Community Info

Community Information

Below is information about the "Suggestions Box" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.

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User:suggestions (61179) Paid User suggestions
Suggestions Box
Want to improve LiveJournal? Contribute your ideas!
Website:Prior Suggestions
About:How do I make a suggestion?

It is NOT necessary to join the community in order to make a suggestion. All users can use the Suggestion Area linked below.

You can submit your suggestion from the Suggestion Area. Please be sure to follow its directions, including browsing past suggestions.

Note: The community's memory categories are currently being reorganised. However, every suggestion is available from the All Suggestions memory category.

What happens after I submit a suggestion?
The entire life of a suggestion has been explained. Please be sure to read this Suggestions News update.

What do the letters in front of some suggestion memories mean?
They're a shorthand way to show the following:
  • (S): Submitted to developers/staff for consideration.
  • (S-D): Submitted to developers/staff and implemented (done).
  • (S-PD): Submitted to developers/staff and partially implemented (or implemented differently than suggested).
  • (S-W) Submitted but was rejected by developers/staff.
  • (W): Won't be submitted to developers/staff at this time.
  • (X): The suggestion is obsolete, because the subject matter is no longer in use on LiveJournal (e.g. suggestions relating to invite codes).

If you need help using the site, please visit the support area.

last updated 27 April 04 Direct all inquiries to
If you have been banned from commenting, you are free to request that the ban be lifted. Please email the address above.
Memories:1115 entries
Interests:14: development, devs, features, frank, goats, help, improvement, improvements, livejournal, lj, new features, satisfying users, smiles, suggestions. [Modify yours]
Members:2: asciident, rahaeli
Account type:Permanent Account

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