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(1 gut | Spill...)
[22 Jan 2005|02:41am]
Went to Club 2000.
Tsunami benefit.
Colorpool playing. They were good.
The other three bands were shite.
Except for one who played a pretty good cover of Eleanor Rigby.
Picked up the rice in the church where a wedding had been,
Lives in a dream.
Many vodka and red bulls.
Do you want to say anything Rosie?
Mnyaaah. Pizza. She says.
Photos! http://www.livejournal.com/users/spider_noodles/6168.html
So. Much. Dancing.
No Last Nite, though.
I miss Mojo and Grind.
Rhea was there, as was Hardcore Dave.
Both good. Having fun.
Yay for them.
Hope you all are having fun too.
As for me, I had fun.
Did you Rosie?
Yes indeed! Nipple! Apples!

(1 gut | Spill...)
[20 Jan 2005|02:09pm]
[ music | The Amps - Bragging Party ]

Us, drunk, in Leicester Square (courtesy of a jolly bobby)

Rosie's got her photos back from New Year. I thought I'd put this one up first, as it's quite a nice one of all of us, even if Rosie does look asleep.

(13 guts | Spill...)
[15 Dec 2004|03:03am]
1. Reply to this post, because I would like to say a couple words about you.
2. I will also tell you what song(s) remind me of you when I hear it.
3. I will also tell you what celebrity/public [or anime/manga] person you remind me of, either personality-wise or looks-wise.
4. I will also give ONE WORD that I associate with you when I think of you.
5. We all could use a boost now and then, so steal this for your journal and make someone else's day as well.

(6 guts | Spill...)
[08 Dec 2004|09:07pm]
What do you call a French eskimo?

Le sandwich!

(3 guts | Spill...)
[07 Dec 2004|03:31pm]
Well fuck.

There appears to be no way we can get back from Nottingham to Doncaster in time unless we miss some of the Manics this Saturday. I've really been looking forward to this, too.

Damn it.

(5 guts | Spill...)
[02 Dec 2004|08:02pm]
Oh, and just because I haven't posted a picture recently : Camwhore

(5 guts | Spill...)
[02 Dec 2004|05:41pm]
Okay, peoples.
It's December.
I want to feel christmassy.
I don't want songs that I'm sick to death of hearing to be on my playlist.
Hit me with your favourite christmas songs that HAVEN'T been played to death.

Current xmas playlist, to give you some idea of what I'm looking for )

(1 gut | Spill...)
[02 Dec 2004|02:02pm]
class thing )

(8 guts | Spill...)
[30 Nov 2004|08:07pm]
[ music | The Mountain Goats - Seeing Daylight ]

Went with Rosie to get her labret today, and the whole thing of piercing seems less worrying than I always thought, at least if you go to the right place. Katie's a good piercer, but I'd generally feel safe putting myself in the hands of anyone who had Surfer Rosa playing in the background. Will probably get an ear done there sooner rather than later.

It has firmed my resolve to get a tattoo, as well. I'm in the process of tossing around ideas at the moment.

[28 Nov 2004|03:56am]
Lost keys.
More importantly, lost keyrings.
Both Auron and the bullet from Eden Camp.
Rosie wasn't there tonight.
Miss her like crazy.
Got a chance to talk with Winter and Craig, though.
I've realised something.
I went to the Imp earlier.
Everyone there was so YOUNG.
I love Rosie.

(5 guts | Spill...)
[27 Nov 2004|02:15am]
politics are love
brought to you by the isLove Generator

Warning : Nauseating <3 )

(4 guts | Spill...)
[24 Nov 2004|11:22pm]
[ music | Junior Boys - Last Exit ]

Halloween pictures

(5 guts | Spill...)
[20 Nov 2004|01:35am]
I love Ben's beard.

(5 guts | Spill...)
[20 Nov 2004|01:34am]
I love my beard.

(2 guts | Spill...)
[14 Nov 2004|02:20am]
Have house to self.
Good weekend.
Completing Spyro.
Penguins are really sexy.
Went to Hangar with Rosie.
In hat.
Had great time.
Beard a hit with Craig, I am apparently never to shave it off.
Rosie wants to say hello.
hello, i am drunk! far too drunk for capitalisation. mew! kebab. bye.
Why, Rosie dear, one is never too drunk for correct spelling and grammar!
bollocks to you!
Bollocks to you too, my love.
We got kebabs.
From the mighty, mighty Kebabies.

(2 guts | Spill...)
[30 Oct 2004|02:46am]
Went to Wetherspoons to meet Holly and Rosie
Had a Western Platter
Met Adam and Rhea
Went to Rock Open
Good bands
Colorpool played
Played Teenage Kicks in memory of John Peel
So sad :(
Danny and Hardcore Dave also there.
Got a pizza from the mighty mighty kebabies.
Hull tomorrow.
Rosie bought me some pink nail varnish.

stolen from Matt )

(1 gut | Spill...)
R.I.P John Peel [26 Oct 2004|11:58pm]
[ mood | pensive ]
[ music | Radio 1 ]

What can I say today that hasn't already been said? I've been thinking on it since I heard the news earlier, and I couldn't put it into words until I just heard Joy Division in session on Radio 1. Love Will Tear Us Apart. I cried.

I don't usually grieve too much over people I don't know. But I have been strangely sad all day, as well as thankful.

I'm not sad for his family, because I don't know them, and I don't pretend empathy for strangers. I'm not sad for him, although he was far too young, because he achieved so much in his life, and changed the lives of thousands. I'm sad for myself because I've lost the one thing I listened to on the radio. I'm sad for the millions of people who tuned into him because he was a true music fan, and he played the music they wanted to hear, as well as the music they didn't yet know they wanted. I'm sad for the millions of people who will never hear his program, whose musical tastes will be that much poorer, whose horizons will be that much narrower for that lack. I'm sad because he changed peoples lives for the better, and there's nobody left on radio who can do that. If there ever was, aside from him. I'm sad because we may never hear the records of the bands he would have championed, or the peel sessions that only he would play. Who else would get the Mountain Goats live on Radio 1? My sadness is that of a music fan.

I'm grateful that I got to hear a freak of the British music world - a DJ that didn't just play records, but worked to share his considerable love of music with generation after generation. I'm grateful because John Peel was one of many things that opened my eyes to a simple truth - that music is the most important form of communication that man has ever conceived. Without that realisation, without John Peel, my life would be much emptier.

I'm saddened because he earned that rarest of epitaths - we shall not see his like again.

A DJ saved my life.

(1 gut | Spill...)
[20 Oct 2004|08:09pm]
[ music | Junior Boys - Last Exit ]

French Guard
I'm French! Why do think I have this outrageous
accent, you silly king-a?!

What Monty Python Character are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

(31 guts | Spill...)
I'm way too unsubtle for this. [20 Oct 2004|12:18am]
[ music | Junior Boys - Neon Rider ]

Okay, the 15 people thing. On a sidenote, I wonder if anyone actually does this at random?

1. Choose 15 people from your friends list at random.
2. Write something about/to each of them.
3. Don't tell anyone who the statements are about. Good or bad. No matter how they beg!

1 : I love you.
2 : You're one of the few people on the internet I've found who I can actually have an intelligent argument with about politics. You're a really cool guy, and although I don't talk to you as much as I did, I still enjoy it when we do chat.
3 : What can I say, man, you were there for me so much, and although I don't see you as much on the net now, I still count you as a real friend.
4 : It feels like I've known you forever. You were one of my first friends online and although we barely talk to each other now, I still think you're far too wise, far too good, and far too beautiful. I would really love to meet you someday.
5 : I used to think you sucked, but you're actually one of the coolest people I've met online in a long time.
6 : I don't believe that you're dead.
7 : You're the coolest, man. I know you've been in a bad place recently and I'm sorry I haven't been around, but I appreciate your friendship more than I could ever say.
8 : What can I possibly say to you, dude? Even after all this time, I still consider you one of my best friends. You saved my sanity by making me see the insanity in the world. My friendship with you made me who I am today, and I'm more grateful than I'll ever be able to express for that.
9 : You take the online world WAY too seriously sometimes, and when you do you can be a real cock.
10 : You're very cool for an old, old man, and I wish I knew you better and talked to you more.
11 : You're not online any more, kid, and you suck for that. I miss your huge ass posts.
12 : I actually have no idea who you are. o.O
13 : I still think you're very cool, even though I have the feeling you probably hate me. Then, you hate everyone. This is a good feature, I've always felt. You're one of the few people online I know who are bigger druggies than me, although this probably says more about the people I know online than you.
14 : You're a really cool person, and you should let the world know it more than you do. You have awesome taste in music, dude, and I do consider you a very good friend. I'm sorry I'm not online as much now.
15 : You suck. Seriously.

(3 guts | Spill...)
[17 Oct 2004|11:47pm]
[ music | Radiohead - Morning Bell/Amnesiac ]

handwriting meme )

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