- News
- Where to download
- Installation Instructions
- Third party installers
- AMD 64
- localization
- Alsa and multichannel sound
- SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED failed to get the requested frequency 44100, got 48000
- Unable to initalize OpenGL / Couldn't get a visual
- Unable to initialize OpenGL / fails right after dlopen on gentoo
- How can I get Linux players on my 1.1 Windows server?
- Should I replace libgcc and libstdc++ with the ones from my distro?
- Doom III is hitching on 2.6.9 kernel
- Known issues
- Reporting Bugs
- Links
Wed Dec 1 10:22:38 CST 2004
DOOM III GNU/Linux x86 demo, build 1286
81dcf8ead198f14844c554b25e07abbe doom3-linux-1.1.1286-demo.x86.run
Sat Nov 27 11:18:52 CST 2004
DOOM III GNU/Linux x86 1.1 client and server, build 1286
2a45d0769b39473887c61a11cbba981c doom3-linux-1.1.1286.x86.run
Thu Nov 18 23:23:07 UTC 2004
The Doom3 SDK is released. You can download it from the ftp: ftp://ftp.idsoftware.com/idstuff/doom3/source/linux/. Yeah, there's no torrent for it. I know. I'm lazy.
Fri Oct 1 16:49:13 CEST 2004
DOOM III GNU/Linux x86 demo
DOOM III GNU/Linux x86 1.1 client and server
e08999ebe76e1870e08b24b964af9c07 doom3-linux-1.1.1282-demo.x86.run 342bb266010e610226b254605903230e doom3-linux-1.1.1282.x86.run
This release is compatible with the 1.1 patch for Windows released earlier this week.
Where to download
You can download from id Software's ftp server, or one of it's mirrors. You can also download the files via our
local BitTorrent tracker.
Installation Instructions
Minimum Specs
GNU/Linux system, Pentium III, 1Ghz 256Mb RAM Kernel 2.4, 2.6 is recommended glibc 2.2.4 and up 3D card: NV10 or R200 minimum hardware OpenGL hardware acceleration 64 MB VRAM sound card, OSS or Alsa, stereo sound and 5.1 are supported with both APIs Alsa version 1.0.6 or above is required
Sound card and 3D card are not needed for the dedicated server
Demo installation instructions
By default, the setup will install the files to /usr/local/games/doom3-demo Start the demo with the command: doom3-demo You don't need to copy any files
Patch installation instructions
The following files need to be copied from the win32 install CDs to your base/ directory ( md5 sums provided below as reference ) by default, /usr/local/games/doom3/base 71b8d37b2444d3d86a36fd61783844fe pak000.pk4 4bc4f3ba04ec2b4f4837be40e840a3c1 pak001.pk4 fa84069e9642ad9aa4b49624150cc345 pak002.pk4 f22d8464997924e4913e467e7d62d5fe pak003.pk4 38561a3c73f93f2e6fd31abf1d4e9102 pak004.pk4 Start the game with the command: doom3 Start the dedicated server with the command: doom3-dedicated
Third party installers
Some individuals and distributions are repackaging id software releases for Linux into their own installers. We need to insist here again that this is not legal. You can not tamper with id software's intellectual property by redistributing the games under a modified form. The only distribution format for Id games on Linux is the installer we provide. In particular, it is essential that all users acknowledge the End User License Agreement prompt before any installation. DOOM III on GNU/Linux is a proprietary product, and it cannot be handled in the same way as free software products would.
As a user, you should refrain from using any such third-party installer. Please do not report any setup or runtime bugs if you are not using the official installers.
ATI's Proprietary Linux Drivers (fglrx) version 3.14.6 and up will run DOOM3. Download fglrx from http://www.ati.com/support/drivers/linux/radeon-linux.html.
The DRI drivers for ATI cards may run the game with some tweaking ( you need to apply the S3TC patch for instance ). But the rendering quality will be sub-optimal, as a number of important graphic features are not available in the DRI drivers.
Do not send me reports about the game not working on ATI card. Either with fglrx driver or the DRI driver. We know about this already, and at this point there is nothing we can do.
AMD 64
There are no amd64 builds planned at this time. However the 32 bit binaries will run in a native amd64 environement.
Localization is untested in the Linux builds at this point. More localization features are possible in future release. Until then you should not copy over the zpak000.pk4 file at all.
Alsa and multichannel sound
Starting with build 1286, DOOM III on Linux now supports both Alsa and OSS sound backends, as well as multichannel sound.
If you are having trouble with Alsa, here are a few things you can try:
instead of the default device, try using plughw:0, and surround51 for multichannel. A lot of Alsa installations have a misconfigured default device. You do that by passing +set s_alsa_pcm <alsa_device_name> on the command line.
if you are trying to get multichannel sound, make sure stereo works already. You switch between stereo and multichannel with +set s_numberOfSpeakers 2 and +set s_numberOfSpeakers 6
on amd64 systems you may need to get the snd-ioctl32 module loaded in
Then, if Alsa doesn't work, try using the OSS emulation ( +set s_driver oss ) .. and after that, just use plain OSS ( the OSS/Free implementation, or even better the OSS/Linux one from OpenSound ). OSS is not an outdated and deprecated sound API. It turns out to be much easier to setup and operate than Alsa for a lot of people.
SNDCTL_DSP_SPEED failed to get the requested frequency 44100, got 48000
Deprecated: this issue should only happen if you use one of the old 1282 builds
The sound engine will only output 44.1KHz. This indicates that your sound processing cannot do this and suggests 48KHz instead. Depending on your setup, try to find a configuration that allows 44.1KHz. If you are running artsd for resampling/multiplexing, you can try to reconfigure with the following command: artsd -s 44100 -F 6 -S 256
Unable to initalize OpenGL / Couldn't get a visual
You need to be running a 24bpp desktop. If you use the glxinfo commands, you will see 24bpp modes in the visuals list:
$ glxinfo [..] visual x bf lv rg d st colorbuffer ax dp st accumbuffer ms cav id dep cl sp sz l ci b ro r g b a bf th cl r g b a ns b eat ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 0x21 24 tc 0 32 0 r y . 8 8 8 0 4 24 8 16 16 16 16 0 0 None [..]
Unable to initialize OpenGL / fails right after dlopen on gentoo
Deprecated: this issue should only happen if you use one of the old 1282 builds
This appears to be a specific issue on gentoo with nvidia card. Even with a valid /usr/lib/libGL.so.1, dlopen would fail. One hack around it is to run like that:
$ LD_PRELOAD=/usr/lib/libGL.so.1 doom3
Recompiling glibc and the nvidia drivers with NPTL support should fix the problem:
$ USE="nptl" emerge glibc
You will need to emerge the nvidia drivers configured with NPTL as well.
How can I get Linux players on my 1.1 Windows server?
The Linux paks were not included in the Win32 1.1 release. But you can drop the Linux game pak file in your base/ directory: Linux 1.1 game file for win32 servers
Should I replace libgcc and libstdc++ with the ones from my distro?
While we haven't seen that replacing them will noticeably improve performance, on some distribution (gentoo for instance) this is known to cause crashes. At your own risks.
Doom III is hitching on 2.6.9 kernel
There is a bug in 2.6.9 kernel causing kswapd to stall the system. See http://www.ussg.iu.edu/hypermail/linux/kernel/0410.3/0086.html. Thanks to roothorick for pointing this out.
Known issues
If you happen to go outside, the oxygen meter gauge will remain displayed even after you get back inside.
Doom III would hang during starting if you redirect the output. Pass +set in_tty 0 on the command line to fix: $ doom3 +set in_tty 0 > output.txt
Reporting Bugs
If you want to report an issue with the game, you should make sure that your report is on topic and includes all information useful to characterize and reproduce the bug.
check the
Linux Gamers' FAQ for any issue not covered here
search on
include the computer's hardware and software description ( CPU, RAM, 3D Card, distribution, kernel etc. )
include the output of glxinfo
if appropriate, send a console log, a link to a save game, a screenshot, an strace ..
Note that we can't help you with OS-specific issues like configuring OpenGL correctly, configuring ALSA or configuring the network.
If you are sending a console log, make sure to enable developer output:
$ doom3 +set developer 1 +set logfile 1
Ok, so if you have a relevant and complete bug report, email it to me: ttimo at idsoftware dot com