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Hey Emma [09 Feb 2005|12:42pm]
Would arriving sometime Friday night and leaving Wednesday morning work for you? I can adjust to whatever's convenient. Let me know so I can get my tix. :D
1 bounty | BANG!

Doujinshi PSA [09 Feb 2005|01:08am]
[ mood | tired ]

A seller I bought from recently let me know that she's selling a bunch of Trigun doujinshi, including a few VashxMeryl, and including Crimson Bluegray, which is the Most Perfect Doujinshi. Just thought you guys might want to know. Plz dun bid against me on the one I went for!

2 bounties | BANG!

[08 Feb 2005|11:29pm]
Man of the House looks like it should be really stupid. Nonetheless I am amused/somewhat intrigued.

TAR finale [08 Feb 2005|10:57pm]
Spoilers like woah )
6 bounties | BANG!

Okay, I've run out of eps on CD [06 Feb 2005|06:53pm]
Where are torrents for Samurai Champloo?
10 bounties | BANG!

Best thing I've read today [05 Feb 2005|12:32am]
[ mood | amused ]

Message Board Topic: "God Bless America - What does it mean to you?"

First response: "America sneezed?"

5 bounties | BANG!

GIP [05 Feb 2005|12:28am]
Because I love the angsty schmoop.
2 bounties | BANG!

Rant #1: Spongebob supporting the gay agenda [04 Feb 2005|04:01pm]
Okay y'all, this has got to stop. Cleaning supplies used to be good and decent--they represented America! And the sponge was corrupted by those tree-killing baby-hugging liberals (or does it go the other way?). It was used to prevent innocent babies from being born! We all know that every sperm is sacred--every little swimmer it steered by the SOUL of an infant; and infant who gets trapped in the tangles of the sponge, never to be conceived!

And now? Now! A sponge is supporting those homersexuals, the ones who are ruining the educational system and single-handedly causing marriage licenses to burst into flame by their very presence! And those godless animators are using the evil sponge to promote their agenda of sin! I bet they've been influenced by the Japanese devils. Everyone knows they glorify pornography over there--some of it involves gays, too!

I say this stops today! Reject the spawn of Satan, the icon of youthful seduction! DOWN WITH SPONGEBOB!

This tongue-in-cheek rant was written for [info]fadingembers
8 bounties | BANG!

Today's bit of wisdom [03 Feb 2005|06:27pm]
There is a difference between "not politically correct" and fucking rude.
13 bounties | BANG!

WTF WTF WTF [02 Feb 2005|09:10pm]
[ mood | o_O ]

So earlier today I heard about a student on campus who supposedly had a hit list and possibly a gun in his room today.  Suspension, no surprise there.  Didn't pay much attention.


W!  T!  F!

16 bounties | BANG!

An open letter [02 Feb 2005|11:07am]
[ mood | alert ]

Dear bad Knives x Meryl writers,

Knives being a psychotic killer and hating her species is not something that Meryl can overlook and love him in spite of it. It's just something that will make her not love him. No, not even if he thinks she's an okay human. I mean, really. "I think all black people are inferior and need to die. Oh, I didn't mean you." Substitute "black" with "human". Could you love someone like this? Also, come up with better reasons for Meryl to switch her affections from Vash to Knives. People aren't totally bound to "their type" of love interest, but you'd think being all in love with someone and then switching to someone who's everything the first one isn't would create a bigger stir. Think harder.

On the other hand, don't. Just write about them having loveless yet really hot sex. That's about the closest you're going to get to in-character.



18 bounties | BANG!

Also [01 Feb 2005|11:56pm]
[ mood | wheee ]


19 bounties | BANG!

Throwing out some random discussion questions because I are more lazier [01 Feb 2005|11:53pm]
So all of you who've been in fandom a bit--what was your first ship? Why? What made you realize "OMG I am a Fan" with a capital F? If you've met internet buds offline, what was the exerience like for you? What are some of your favorite net-buddy get together moments?
49 bounties | BANG!

Random Witch Hunter Robin thought [01 Feb 2005|10:21pm]
I used to go "OMG WTF" when thinking of the Robin/Amon shippers, because she's only 15 and he's all old and shit. Well, compared to her. And then I put on the soundtrack, which I love more than the actual series, and was reminded that the opening features Robin rubbing herself on the tv that's showing Amon's picture.

Right, never mind, Robin/Amon shippers. Carry on.
16 bounties | BANG!

A few fannish links for your perusal [31 Jan 2005|12:32am]
[ music | Sugarcult - Memory ]

What a Mary Sue is, and more importantly IMHO, what she isn't.  Quite a good and interesting essay.

[info]moderators_suck--new comm found via JF.  I will be very disappointed if I'm not reported there by the people I banninated.

A Little More Than Letters by our own [info]rainjewel.  Yeah, this is old, but I figured I'd re-post the link to keep the fires of the OTF alight.  This is the fic that confirmed Wolfwood/Meryl really could be done well (and she did it so well).  Before I'd just suspected it.  And sweetie pie, if you think drawing attention to this fic is my way of encouraging you to do part're right.


I'll do that rant meme. Why not. [30 Jan 2005|10:20pm]
Hit me, bitches.
7 bounties | BANG!

So this is what athletes feel like when they win their biggest competition [30 Jan 2005|01:47am]
I have this nifty downloaded version of Tetris. It's fun to play. Previously, my highest score was between 100,000 and 200,000.

Today, I went over 1,000,000.

There just doesn't seem any point in playing anymore.
7 bounties | BANG!

People in scary movies are so dumb [30 Jan 2005|01:17am]
So there are all these trying-to-be-spooky commercials about the movie "Boogeyman" in which everyone looks terrified and has no idea what to do.

Duh. Just throw a blanket over his head. Then he'll have an existential crisis and you can go back to sleep.
4 bounties | BANG!

The question thing I posted the other day [30 Jan 2005|01:15am]
[ mood | tired ]
[ music | Inuyasha on Adult Swim ]

Click for teh answers )

4 bounties | BANG!

My anime club rocks [28 Jan 2005|07:05pm]
Dreamworks waived their usual fee and we're showing Ghost in the Shell: Innocence this weekend.

For free. (To viewers, I mean.)

I'm not a big GITS fan, but hey. Cool.
2 bounties | BANG!

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