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Below is information about the "LiveJournal Syndication Community" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:lj_syndication (582660) Paid User  
Name:LiveJournal Syndication Community
About:This is a community for those interested in discussion of LiveJournal's syndication features. It is oriented more towards development, discussion of possible new features, etc. If you simply wish to publicise a new feed, then you can do that at [info]syn_promo.

If you need technical support about syndication, please do not ask here. Instead, read the FAQ and if you are still unable to find an answer, open up a support request in the syndication category.
Interests:12: categories, feeds, items, news, newsisfree, rdf, review, rss, syndic8, syndication, xml, xml-rpc. [Modify yours]
Members:128: 1justin, adcott, algeh, alicettlg, alienstranger, andrewducker, andrewkendall, badfritz, belladonnarosa, bleything, blujay_, blythe83, bobert225, bookishfellow, brainz, brandon_scott, branille, brianinspace, broonie, buzzards_bunny, canuckgirl, caprahircus, cheshyre, crschmidt, csogilvie, danip, darkesoul, darkfae666, deadprogrammer, diconscious, disconscious, donlbe, dougb, dragonbird, duncebutterfly, eideteker, elusivebyte, erebrandir, fahrvergnugen, fleetfootmike, frankski, gaminette, graye, grrrlie, gse, gynocide, halfawake, hissilliness, home_alone, indeyets, insomnia, jagger, jayishida, jdmx, jefzila, jessifanfic, jford, jproulx, juusan, kagekonjou, kanawinkie, katayamma, katster, khep, khorgath, kingfox, kirsch, kumokasumi, kw34hd1, lair, maeglin73, marymactavish, megapixel, missariel, mistryl, moonrose, mr_eleganza, mtbandit, mysticrat, mzmartipants, narcissine, natertots, nina, number42, owlfish, paladin3, pdkillian, pheret1, phil, pne, rahaeli, ramakesava, ratkrycek, reddragdiva, redfarmer, sailornash, shaaabam, shine_to_shame, silentemotion, sinenomine, substitute, t3knomanser, technodummy, technomom, teradia, thebubba, thedarkproject, thelovebug, thepublicguy, tj642, tjackson, tmhsiao, topher, tridus, vanbeast, volkris, vzaliva, wbahner, wechsler, wicketgate, windplume, witchkeep, wolfgame, wolfieboy, wwwparker, xcriteria, yendi, zume
Watched by:186: absolut, adcott, algeh, alicettlg, alienstranger, almeda, andrewducker, andrewkendall, anthoras, astral, badfritz, bara_no_ouji, belladonnarosa, bleything, blindlink, blue_j, blujay_, blythe83, bobert225, bookishfellow, borange, breyten, brianinspace, brianjo, brize, broonie, btornado, camomiletea, caniswolfie, canuckgirl, caprahircus, casketgirl, cedara, ch, cheshyre, clue, cooltude, crschmidt, csogilvie, curgoth, darkesoul, darkfae666, darktrench, deadprogrammer, delcj, diconscious, diziara, dmaster, donlbe, doubleyou, dougb, dragonbird, drmellow, duncebutterfly, eemfibble, effjay, eponymous, erebrandir, erratic0101, fahrvergnugen, fleetfootmike, freiheit, gaminette, ghewgill, graye, grocible, gse, gynocide, halfawake, hissilliness, home_alone, indeyets, innercurtain, insomnia, jagger, javamental, jayel85, jefzila, jeremywelch, jessifanfic, jford, jproulx, jrenken, jwz, kagekonjou, kanawinkie, katayamma, katster, kaysha, kellybellynet, khorgath, kingfox, kirsch, kumokasumi, kw34hd1, lair, laurel, lisa, lordreaibn, lucretio, maeglin73, malver, marymactavish, megapixel, mendel, mercuryuk, mistryl, mjl, mr_eleganza, ms_bitterness, msduchamp, mtbandit, mysticrat, mythicalgryphon, mzmartipants, narcissine, natertots, november_lux, number42, onomato, opiummmm, osi, owlfish, paladin3, paulhopper, pdkillian, pheret1, phil, phoenixablaze, pne, portapotty, purpledragon104, rahaeli, rainbowkidd, ramakesava, ratkrycek, rayslinky, reddragdiva, rjyoung, rog, rssfeeds, shandrew, shoutingboy, simtra, sinenomine, slvrdream, smithphoenix, solitaire, spydielives, stevenzenith, ...
Member of:1: paidmembers
Account type:Permanent Account

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