soma's Journal

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Friday, October 31st, 2003
9:26 am - potion fun!
tennyo + br0k3n = ... )

br0k3n + ? = ... )

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Friday, July 25th, 2003
9:35 am - :O
18.3432% - Geek

wow that's much lower then i thought it'd be
i guess not being into star trek really cuts out a lot of points :P

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Tuesday, October 22nd, 2002
5:39 pm
for some strange reason i'm making this public... but whatever :P

i just finished reading the new Newsweek which came out today. of course the most interesting part (and what i read it for to begin with) was the article about and excerpts from "Journals." this, for those who don't know, is a book being published next month containing contents of the late Kurt Cobain's notebooks/journals/diaries. the excerpts were VERY interesting to read, especially as a Nirvana fan. however, this is also material that was never ever intended to be public as Kurt himself had written:

"The most violating thing ive felt this year is not the media exxagerations or the catty gossip, but the rape of my personal thoughts. Ripped out of pages from my stay in hospitals and aeroplane rides hotel stays etc. I feel compelled to say fuck you Fuck you to those of you who have absolutely no regard for me as a person. You have raped me harder than you'll ever know."

yet even with these words written in his notebooks, his wife has sold them for $4 million and they are being published next month. that just boggles my mind... people will buy them up of course. probably rank on the best seller list somewhere. now that he's gone is it ok for the world to read these things he never wanted us to read? i don't think so and as much as i'd like to read them, i have a lot of respect for Kurt and it just feels wrong to go buy this book full of things he never wanted public so that i can read things i should never be reading and people are getting rich off of it... i'm sure ms. love knows better, yet sold them anyway. $4 million is a lot of money, apparently it's worth more than respecting the privacy of her late husband's "personal thoughts."

whether the publication of these diaries is an enormous invasion of privacy, or not has sparked a great deal of controversy amongst Nirvana fans and even the surviving members of the band as they do not want to be connected at all with this book and it's publishing.

all comments welcome :)

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Saturday, January 1st, 2000
8:00 pm - Notice
sorry, this journal is friends only.
(that means that if you're on my friends list you have to LOG IN FIRST) :P

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