Interests: | 137: a cappella, abbey ale, activism, anarchists, anthropology, anti-apartheid, anti-fascism, austin, avenging the ancestors coalition, b3ta, bach, backpacking, baffler, bald heads, baseball, biking, bookstores, boy scouts, brazil, canada, canoeing, carrot juice, cave paintings, caves, che, chemical x, chess, child care, civil rights, community building, cooking, copyright law, creative solutions, cuba, culture, databases, death penalty abolition, defenstrator, direct action, douglas adams, eliot spitzer, eris, esb, ethical consumerism, feminism, fresh basil, gay acronyms, gnosticism, green, guerrilla warfare, guinness, harry potter, haymarket, herbal remedies, heresy, history, hitchhiking, hostels, howard dean, human dignity, human rights, improvisation, indymedia, international solidarity movement, intuitive user interfaces, jane roberts, john brown, john edwards, justice, ktru, la chango family, latin america, liberation theology, lightening, linguistics, mexico, monty python, motorcycles, moxy früvous, mushrooms, nag champa, nonviolence, nowhere girl, npr, open source, opera, overtone singing, pacifica, palestine, patent law, philadelphia, pirate jokes, politics, promoting the gay agenda, protests, psychogenesis, public transportation, punk, puns, purple, queer rights, radio free vestibule, rain, random knowledge, reading, religion, reparations, resistance, revolution, revolutionary personalities, robert jordan, rtmark, salvador dali, selling out, seth material, shakespeare, singing, ska, slashdot, social justice, solidarity, squatting, storms, surrealism, the jayhawks, the vestibules, theology, tom delay, tori amos, tornaod, united fruit company, used books, vegetarianism, vlwc, worker owned businesses, wrigley field, yerba mate. [Modify yours] |