carnival
- tiado_ab - Tiado
- tigerpenisjello - Schlong Uzi
- timhuwe - Tim Huwe
- tmiseryt - fEMcee pAsSionate.lyricaL.PoetiKz::OriginaLLogiC;
- toasteroid - tony
- tombaged - Tombaged
- treeman - victor
- trezin - trezin.aezol
- trinary - Erro
- tuicanis - Connor Kilpatrick
- turag - 3.14159265
- twiin - Jairus
- tygerlilli - TygerLilli
- typhanie - Typhanie
- u_tenjou - Ayu
- ufdraco - Draco Benden
- uko_angeldark - Uko
- upir - Pi-OZZ-Peyot-JeanPiaget-Pit
- valera - Valera
- variable_clouds - Elina
- vectorh - Vector
- velvar - Taylor
- veneficus6 - Missy
- verbl - Scott Baio Ain't Got Nothing On Me
- violetasrai - Violet
- virtual256 - Raffi
- vivisectandrew - andrew jk
- warlock138 - Warlock138
- waylonflinn - Earl Waylon Flinn
- welfaremom - County Commissioner
- wendigo - Your Friendly Neighborhood Surreal Estate Agent
- whatslove - Christy
- whitedice - AW
- whyamigoing - Jason Good
- wiegs - Brett
- willyd - Will
- windmills - Windmills
- wishing_bliss - b o t t l e d b l i s s
- xandreax - beauty in the breakdown
- xinit - the artist formerly known as the geek
- xk8tx - Katie
- xyloart - Las Sanguijuelas Humanas
- ydd - Sumptuous waffles
- yfel - Nathan
- youngoat - youngoat
- yumesekai - Galileo
- zalliope - Julia
- zengoddess - Peace Without Boredom
- zenos_paradox - zenos_paradox
- zentropa - Kat
- zexos - Devon Black
- zooromancer - salome