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altogether it just says 'punch me in the face plz'

oh yeah, and... [Feb. 3rd, 2005|11:14 am]

When I got down here last night, a bunch of people in the building were playing World of Warcraft, so I watched for a little while. I whined about how I wanted to play, and then they told me the best part:

Someone at OSU is running a server.

I tracked down this guy and talked to him a bit about the software. Turns out since the game came out there have been efforts to build an open-source server. He gave me some links and I checked it out. Then I discovered the best part:

It's written in C#.

So, to recap: there's an open-source WoW server out there. It's written in a language I know. And someone is running it here!
#104414 comments|Leave a comment

liquid bread [Feb. 3rd, 2005|11:12 am]

Alright. I'm in Corvallis for the next few days. I want beer. Who's with me?
#10435 comments|Leave a comment

[Jan. 30th, 2005|11:33 pm]


I just saw a commercial in which a succession of people are walking through various markets. A fish market, produce market, etc. The narrator, meanwhile, is going "they come, they look, they sniff, they squeeze. They're foodies, and they're very selective about their food. No wonder they love..."

Any guesses?

no? )

#10425 comments|Leave a comment

[Jan. 29th, 2005|02:29 pm]

[14:26] me: I'm really sick of sleeping so late
[14:26] me: I need to go to bed earlier too, but that's harder
[14:27] [info]senegalensis: yeah it is
[14:27] me: yeah you are
[14:27] me: ;)
[14:28] senegalensis: I'll yeah your are
[14:28] senegalensis: ...
[14:28] me: hahahahahahaahahahahahahaha
[14:28] senegalensis: whatever, I gave it a try :-D
[14:28] me: brilliant
[14:29] me: *post*
[14:29] senegalensis: hahahahaha
[14:30] senegalensis: greeeeat
#10413 comments|Leave a comment

various updates [Jan. 28th, 2005|11:42 pm]

It has come to my attention that some of you think I don't post often enough. So. Here goes.

I haven't been doing very much. I've got about... 10 applications and resumes out there, but I haven't heard back from anyone yet. Fate conspired against me to totally screw me on the timing, as by the time I found out I didn't have a job anymore, it was too late to register for classes. With no immediate backup plans and not able to go back to school, I'm stuck living off my severance and my parent's generosity and wishing that I had just found out 4 days earlier. Sigh.

On the upside, I've been plowing through all this backlog of media I've got. I've read a few books, finished a few video games, watched most of what was on my TiVo, and made more progress through my Netflix queue than I have in months. That's all fine and good, but it's getting boring.

Weekends, I go visit [info]senegalensis. A few weeks ago I had a beer with [info]ornotmajestic. One of these days, I'm going to get [info]navmatt to do the same. Seems like every time I call him (which granted, isn't that often) he's busy or something. Jesus, my timing is really bad :(

Dad wants me to take him shooting. When my uncle died, my dad inherited his shotgun. He's never fired a shotgun and figures that if he owns one, particularly one with Meaning™, he probably ought to know how to shoot it. It's a 12ga pump-action semi-auto. I've never fired a 12ga, nor a semi-auto (shotgun). Should be an experience. Gotta head out to the Gun Broker and pick up some ammo for my rifle, it's been wanting to be shot. Also need to clean it... it's been 6 months or longer. The pistol needs cleaned too, but meh. I'm lazy.

On the topic of my guns, I've been idly thinking about selling them. They're worth a fair chunk of money, money that I might need coming up here. On the other hand, my future is pretty wide open right now, and there's no reason to think that I might not be living some place where I would be comforted knowing there was a pistol (relatively) close at hand. And the rifle? Shit, it was cheap and it's SO fun to shoot. So no, no gun sellage.

Been playing a lot of video games. Primarily Xbox, but some PC and PS2 in there. Around Christmas time I bought some PS2 games, but I haven't played them much yet. One was Viewtiful Joe, which got good reviews and was well liked, but I can't really get into it. Oh well.

I had more, but I deleted it. Maybe I'll write about it later. It wasn't anything that interesting, just me blathering on about stuff. *post*
#10408 comments|Leave a comment

fun with computers [Jan. 27th, 2005|02:08 pm]

Got a DVD burner. It came today. It's burning right now. It's completely silent.... well, I can't hear it over my fans anyway.

This is great. I have a ton of data that I want to back up and get the hell off my harddrive, but doing it on CDs was going to take tons of media and generally be a pain in the ass. I can also back up my Xbox save games so I don't accidentally nuke them (as I almost did the other day). Not to mention all sorts of other uses for a DVD burner. Yay!

I decided not to play any video games today. It's pretty much all I've been doing while I sit around waiting for the phone to ring from any of the applications and resumes I've sent out. My mood has been progressively degrading, so it's time to see what I can do to change it. Since I can't conjure up a job or go back 3 weeks and magically make it so I could enroll in classes, I have to change what I can. Step 1: get out of the house and do something.

#10396 comments|Leave a comment

oh yeah [Jan. 23rd, 2005|08:53 pm]

Someone wax philosophical on the relative benefits of the Athlon 64 vs. the Pentium 4. I need a new PC like woah, and can't decide which platform to go with.
#103717 comments|Leave a comment

:D :D :D [Jan. 23rd, 2005|08:33 pm]

Hey, my sister posted in my comm!
#10361 comment|Leave a comment

gameage [Jan. 20th, 2005|01:50 pm]

debian If you haven't played Beyond Good and Evil, you should. It's available for Xbox, PS2, GC, and PC. It's really an outstanding game, check it out.
#1035Leave a comment

[Jan. 14th, 2005|01:56 pm]

Cat's out of the bag. That is to say, papers have been signed and everything's taken care of.

This may not come as a huge surprise to many of you, but Six Apart chose not to make me a part of the acquisition. I'm disappointed, because I was very excited about the deal, but I'm happy for all those who are going and wish them luck.

I'm going back to being a regular old user. It's been fun, but it's time to do something else for a while.

hahahahaha [Jan. 14th, 2005|10:56 am]

I love Penny Arcade, that's no secret. Hell, along with [info]navmatt, I drove up to Seattle last summer to give them 3 days of my life, volunteering at their convention thingy...

That said, I read the comic (and the newspost) religiously, but rarely do I laugh out loud for long periods of time. People who know me personally know the laugh I'm talking about. The one where it's really, really funny. I always smile, and sometimes I'll giggle a little, but it's rare that it gets the full-on treatment.

Today's comic, though, earned that.
#10323 comments|Leave a comment

fucking spyware [Jan. 13th, 2005|12:19 pm]

Alright. All of a sudden, my computer has become a seething den of spyware and the like. Every night when my scanner runs it finds 2 or 3 new things. I have no idea where they're coming from, but it's really starting to piss me off.

The capper was today when it found two different keyloggers, both active in memory. Needless to say, I'm using my mac to change all my passwords right now :P

I don't know where the hell all these things are coming from. I'm not downloading anything, the only ports I have open to my PC are the ones that bittorrent runs on, I don't get email on this machine... Spybot has all sorts of crazy shit blocked.... I just can't figure it out.

Anybody have any ideas? "Switch to linux" and the like will be shot on sight.
#103113 comments|Leave a comment

lookee what I got this weekend! [Jan. 10th, 2005|01:43 pm]

pffffff pffffff


(just the shirt. I've had the ipod for a month or so)
#10303 comments|Leave a comment

Phone Post: Bush pulls a "boner." [Jan. 10th, 2005|12:03 pm]

62K 0:16
“So, I'm listening to the radio on the drive home and, uh, they play a sound byte from Bush talking about elections in Palestine and, uh, and in Iraq, and, uh, he slipped up and said "erection" and then giggled. It was amusing. That's all!”

Transcribed by: [info]bobert225
#10291 comment|Leave a comment

holy crap [Jan. 7th, 2005|12:04 am]

Drawn Together is HILARIOUS.
#10286 comments|Leave a comment

[Jan. 5th, 2005|03:12 pm]

*just fucking dies*
#10241 comment|Leave a comment

hehehe [Jan. 4th, 2005|11:15 am]

#10225 comments|Leave a comment

RIP purple [Jan. 3rd, 2005|03:37 pm]

A little while ago, I finally killed my PC.

Was diddling around replacing a hard drive, a screw got under the motherboard, and took out various subcomponents. It still boots, but sans one IDE channel and god knows what else. Also managed to fry my new USB/Firewire card, though I suspect that was unrelated. Fry's took that back, so yay for $30 for me.

So it looks like laptop for me for a while. Can't afford a new computer right now. Sigh. Lament. Woe.
#10212 comments|Leave a comment

ell oh ell [Jan. 2nd, 2005|05:08 pm]

#10201 comment|Leave a comment

oh yeah, and another thing... [Dec. 30th, 2004|07:55 pm]

[info]dstroy, were you on KATU news tonight? I saw an interview with someone (name I can't remember) who looked a lot like those pictures of you that you're always posting :)
#1019Leave a comment

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