a stem is not a rose ([info]miserymachine) wrote,
@ 2003-07-31 13:20:00
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Current mood: indifferent
Current music:the cure-fascination street

i leave you with photographs, pictures of trickery
here, as promised, are the pictures of my new bangs.

i must make a public disclaimer: the shots all have a lot of contrast in them because they were taken with my friend's web cam, & in their basement the light for the room makes it nearly impossible to see your facial features because it is so bright. i had to have sarah hold a piece of paper over my head the entire time.

deciding if i like the hair

trying to get a shot

concentrating .. but looking like a porn star

pissed off & holding paper up

attempting to look decent

covering my face was a good idea

i also must apologize for all my pouting/sulking.
the camera was really pissing me off & i was having a hard time.

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