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TeddiBear the Futuristic Butterfly Fairy Cupid

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[10 May 2003|06:31pm]

[ mood | loved ]
[ music | Matrix in the background ]

I'm doing a lot better. It's only been two days, but.. I'm better. I've got my best friend and boyfriend here with us, so we aren't alone. Dad is resting right now. Last night I got 9 straight hours of sleep. Did not wake up once. It was very nice. Best friend slept over, and I don't think I could have done that if she hadn't been here. Sleeping alone wasn't an option last night, nor is it today. We have amazing people around us. We have more food than we know what to do with. Best friend's mom made us three ready-to-pop-in-oven lasagnas. So yes, plenty of food.

I had the feeling mom wasn't going to make it, even before we had to call the ambulance. Just a feeling. The last week or so, I have been preparing myself, so I'm doing a little better than Dad, plus I also wasn't dependant on a woman for 31 years. So, Dad says a lot is going to change. Not sure what, but... I'm willing to listen to him. WE're taking walks and stuff together to get out of the house. It gets easier, until I see something of hers or a note or something, and it gets hard for a little while. But then it's easier again. It comes and goes... But we'll make it.

( Shoot an arrow)

[10 May 2003|06:13pm]

[ mood | cranky ]

Today not going well at all got bitched at several time by my mom (gee theres a surprise). Allergies being a pian in the ass and so is PMS (skipped the green pills again so far no "Aunt Flo" in sight. Am feeling worn out and groggy. Am going to take a nap. I'll be back on as soon as I can.

( Shoot an arrow)

[10 May 2003|06:12pm]


[ mood | worried ]
[ music | calla 'strangler' ]

i find myself worrying that angel will not get picked up for another season... even though everyone is saying that it most definitley will. i mean... if it didnt. Buffy would REALLY be dead. There'd be... nothing! i'd have no reason to live!!

im gonna go get wasted now. (not because of my paranoia about angel... im not THAT pathetic)

(Look! 1 arrow shot through the heart Shoot an arrow)

Sleep [10 May 2003|03:03pm]

My goal of getting lots of sleep hit a major snafu last night at 2am. I discovered new episodes of Undressed we on MTV. When I realized at 2:45 that they would just continue, I popped in a tape and hit record. When I woke up today at 10 I started watching and just when I thought there couldn't be another episode, there was! It was total fun, and I've missed that show.

(Look! 1 arrow shot through the heart Shoot an arrow)

[10 May 2003|02:56pm]


Here is a preview of a batch of icons I just made. You can see the rest at userinfoinfamous_icons

1 //
2 //

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[10 May 2003|12:15pm]

I did some laundry and am cooking pasta with mushroom, garlic and a bit of chili pepper for the pot luck dinner with friends tonight. I haven't done any work work. Just puttering around the house. It was pretty rainy this morning but overall a nice day. Got the ingredients for the pot roast my mama wants me to make for her Mother's Day dinner tomorrow. I should do some work but am not gonna. It can wait til tomorrow *g*

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*yawns* [10 May 2003|10:42pm]

[ mood | geeky ]
[ music | Bryan Adams ~ Summer of 69 ]

userinfomiyake_is_mine; let me know what time you are wanting to go to the gig tomorrow, just leave me a message on here I will check it tomorrow morning. And if the FP guys happen to be there, well lets just say I am not going near them! *stupid grin*

I got my first real six string...... heh heh.

( Shoot an arrow)

[10 May 2003|02:38pm]


HAPPY BIRTHDAY userinfomissdiamondfan!!!

hope it's a great one!!!

(Look! 3 arrows shot through the heart Shoot an arrow)

[10 May 2003|05:31pm]



heyy girls (and guys?). question time: what lipgloss / balm / whatever do you wear to bed to make your lips smooth?

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Icons [10 May 2003|05:18pm]


[ mood | artistic ]


Visit My Icon Making Community Toxicated Angel Icons
Here's a few examples of my work...


Go Check it out.
~Sarz//Toxicated Angel

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Jelly Pong pong? [10 May 2003|02:02pm]


[ mood | curious ]
[ music | Amanda Perez - Angel ]

Hey guys :)

I remember someone posted awhile back that they had bought some stuff from Jelly Pong Pong and so I visited their site and everything there looks and sounds amazing and I'm really eager to try it now! They remind me of like Stila but a little less expensive. Are they good? The eyeshadow colors seem so gorgous and the lipglosses too. They seem pretty cheap..but it's in UK money and I live in the U.S. so do they ship here? And how much would it cost in American dollars? Anybody know, I'd be really thankful

(Look! 1 arrow shot through the heart Shoot an arrow)

Short and Sweet Update... [10 May 2003|01:38pm]

Just talked the dr into letting me come home. It seems my blood count dropped again last night, but only three points. And my BP is holding steady at 90/55. He didn't want me to really come home, but I wanted to come home as I haven't really slept since I regained conciousness. As for what happened, they aren't sure. But I never woke up in recovery, Beloved's 'rents said that I mumbled at them but honestly I don't even recall them being there. I barely recall Paks coming in and was in such pain she swears I was all over the morphine button. I have no idea. I can't recall. Seems I lost a LOT of blood from somewhere and my BP hit a dangerous low (At one point it was 50/30 and I was nearly comatose) Have my percodan and 800Mg IB's so should be good to go. Also have the Dr's private pager number if any of the symptoms start to show. So while almost deaded for a minute there, not happening and as soon as Paksie gets back with the 'scriptions, I'm gonna go get some sleep. Will try to update when am in a lil less pain.

*SMOOOOOOCHIES* and thanks for all y'all who sent hugs and prayers and the like. I've sure needed em

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survey [11 Jun 2003|03:38pm]


Favourite Disney films
[1] Beauty & The Beast
[2] The Lion King
[3] The Lizzie McGuire Movie
[4] Aladdin
[5] Newsies
(If newsies and lizzie don't count then emperor's new groove and lilo and stitch) (oh princess diaries too!! oh gosh its hard to pick!)

Favourite Disney songs
[1] Beauty and the Beast-Little Town song (Bonjour)
[2] Mulan-I'll make a man out of you
[3] Aladdin - "A Whole New World"
[4] CAn you feel the love tonight-Lion king
[5] The Little Mermaid - "Kiss The Girl"

Favourite Disney characters
[1] Belle
[2] Kronk
[3] Mia! (Princess Diaries)
[4] Lizzie (Lizzie McGuire movie)
[5] Simba

(Look! 1 arrow shot through the heart Shoot an arrow)

Icons~ [10 Dec 2002|04:38pm]


[ mood | curious ]

Yes, you heard it. Icons! Those adorably cute Korean Phone screen savers. I just got my program back and can do wonders ^^; I have a few rules though, so lemme lay them out~
1) Credit in keywords or user information. I crack down on icon thieves and people who do not credit. If I catch you, you will regret it entirely!
2) Do not ask me if you can take them, of course you can. Or why else would I be posting them in communities? No duh people =D
3) Customization is okay, even though I'd like base credits
4) Sharing is welcomed =D
5) I am thinking of doing requests, by putting names and whatnot on the icons. If you really want a customized one, comment in my icon journal, userinfokattcon
6) And extra rule, just for userinfomangacatgirl, steal these icons and put them on your site and I will fecking beat your head in, you lil whore n_n; If you want the originals, I WILL GIVE THEM TO YOU! n_n; Anyways, onto the icons!


Happy! Smile! Hello! )

( Shoot an arrow)

Jenna and Madonna. [10 May 2003|01:26pm]


[ mood | amused ]
[ music | P. Diddy "Let's get ill(deepdish mis)" ]

Comment if taking.

(Look! 1 arrow shot through the heart Shoot an arrow)

Caught in an electromagnetic vortex .... [10 May 2003|01:29pm]

I am very wigged out right now.

I was surfing on my PC and it mysteriously shuts off and refuses to turn on again. The very SECOND after it shuts off, the CD in the CD/DVD player ACROSS THE ROOM starts to play a song. There is no reason in the world for it to do this.

Then immediately after, I pick up my cell and try to call J. to tell him what's going on, and of course... the phone acts wiggy too. I hit "talk" to dial and there's no ringing, just background noise like talking, etc. (As if his phone or someone else's is acting like a two way radio or something) Call again, it rings once, then nothing. He tries calling me two or three times and I hear nothing when I answer. I call again and no dialing, it goes straight to his voicemail. It took about 8 calls between the two of us before we connected and it's really NEVER done that before, though I know that cells can be pretty messed up.


( Shoot an arrow)

[10 May 2003|01:33pm]


[ mood | artistic ]

i'm so tired of being herem suppressed by all my childish fears )

(Look! 4 arrows shot through the heart Shoot an arrow)

Latvian pressies [10 May 2003|10:27pm]

[ mood | cheerful ]

Here are the pressies I got:-
Read more... )

(Look! 3 arrows shot through the heart Shoot an arrow)

and two. [10 May 2003|04:25pm]


Got my end of a swap today! Yay!

I swapped a vanilla Bonne Bell flip gloss for the Wet N Wild Candy Corn Megaflavors Gourmet limited edition halloween gloss. The smell is yummy, I'm not sure if it smells like candy corn, but its good nonetheless. I was slightly worried, as the gloss in the box is halloween-orange with tiny, tiny silver microglitter.

Luckily, though, it goes on with just the tiniest bit of color that looks perfect on me, and the glitter looks perfect, adds a nice touch to it. It's really shiny, and pretty tasty! Definately better than that vanilla flip gloss I had!

And, the swapper included some awesome extras (I love when they actually have stuff that I enjoy a lot and mentioned on my list!), and one was another halloween lip gloss! Woohoo! I'm a sucker for halloween stuff.

I can't really tell what flavor this other gloss is, but I think it MIGHT be pumpkin? Maybe also another candy corn, or maybe even cherry. I can't tell. I've never heard of the brand, it's 'Blue Cross Beauty Products', and the gloss is 'Phantom Frights' scented lip gloss. Doesn't say it's flavor or anything, but it's Orange and white layered gloss in a pot. It's really pretty good, too, I'm impressed since most of the halloween makeup I find is cheap and nasty. If anyone can identify this gloss's flavor though, maybe someone else owns it, that'd be awesome.

This brings me up to about 100 lip glosses! Yay!

( Shoot an arrow)

[10 May 2003|04:17pm]

[ mood | okay ]

Just got back from seeing "Identity". GREAT movie. Really enjoyed it and was thrilled and surprised.

And mmm. John Cusack. Can I just cuddle with him? Please? :)

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