Below is information about the "More Than Just Friends Only Banners" community on LiveJournal. To join this community, click here. You may leave the community at any time.
User: | _best_banners_ (4929827) |
Name: | More Than Just Friends Only Banners |
Website: | Theme Contest & Rules |
About: |
What We Do Friends Only Banners Community Promote/Accepted/Rejected Banners User/Community Info Banners Themed Banner Contests
What We Don't Do Icons Layouts
Other If you'd like to become an artist, simply follow the directions in the "Artist Application" section of the community info. However, only artists may post banners, fill requests, and/or compete in weekly banner contests.
By joining this community you agree to, abide by and are subject to the following rules. If you do not follow these rules, you will be given strikes. Anyone receiving over 6 strikes will be banned permanently from the community.
1) All community mods must link back to _best_banners_ 2) You must use the request form 3) You must notify us of a cross-posted request & give the artist/community name 4) No drama 5) No promoting any non-graphics communities/websites 6) Do not comment on someone else's post to make a request 7) Artists will only fill a request up to 4 times 8) Make sure the pic link works 9) Do not comment in an artist's personal LJ or email an artist requesting a banner 10) Anyone wanting to become an artist must fill out an application 11) Credit must be given to the community in your user info. There are "Link Me" buttons specifically designed for this purpose.
How the Strike System Works Each non-compliance with the rules will result in a strke (X). Any person with 6 strikes will be banned from the community. Strikes: ~ Promoting a non-graphics community/website: 6 strikes=immediate banning ~ No credit for community banners: 4 strikes ~ No credit for personal banners: 3 strikes ~ Not using a banner: 3 strikes ~ Non-notification of filled request: 3 strikes ~ Non-notification of crosspost: 2 strikes ~ Drama/Insults: 2 strikes ~ Not using request form: 1 strike ~ Using the comments to make a request: 1 strike
If you want a specific artist to fill your request, please put their name in the subject line of the entry. If you are requesting for a community, you must add _best_banners_ to your list of affiliates.
1) Have you posted this request in another community? If so where? 2) Background pic or color (please include the pix): 3) Font type: 4) Font Color: 5) Friends Only, Comment to be Added yes or no: 6) Text Position: 7) Full color, black & white or tint: 8) Other (border, animation, extra text, etc) Sparkles/glitter do not show up on cursive text:
If you are requesting a glitter info banner, please let us know which style you'd like: Style 1 Style 2
rebel_belle77 picturethis_mrr (pinkmandyrhae) no_quiero_saber lptori2103 _layout_girl (blueberrycherry) astarielle inlovingmemory_ ___ily(amor_para_amar) siriasmelody princessbaby884 h3artl3ss __sadhappysoul sweetlilcandy31 beachcuttie388 blue_eyedsinger forsakensilence _digidoll athena_rayne
All artists are welcome to apply. Please post some examples as well as an email in a new entry. If you have been accepted, you will receive an "accepted" comment in your application post. Included in the post is the code for a banner saying that you're an artist at _best_banners_. You have one week to post that banner in your user info. If you do not post it, you will be removed from the artist list. Once you are listed as an artist, I do expect you to fill requests, post banners, and/or compete in weekly banner contests. Any artist who has not been active in the community for one month will be removed from the artists list.
Week 1
chelsmarie_690 X using the comments section of another post to make a request X not using the request form
LiveJournal Help Page
Communities We've Made Banners For _simply_beauty all_about_blink _jupitersunrise prep_beauty beauty_graphics _love_layouts __take_my_pic __heartaches youandme__xo _inner_hiltons_
Promote Your Community Here
Link Me
Promote Me
Moderated by: rebel_belle77 |
Memories: | 27 entries |
Interests: | 21: animation, banner requests, banners, communities, community banners, disney movies, fo banners, fob, friends, friends only, friends only banner requests, friends only banners, friends only graphics, graphics, images, livejournal graphics, photoshop, pictures, requests, tigers, walt disney. [Modify yours] |
Members: | 150: 1500, 1xalliex3, 1xoliviax4, 2gether4ever_67, ______dancehall, ____sweetdreams, __revealed, __sadhappysoul, _d3adgirlsdanc3, _digidoll, _dont_love_me, _guinnea_pig_, _im__not__okay_, _italianaeri, _layout_girl, _outofmymind_08, _see_spot_rock_, _takeme_breakme, airportgoodbye, alwayzangel2004, ambieschutz, amor_para_amar, angelbaby90216, angelbebs, asrawho, astarielle, athena_rayne, beachcuttie388, beauteful_mess, black_nobility, blood_moth, blue_eyedsinger, blueberrycherry, bluekittyxstar, buttercup_babie, cammienclay, catkat13, cheerbabe004, chelsz_ex_0h, chika216, classic_retro, csolara, cubical_bullets, cut_up_heart, dearxjamie, degrassilover, dreamyourkiss, f0revery0urs831, fallout_emokid, feartheone, fffunky_town, foreverindiana, foreveryours831, forsakensilence, foxamy12, fudge_pop, gcchickie, gigo89, goodbytoyou, h0lly126, h3artl3ss, harrythehobbit, hearts_of_steel, iamabutterfly, ilikesomeonedou, illbendnotbreak, inlovingmemory_, irish__princess, isowantyourbod, jenny1023, jorja__fox, k_l_w, kaisha, kareyellen, ked, kelly_ripa_fan4, kittenchow05, kutie_katie, liljess1708, lilmissjew, loonylaura, lptori2103, luvyducky, me_is_tara04, misslucyharris9, mixed_wun, mixedxemotions0, monique_wa, mood_ring_, moonbunnii, morgaine_nicely, mulletsarehot77, nicole6422, no_quiero_saber, picturethis_mrr, piecesofme46, pinkmandyrhae, pinkpolkadotox, plastic_smiles_, princessbaby884, promise_girl, punkrckprncessx, pyrates_booty, pyro_hi, qirjanran, rachel112005, ratrlz, rebel_belle77, rebelbelle77, redplaidsmly21, rockfaerie101, sammybakerryan, sexxy_plexxi, sexyangel59, sinkintothemoon, siriasmelody, smileygurlxxx, stardropz1023, stella__x, suprfreakyloser, swanprincess316, sweet_misery_0x, sweet_rainfall, sweetlilcandy31, teabag_a_bitch, telltaleraven, themodernage003, thisisntkansas, tomi_teh_willow, toxiclovin, twentynine29, uglybeautyqueen, vanishing_point, warpedme, wastedyouth52, wheresmyprince_, x__makeithurt, x_inthestars_x, x_t0xic, xautobiography_, xdazzler15x, xeatmywordsx, xhopesndr3ams0, xinsidemyeyesx, xlove_me_for_me, xmeowxcorex, xosingerxo, xoso, xoxo_courtney, young_amelia |
Watched by: | 89: 1xoliviax4, ______dancehall, ____sweetdreams, __revealed, _digidoll, _guinnea_pig_, _italianaeri, _layout_girl, _see_spot_rock_, _takeme_breakme, alwayzangel2004, alyah77, amor_para_amar, angelbaby90216, angelbebs, asrawho, astarielle, athena_rayne, beachcuttie388, black_nobility, blueberrycherry, buttercup_babie, cammienclay, catkat13, chelsz_ex_0h, classic_retro, csolara, cubical_bullets, cut_up_heart, dearxjamie, dncrchck9489, dreamyourkiss, f0revery0urs831, fallout_emokid, foreveryours831, forsakensilence, funky_bella, h3artl3ss, hearts_of_steel, iamabutterfly, ilikesomeonedou, inlovingmemory_, irish__princess, isowantyourbod, jenny1023, kareyellen, kelly_ripa_fan4, liljess1708, lilmissjew, loonylaura, lptori2103, misslucyharris9, mixedxemotions0, monique_wa, mood_ring_, moonbunnii, morgaine_nicely, nicole6422, picturethis_mrr, piecesofme46, pinkmandyrhae, plastic_smiles_, princessbaby884, promise_girl, punkrckprncessx, pyrates_booty, pyro_hi, qirjanran, rebel_belle77, rebelbelle77, rockfaerie101, sammybakerryan, siriasmelody, smileygurlxxx, stardropz1023, suprfreakyloser, tieblink56, toxiclovin, uglybeautyqueen, wastedyouth52, wheresmyprince_, x__makeithurt, x_t0xic, xdazzler15x, xeatmywordsx, xlove_me_for_me, xmeowxcorex, xoso, xoxo_courtney |
Account type: | Free Account |